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Canadian soldier downloaded 1,600 child images on CFB computer in Quebec

The clown your talking about is just a sick puke who should be used for organ donations. His goal in life is to be Canada's most prolific killer.
But what is worse is someone who should be protecting us,IE. the judge, said[not exact quote-will find later] "Are you sure this is what you want? It grieves me to have to do this, remember I'm on your side"  SAD!!!
re: so-called "dormant pedophile"
Pedophilia is unacceptable.
Furthermore, I view it as distasteful that anybody would attempt to misdirect societal condemnation of pedophilia, attempting to elicit sympathy by linking this abhorrent behaviour to PTSD
(i.e. it also irks me, inasmuch as this can also be perceived as innuendo simply by mentioned pedophilia and PTSD in the same sentence - pedophilia is despicalble.  PTSD is in no way a crime against society, but rather an "injury" sustained by a human being).

As to "dormant", I suspect it's the philosophical argument that everybody is a "dormant murderer"
(i.e. except that some are able to control their urges).

Yes, theoretically, every human being is capable of various physical acts.
Whether or not they act them out is another thing.
Similarly, everybody has "dormant PTSD" - whether or not "it gets to them" is simply a factor of time, intensity, circumstances, and most of all - support from peers.

And while we're on the topic of criminals who dream of or actually commit sexual acts with children, let's get something else straight:  Pedophilia and sexual assault are two different things.
Catching a pedophile before he or she commits sexual assault is preferable to afterwards.

And, if anybody ever harms my five-year-old son, I've been in the Army during four decades but no amount of military discipline will be able to prevent me from hunting down the animal and neutralising him or her (and, no - I wouldn't necessarily render them permanently "dormant" - it would actually be more fitting justice to introduce a pedophile to the "general population" in our penitentiaries ... so they can personally and repeatedly experience the terror they themselves inflicted upon another human being - one of the few arguments I'll ever accept when debating the death penalty is that "hanging is too good for certain crimes" as oppose to continued, unrelenting, excruciating punishment).

Ever wonder why this particular crime evokes such fierce reactions from soldiers?
Because it's our sworn duty to defend innocents.
Killing the enemy is sometimes a necessary evil - pedophilia is pure evil.

And now, I'm going to go enjoy the rest of the weekend with my beautiful son.
Well done bossi!

I have had a hard time controlling my temper when it comes to this issue while writing a post to share. You have summed up my feelings wholeshot with your last. I am sure that if I had children I may feel the sting of this topic more, hopefully none of us have to react to something as heinous as this.

Sun, July 25, 2004

Cries for help were ignored: ex-soldier

Blames military for child pornography charges


OTTAWA -- A former JTF 2 soldier says the military ignored his cries for help a year before he was charged with sexually assaulting two teenage girls and trafficking kiddie porn. M-Cpl. Denis Morisset, a former signals operator for the elite commando unit, said he repeatedly asked his superiors for help as he sank deeper into depression in 2000.

Morisset told Sun Media during a phone interview from Quebec City that he never would have acted on his sexual urges had the Canadian Forces been willing to help and provide him access to therapy.

"I was trying to get help. I knew there was something wrong and I wanted to fix it," he said.

Morisset blames his behaviour on his JTF 2 boss' reaction to his request for a transfer to a combat unit in 2000, after two years and about 30 deployments with the secretive counter-terrorism unit.

Soldiers recruited for JTF 2 are considered the smartest and most physically fit of the Canadian Forces.

Morisset said with his 17-years of service he expected a quick approval, instead the brass insisted he transfer to Kingston and teach his trade to new recruits.

"I was put on a shelf because someone didn't like me," he said. "It's like I lost all my confidence in the army. They completely refused everything I wanted."

Morisset said he spiralled into depression and began surfing the net and joining chat groups. Morisset said he also began seeing a military psychologist.

In December 2000, after being transferred to the Defence Department headquarters in Ottawa, Morisset said he reached an all time low and met with two Gatineau teenage girls for sex.

That same month he confessed his acts and his penchant for kiddie porn to a friend -- a military police officer.

He was advised to get help from his military psychologist. Morisset said he told his psychologist everything, and was advised to take a break from work.


"The only thing they could think to do was send me home on vacation with drugs," Morisset said.

Morisset got his transfer to CFB Valcartier shortly after and began consulting a new military psychiatrist. He also continued to surf the net at work and at his new Quebec City home.

Early last year he was charged by the NIS with a slew of child pornography offences after his home computer was seized.

Valcartier bosses had known for eight months that Morisset had downloaded 1,600 pornographic images at work, but didn't call the NIS until after Morisset was charged.

Last fall Morisset pleaded guilty to two charges of possession of child pornography and was sentenced to three years in prison. He served less than half that time.

The Canadian Forces have refused to comment on Morisset's allegations.

But Lt. Morgan Bailey, spokesperson for the military's health services group, said every soldier has access to a 24-hour helpline that offers referrals to military and civilian doctors.

"Mental health has become one of the foremost priorities of the Canadian Forces Health Services Group," Bailey said.
So he asked for help. Um, correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the services of a psychologist considered appropriate help for mental/emotional problems? What did he expect to get, a brain transplant to replace the evil thoughts? Let's not forget that he's also complaining that his boss sent him to a rear echelon job rather than a combat unit. Sorry, but I'm definately with the boss on this one. The last place I'd want to see a person with serious mental problems is a combat unit.

If he felt he really needed help but wasn't receiving enough from the military, then why didn't he seek it out privately as well? Does he expect us to believe that a soldier with 17 years in has no idea how to take initiative? At the bare minimum I'd expect he'd know how to take responsibility for his own actions. Seems not though.

With this and a certain F-16 pilot there seems to be a disgusting amount of "yes I did it, but it's somebody else's fault" going around.
If he had enough initiative to get in and work with JTF then he had more than enough initiative to reach out further.

In my experience the CF makes it very easy for those in high stress positions to get the help they need. It was offered to me several times during SwissAir and the offers kept coming after. There is also the internal system of Padres there as well, Padres never leave you alone, I mean, they are always around somewhere and they are some of the best guys to talk to. Point is, this guy had several options, now he should go to jail and rot. BYEEEEE

Just thoughts

Well its been pretty much said what should happen to the person in question...No tolerance for stuff like that, and his repeated requests for help...I wonder how loud he was asking?

The only other thing I'll say is that of course our lovely left-wing socialist press had to mention that he had served in the JTF2. Thanks a bunch for that! ::)

Well, one more media story that the public in general can use to slag the service. :salute:

Slim :cdn:
I am always very sceptical of those who get caught and then say "I asked for help and was ignored". So let me get this straight, he's a pedophile, knows it, knows it's fu**ing evil & sick, asks for help, gets ignored......and stops there? what did he say to himself..."Oh, well, I guess it's not that important.....where's my computer."?!?!?!

This guy should have walked up to the first cop he saw and said, "I am a pedophile, and don't want to be....help me please."

As sick as this pricks are, and as hated as they are, no decent cop would either: a-turn him down, or b-beat the snot out of him. He would get help....very quickly.

Common sense. If your mind is fu**ed, and your gonna hurt someone, you tell someone before you do it.

And don't even bring up PTS, Fetal Alcohol, or a mean daddy.......lots of others have experienced this, and don't rape anyone......nevermind the fact that pedophilia is incurable and definately not caused by adult experience....(ergo - no PTS defence).

What a sick and lame sh**pump.
Freight_Train said:
Morisset told Sun Media during a phone interview from Quebec City that he never would have acted on his sexual urges had the Canadian Forces been willing to help and provide him access to therapy...

Morisset said he also began seeing a military psychologist...

Morisset said he told his psychologist everything, and was advised to take a break from work...

"The only thing they could think to do was send me home on vacation with drugs," Morisset said...

Morisset got his transfer to CFB Valcartier shortly after and began consulting a new military psychiatrist.

ags281, I'm not getting it either. This sounds like therapy to me.

He was getting the help that he claims he needed but was denied. What would he have us do, lock him up? Well, now he is. Castrate him? Maybe not a bad idea - more merciful than some of the suggestions above... I'm solidly behind excoelis, bossi, commando_wolf63 and Bruce, though. When someone takes advantage of an innocent child in that manner, they cease to be a human being and become an animal, and society has a duty to excise the cancer. Lock the guy up and throw away the key - and may God have mercy on him.
The whole situation is just plain 'ol wrong on so many different levels.