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Canadian soldier downloaded 1,600 child images on CFB computer in Quebec


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Military brass in Quebec waited eight months to call the cops after discovering a soldier was using a Canadian Forces computer to traffic child pornography and had downloaded 1,600 images while he was working. According to documents obtained by Sun Media, officials at CFB Valcartier discovered in June 2002 that the father of three was using a work computer to lure teenage girls to nude photo shoots, by promising them modelling contracts, but was also distributing child pornography.

The discovery came only a few months after he had already appeared in court for sexually assaulting two teenage girls.

Master Cpl. Denis Morisset's superiors at 5 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group dealt with his illegal behaviour by cutting off the Internet connection from the computer, according to an exchange of e-mails at Valcartier.

Morisset has since pleaded guilty to sexual assault and to trafficking and possessing child pornography.

In 2003, Morisset was sentenced to three years in prison and three years probation. He was discharged from the military last November, 20 months after his first sex assault charge.

Neither National Investigation Service spokesman Capt. Mark Giles, nor Valcartier spokesman Maj. Mario Couture could explain why military brass waited so long to probe Morisset's use of the office computer.

They also couldn't say why Morisset was allowed to stay on the job as his case went through the courts, although Giles insisted the military has "zero tolerance" toward porn.

"The bottom line is he still goes to jail for a long period of time and he's getting punished for his overall activity and his crimes against society," Giles said.

Back in March 2002 the NIS charged Morisset with sexually assaulting two teenaged girls in Hull. And in October 2002, the NIS in Hull laid a number of child porn offences after seizing his home PC.

At that time the NIS was unaware Morisset was using a Valcartier computer to traffic porn, because Morisset's superiors hadn't alerted the military police.


Oh boy, now this is sure to cause a PR nightmare.

I hope this guy spends his fair share of time in the slammer.

I have pity for this guys 3 children, their father is a real lamer.
All this could have been easily dealt with....

Truly now, this disgusts me to no end!

PR nightmare or not, facts are facts, and like the above post, he should pay the nastiest punnishment available. Heck, hangings to good for him, maybe the mothers of sexaully abused children should have a go at him?

It goes to show you that no one is ammune to such abhorrent behaviour.

I trust your DFDA (Defence Force Discipline Act) makes a most CLASSIC example out of him giving him the most maximun punnishment allowed. Zero tolerance for such bevahoiur is the only outsome.

Put him in mainstream population of a gaol, and they'll teach him some tolerance. Even in the prison culture, they even have codes of conduct.


Makes me think of that Rowan Atkinson skit where he's playing the Devil ("but you can call me Toby")

Something to the tune of "rapists and pedophiles, if you could just line up in front of this small guillotine" (indicates waist height)
The guy obviously needs counselling.  Well, now he'll get his shot at playing the "teenage girl" in prison when he becomes Killer's bitch for several years.

And what the hell happened to the zero tolerance?
I think the issue is that the military brass waited 8 months to do something about it.  I can't hold the Forces responsible for the action of one member, but I can hold them responsible for the inaction of the brass.
Just goes to show your likely to find sickos anywhere.

Infanteer has the right idea.
Makes me recall SHARP training. I was told, by one of my superiors, unofficially of course, that SHARP was brought in so that you'd have NO excuse under those circumstances and so that they could nail your backside firmly to the wall. We all know that there are many more reasons than that, but I do think that SHARP was brought in so that the CF could protect itself by leaving itself an out in situations like these. It was explained to me that under SHARP guidelines, once you had received the training that you did not pass "GO" it was just straight on with how you were to be dealt with.

Ahhhhhh, what would Maclean's, the CBC or The Globe and Mail be if we didn't always have Military Members screwing up?

I mean no humour in that remark.

People giving there opinion on this case are probably dormant pedophile. No one knows what happen to this guy to act like he did. Before judging so fast we should get both side of the story. No one is away from depression, PTS and other kind of problem. Think about that.

This dormant pedophile thinks you need to get a grip!  >:(  It's just a matter of time before pedophiles who look at kiddie porn act on their sick drives.  Poor baby, I guess society drove him to do it.  Infanteer has the right idea!  I, for one, DO have zero tolerance for this behaviour. 
Listen buds,

PEDOPHILIA is a COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE manifestion of stress in my opinion.

People giving there opinion on this case are probably dormant pedophile

Yeah, thanks for the psychology lesson there Sigmund.

Hell of a first post ::)

dmt28 said:
People giving there opinion on this case are probably dormant pedophile. No one knows what happen to this guy to act like he did. Before judging so fast we should get both side of the story. No one is away from depression, PTS and other kind of problem. Think about that.

I'm with excoelis on this one. That line of reasoning is complete garbage. Such violation of children is totally unacceptable irrespective of the perpetrator's state of mind. I am completely apalled that you could believe this kind of behaviour is acceptable under any circumstances.

The above argument makes just as much sense as someone saying "sorry, but because he was drunk he didn't know that raping your daughter was wrong, so he can't be held responsible for his actions."  Complete garbage.

I smell a troll.
Dmt...you are giving an opinion on this case does this mean your a dormant pedophile as well?
Wish I could post what I'd like to say to you but I like my job even more.
So I'll just say this,                                                          ,                                            !

Disgusting disgusting disgusting.

For once I agree with Infanteer.

It makes me angry that things like this are allowed to happen.

You know that dmt won't come back and that he/she was just either a wanker, or someone who made that account for that topic specifically. That is the detraction of the internet, to hide behind the computer screen.

Ah well, at least the great majority of us know and do the right thing.
It is still very distressing to me that he had the time to gather over 1600 hundred images. As for what should be done with him....Infanteer? Please lead the way.

I know that mention was made that this bloke may have been suffering PTS, so what? In the end he was still wrong. Rehabilitate him concerning the PTS then lock the sick SOB up!

There are no excuces for sexually abusing children. Any excuse that a pedo uses is lame, put the offender in the general prison population why should a pedo be in protected custody. what about their Innocent victim.
Look at the guy whos in the news. He had over 60 sexual and violent counts against him.  EVERYONE including the guys mother was saying he should NOT be let out of prison. Everyone was saying he WILL sexually assauly, rape or hurt someone again. I think he even said he's sick and needs help. Whats the goverment do? Sets him free, hes back in jail waht, within 48 hours? Making death threats. Our justice system is screwed up.