Some new numbers
from Angus Reid (full poll in .pdf
19% think the Afghan government will be able to take care of its own security needs without assistance from international troops in 2011
56% disagree with the extension of the mission until 2011
35% (+5) think the Harper government has effectively explained the mission in Afghanistan
42% (+8) would you agree with the Canadian government actively negotiating with the Taliban
Considering this very site has proven how easy it is to manipulate the results of on-line polls, I find it surprising that this poll is given much credibility in the first place.
The questions themselves are hokey as well.
How is that the average canadian is expected to be knowledgable enough to know whether a foreign government can survive on its own or not? Is there some secret self-educating online course out there Ive never heard of on this subject? This question should have a Part 2 follow-up:
"What credentials do you possess to support your judgement?"
a) read the newspapers every day
b) university education, special interest group or anti-war group
c) went on holiday there once or visited as part of political delegation
d) worked there within the last two years
e) was born there and later moved to Canada
f) other (please specify) _______________________
Same with the next question, there should be a Part 2 detailing
why they think the mission should end.
"I disagree with the extension of the mission until 2011 because..."
a) Im opposed to any form of fighting
b) I belong to a group that protests fascist colonization of foreign countries
c) I dont like Harper
d) I dont like the military
e) politicians can solve this more quickly and successfully.
f) other (please specify) _______________________
I would especially love to see answers as to why we should even
think of negotiating with the Taliban:
"Canada should negotiate peace with the Taliban because..."
a) Because the Taliban is a legitimate political party well-known for its honesty and willingness to deal fairly.
b) Because they are really a nice bunch of guys who have been the victim of bad publicity.
c) Because they only make bombs and behead people as part of protecting themselves from foreign oppression.
d) Because I dont like Harper or the military.
e) Because Im pretty sure there's some legal organization out there who can take them to court and give them a really big punitive fine if they break any agreement.
f) other (please specify) _______________________
Sarcasm intended, bias unavoidable....