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Canadian Military Slang

Also, they should add my personal favourite.... "Whiskey-Tango_Foxtrot????"
scoutfinch said:
They need to add the Rocket. 

Anyone can edit the list, hit the "edit" tab at the top of the page.

Since the quality of the page is already doubtful, insert all your favourite fake slang.    >:D
Well, no idea why this came up after so long, so I thought I would contribute a new one.

FUBIJAR = eFf yoU Buddy, I'm Just A Reservist, good for whenever a soap is busting you down for useless stuff.

POOMA = Pulled Out Of My A** (there is another variant, I like this one better though... Beware of the chocolate POOMA)
Sgt  Schultz said:
Circus Battalion2 - (derogatory name for any Service Battalion, regular or reserve). Usually employed by members to describe the lack of organisation that traditionally plagues these units, i.e. They bring big tents and are staffed by clowns.

Blah hahahahahaha that is so my old unit.


I must know you - we danced in the same circles!!
B.O.H.I.C.A. - Bend Over, Here It Comes Again

C.O.C.K.- Confirmation of Combat Knowledge

S.N.A.F.U. -  Situation Normal; All Fucked up

What is a Pongo exactly? I've always wondered that.

"Anyone know why all the Navy ships have liquid soap in the showers? It takes longer to pick up"

SOLDIER702 said:
What is a Pongo exactly? I've always wondered that.

Pon"go\, n. (Zo["o]l.) Any large ape; especially, the chimpanzee and the orang-outang. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.

From Wikipedia:

The term 'Pongo', as in where the army goes the pong goes, or 'Perce' is often used by Sailors and Royal Marines to refer to soldiers. It is not considered complimentary.
Thanks to Google, the first returned hit is:

Meal, Ready-to-Eat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Meal, Ready-to-Eat, or MRE (pronounced "M-R-E") is a self-contained, individual field ration in lightweight packaging procured by the United States ...
PMedMoe said:
The term 'Pongo', as in where the army goes the pong goes, or 'Perce' is often used by Sailors and Royal Marines to refer to soldiers. It is not considered complimentary.

My dad (a sailor) told me a story about a decree coming down from the UK MOD to "Cease and desist referring to Infantry personnel as pongo's"

So the Air Force promptly put out a message stating "The reference to Infantry personnel as pongos shall cease forthwith."

The RM issued a similar directive that "Referring to infantry Personnel as pongos shall be prohibited."

The navy also issued a directive that "All pongos shall henceforth be known as Infantry personnel."
seccee99 said:
Just curious what MRE's stands for - I beleive they are American rations.....

Notwithstanding the "official" version above, they are commonly considered "Meals Rejected by Everyone".
John Wayne: usually used to describe toilet paper, i.e.. "Its rough, its tough, and it won't take sh*t from nobody!"
One I like to use, and i don't know if I came up with it, but I've never heard anyone else use it (still waiting for it to catch on  ;) ) is a variation of "sh!tpump"....

I like to refer to someone who is seemingly always on light duties, either legitmately or not, as a "chitpump".
Also heard "ready for tacos" as a refference to RFT personel in St. Jean (which is properly know as "Saint Jeen" around here).
BOHICA - Bend Over, Here It Comes Again
Belt-Fed - See "BOHICA" above..
Belt-Fed, Rapid Fire - See "Belt-Fed" above
Bird-Gunners - Air Defense Artillery
Mud-Gunners - Artillery
Death Tech - Infanteer
BinRat55 said:

I must know you - we danced in the same circles!!

Just may be... you never know.

Another word/slang:

Spent Casing: someone that has "lost it / is out to lunch".
