Good day,
I just finished the last of the OPME courses in December. I had one of the University level courses and one of the Professional level courses completed prior to the end date of the previous OPME program’s demise. As previously mentioned, if you had one of the Universities level courses completed prior to the end date, you can continue the program. In order to this you need to apply for an ILP at the CDA website and then apply to RMC as either an Interest Only or Visiting Student (or as an Undergraduate if you plan to carry on with your education). I had no problem getting into any of the courses I needed, however after the disappointment of getting turned down so often with the old program, I ensured I registered early each semester.
I received my final grades on 20 Jan 14. I then emailed the continuing education people at RMC and they ensured that the courses I did under the old program were transferred for University credit at RMC. At the same time I was put in touch with a member at CDA who transferred my University credits to OPME credits, these credits showed up on my MPRR on 24 Jan 14.
I don’t know the end date for getting the old OPME program credits; however, if you’re interested, act fast. Some of the RMC courses (used in the method I’ve outlined above) are currently on the chopping block and may not be offered in the future.
I’m currently finishing up the DMASc program and recommend that if you’re interested in obtaining a Degree, just go for it. The hassles of obtaining the Diploma first are not worth it. I was lead to believe that I could roll the DMASc into a BMASc and only have to complete 10 courses for a 3 year RMC degree. This is incorrect. Of the 20 courses you do in the Diploma, you’ll get credit for the Diploma (10 credits) and one credit for each RMC course you have completed. (5 credits, there are 5 RMC courses involved in the DMASc program). This means you still need to complete 15 courses to complete a BMASc, for a total of 35 credits over the two programs. If you just apply to RMC into a 3 year Degree program it takes only 30 credits to complete. Just my thoughts.
As for the Defence and Security Certificate through Algonquin College, I can see why the CF is pushing it; they spent a lot of time and money developing it with Algonquin. It’ll be a great opportunity for those looking for some minor post-secondary education. However, if you’re interested in going on to a Degree, ensure this is the correct path for you. Do your homework to ensure you don’t waste your time on education that can’t be easily transferred to future programs you may be interested in. Again, just my thoughts.
I hope this information helps everyone.
Stephen Amos