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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

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Eric16 said:
How much harder is the actual CFAT comparing to the practice one?

I'd personally say its "much harder" but its not that hard.

I failed my CFAT I think 2 years ago, I am thinking of redoing it. I don't know which parts I did bad, hell I didn't even know that I failed. I had to call them and ask them for the results.

The day my CFAT was on they were doing some sort of a training thing in case the building was on fire, or in case of other things were to go wrong, or what not. So we were moved to another location. It was an interesting day haha.
Deadpoetic6 said:
Do you have access to a pen and a sheet of paper, or do you have to do all the maths in your head?

CFAT - General Question - Math - Pencil & Paper allowed?

See also,

CFAT paper and pencil or CFAT paper and pen,

Just curious if there is a set of key words that are associated with your results after your CFAT and again after your interview.
I have seen different adjectives used throughout the forums that people where told.  Such as Ideal Candidate for your selected trades or preferrered candidate etc.

I know exact results of the CFAT are not shared with applicants.  Is the MP factor shared with them if they ask as they finish the process?

Another question is what is the weighting of the CFAT results.  Or is it just a pass/fail to meet requirements for your desired trade combined with other documents and the results that builds the complete file.

What I mean is that if someone "aced" the CFAT would he, given everything else being equal, be "merited" higher then a candidate who scored lower.

Our is the process so much more complex then I am envisioning.

Cheers and once more thank you for the boards.  A wealth of information that I wish every recruiter nudged candidates to read through.

Has your son - who should really be doing this - read through "Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) FAQ" at http://army.ca/forums/threads/23193.0.html? If not, then he should. If these questions were not answered within the 35 pages there, then somebody will fill in any gaps. I will merge these two threads soon, as there is no need to have yet another one for the same topic.
Are we allowed to suggest people study up on a certain type of question?
I just wrote the CFAT yesterday, and I know I would have loved to have had some practice on questions like the type I am thinking of.
thematrixiam said:
Are we allowed to suggest people study up on a certain type of question?
I just wrote the CFAT yesterday, and I know I would have loved to have had some practice on questions like the type I am thinking of.

Did they make you sign anything that says "do not speak about the questions you saw on this test?". If not, then I would say have at 'er.

Also, I'm curious now (also because I like tests), what was the question you had trouble with?
thematrixiam said:
Are we allowed to suggest people study up on a certain type of question?
I just wrote the CFAT yesterday, and I know I would have loved to have had some practice on questions like the type I am thinking of.

So long as you aren't posting the "actual" questions, you're more than welcome to suggest generic "study" resources. 
Perfect. Not the same question, just generic info.

One big type of question I recommend getting practice on is problems with decimal places with percentage and percentages, and more percentages.

For example

10,000 Potatoes - reg price $10.10

55% of Potatoes sold at 55% off
23% of Potatoes sold at 23% off
5% of Potatoes sold at 5% off
The rest sold at 2% off

How much money was made.


I know if I had practice on questions like that I could have done it much faster. But not having the practice definitely slowed me down.
thematrixiam said:
Perfect. Not the same question, just generic info.

One big type of question I recommend getting practice on is problems with decimal places with percentage and percentages, and more percentages.

For example

10,000 Potatoes - reg price $10.10

55% of Potatoes sold at 55% off
23% of Potatoes sold at 23% off
5% of Potatoes sold at 5% off
The rest sold at 2% off

How much money was made.


I know if I had practice on questions like that I could have done it much faster. But not having the practice definitely slowed me down.

I got 100% in Integral Calculus in University, and I still can't multiply decimals in my head or on paper with any kind of speed or accuracy.
I had the CFAT test yesterday. All I can say is that if you are comfortable with multiplication, long division, and working with fractions/decimals - you should be fine for it. There were also a few questions involving multiplication/division with decimals. I think 1 or 2 questions with proportions (ex.: If 5 of X costs 1 dollar, how much/many X could you buy with 3.75$). I don't think there was any algebra. Use your time wisely, the practice Aptitude test helps - but if you could find online practice sheets for multiplication/long division - then you should probably focus on that if you're weak.
I did the CFAT yesterday and the only thing that was really hard was multiplying fractions and decimals is together or individually. and also finding the next number type of questions can be annoying. Just polish up on mental math and such. Other then that it was pretty easy.

Oh, also practice while being timed, Having the clock run while you practice can greatly help you practice and reduce unnecessary stress.

Now i wait for call for my medical....

Good luck!
Somewhere, within these thirty-five pages, lies your answer...
Give a girl a fish, feed her for a day.

Teach a girl to fish, feed her for life.

You will learn, and benefit, more this way.

Most of these long threads are long because people keep asking the same questions rather than read what is already there for the taking.
Loachman said:
Give a girl a fish, feed her for a day.

Teach a girl to fish, feed her for life.



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Loachman said:
Give a girl a fish, feed her for a day.

Teach a girl to fish, feed her for life.

You will learn, and benefit, more this way.

Most of these long threads are long because people keep asking the same questions rather than read what is already there for the taking.

Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a night.

Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life...