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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

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7Isleblue said:
So, yay, I made it in the Forces! As a reserve navcomm.

Not saying that's a bad career option, don't get me wrong, it's just not what I wish to see myself into for the long term.

Problem is, I contacted my recruiter to see what other MOCs I was qualified for and... the answer was "one;bos'un." :l

My question is, even though I did pass the CFAT, is it possible to take it again to score higher?

Also, is my limited choice due only to my CFAT score or can it also have to do with the fact that I do not yet have my High School diploma?

(I did search through the forums for answers to my questions but couldn't find what I looked for. Sorry if it has already been answered, feel free to delete my post and direct me to the proper thread if necessary)

Can you clarify whether or not you have enrolled or not? If you have you'd have to request a transfer to another trade
7Isleblue said:
I don't believe there's any ambiguity, here :P

I'd leave this up to DAA and his ilk but I think you need a transfer if you want to get into another trade. Look up "Occupational Transfer" on this forum and it'll give you an idea what you can do, how long to wait etc.
7Isleblue said:
I don't believe there's any ambiguity, here :P

In that case and to answer your question, the only way you can rewrite the CFAT now, is if you decide to transfer into another Res F occupation which is available within the NAVRES, for which you didn't originally qualify for and only if they are willing to process your request.  The only other option available is to try and request a CT to the Reg F.

You probably did qualify for other occupations, just not occupations which are available with NAVRES.
Hello, I recently took the CFAT today and didn't fare as well as I had hoped. Nonetheless I will be pursuing a retake of the CFAT at the earliest possible time after the 3 month wait.

My initial question is: Is there a variation in the required CFAT scores among the different trades of officers? IE Armour Officer, Infantry, Legal etc? I was denied as a Reserve Force Arty Officer but my real goal is to eventually become an Infantry Officer in the regular force*. (see note at the bottom)

This leads me to a second question.. I was also offered a placement as a NCM, given that I complete/Show intent on completing university and retake the CFAT could I file back into the officer stream after getting the sufficient grade? This would allow me to complete BMQ this summer and still be on track should I be granted this opportunity. In addition this will give me some extra experience as a NCM which from my perspective could only benefit me.

*(I'm currently in University right now and I told my recruiter this as the unit in my area is an artillery regiment, he seemed to have no problem my aspiration and said I could transfer between trades if spots became available)
Try reading through http://army.ca/forums/threads/23193.0.html

I'll be merging this thread with it once the Recruiters have replied.
Good day Ajacied34,

You would have been informed of the occupations you qualified for from the recruiter conducting your interview after you wrote the CFAT. I have copied and pasted the read first post that you did not read prior to the submission of your question on this form. 

Welcome to the “Ask a CAF Recruiter” section. The members tagged as “CAF Recruiter” are official Canadian Armed Forces recruiters. They will identify themselves with their rank, first name and the Forces.ca avatar. In order to best answer questions, there are some rules that need to be adhered to.

This section is for persons who have questions about joining the Canadian Armed Forces, occupations, different enrolment programs, and prerequisites. Much of the information can be found at Forces.ca, or the Recruiting FAQ and wiki section of this site. Before you ask a question, you should be searching the forum or the Forces.ca website for these answers.

We will not answer questions about technical difficulties with the application process, or the website. We will not answer questions about difficulties contacting your recruiting centre or general inquires with regards to your current application or file. These questions can be asked here: http://forces.ca/en/page/contactus-73
Hi, I'm preparing to do my cfat and was wondering what resources you guys used? I read there is a site ******** that has stuff to study and practice tests but i wanted to check if anyone has tried it. Any suggestions??
I'm about to write my CFAT. I heard it is challenging and that i need to study for a few months. My recruiter pointed me to ********. I think i'm going to sign up as they seem to have study guides and a lot of practice exams. Will report back.
Antoine4554 said:
Hi, I'm preparing to do my cfat and was wondering what resources you guys used? I read there is a site ********** that has stuff to study and practice tests but i wanted to check if anyone has tried it. Any suggestions??

You about done advertising your site? Coming here, masquerading, is not the way to get started on this site.

Good Day,

I recently wrote the CFAT. While my results were obviously not disclosed, I was told along with a group of other applicants that we had all written successfully. I am going the DEO route, while most of the others were NCM types. I am trying to interpret this feedback and what it means for my candidacy for my desired occupation. Does this mean my results were sufficient to qualify for the officer occupation or could it just mean that I did well enough to get into the Forces overall? Would they have told me immediately if I didn't score well enough for my desired occupation?

Thank you
Good day Soldier2112,

Welcome to the “Ask a CAF Recruiter” section. The members tagged as “CAF Recruiter” are official Canadian Armed Forces recruiters. They will identify themselves with their rank, first name and the Forces.ca avatar. In order to best answer questions, there are some rules that need to be adhered to.

This section is for persons who have questions about joining the Canadian Armed Forces, occupations, different enrolment programs, and prerequisites. Much of the information can be found at Forces.ca, or the Recruiting FAQ and wiki section of this site. Before you ask a question, you should be searching the forum or the Forces.ca website for these answers.

We will not answer questions about technical difficulties with the application process, or the website. We will not answer questions about difficulties contacting your recruiting centre or general inquires with regards to your current application or file. These questions can be asked here: http://forces.ca/en/page/contactus-73
Good Day,

I recently wrote the CFAT. While my results were obviously not disclosed, I was told along with a group of other applicants that we had all written successfully. I am going the DEO route, while most of the others were NCM types. I am trying to interpret this feedback and what it means for my candidacy for my desired occupation. Does this mean my results were sufficient to qualify for the officer occupation or could it just mean that I did well enough to get into the Forces overall? Would they have told me immediately if I didn't score well enough for my desired occupation?

Thank you
And ANOTHER merge.

FFS, people - once CFAT is replaced by assessing one's ability to read, understand, and follow simple direction given during the Army.ca registration process, read, understand, and follow stickied threads with "READ FIRST" and such in the titles, read and understand older threads, and use the Search Function, admission into the CF is going to plummet.
Hi Everyone,
        After Google search/browsing Army.ca I couldn't find my answer to this question, some people based on my research said the CFAT is quite difficult, while others said it is quite easy. I know CFAT is to determine whether you are suitable for the trades you selected. I know my verbal skill (Synonyms and Antonyms) suck, I did some verbal aptitude test online, out of 20 questions, I scored 12 out of 20 (Medium Level Test) which is pretty bad. My current education level is grade 10 actually going into grade 10 in September, currently 14 turning 15 in July. I am very good at Math/Spatial, did some aptitude test (Fraction, decimal Because CFAT have fraction/decimal questions) Out of 28 questions I scored 26/28 cause its all fractions/decimal pretty easy for me, Spatial also pretty easy out of 10 questions I score 9 out of 10. I am planning to join CF naval reserve next year as; naval combat information Operator for my first choice, Naval Communicator for my second choice, Boatswain for my third choice. If I do bad on verbal section but did pretty good on Spatial/Math can I make it into NCIO trade, Boatswain, and NC or Recruitment Center will offer me another trade. I hope someone can give me a good explanation about enrollment, and what I need to work on to do good on verbal section of CFAT. Thank you and have a nice day :)                                                                                                                                                                                       
                                                                                                                                                                  ~ Eric
Hello Internet,

I'm applying to join the reserves,specifcally The Queen's Own Rifles in Toronto. Today I got a call giving me a date and time in which I was schedualed to write the test, but not a location. Is there a location where everyone in Toronto writes the test? Do I go to the armoury of the battalion I'm applying to?

Thank you so much for your time.
It should be at 4900 Yonge St (Yonge & Sheppherd) Canadian Forces Recruitment Centre.

Call your recruiter to verify location & time.
So I failed my CFAT and really am trying to pass it. What topics on Khan academy should I focus on? There are a ton of them but don't know which ones to focus on that would be on the CFAT. Thank you for your help:)