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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

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CDN Aviator said:
Aptitude and education are 2 seperate issues.

Aptitude is a indicator of ones general grip on things. Higher educated people tend to be higher scored in the CFAT. Relatively young highschool dropouts with little or no work experience on average aren't going to outscore too many unless they are an idiot savant.  Education reflects your aptitiude or your exsposure to the problems handed to you in the CFAT or pretty much most other aptitude tests out there. Both go hand in hand through life.

Snafu-Bar said:
Aptitude is a indicator of ones general grip on things. Higher educated people tend to be higher scored in the CFAT. Relatively young highschool dropouts with little or no work experience on average aren't going to outscore too many unless they are an idiot savant.  Education reflects your aptitiude or your exsposure to the problems handed to you in the CFAT or pretty much most other aptitude tests out there. Both go hand in hand through life.

Actually, I disagree with you.  I have seen people with a lot of aptitude, and less education; at the same time people with a lot of education and absolutely no aptitude.  I agree with CDN Aviator, that they are two separate things, but can be indicators towards each other. 
George Wallace said:
Actually, I disagree with you.  I have seen people with a lot of aptitude, and less education; at the same time people with a lot of education and absolutely no aptitude.  I agree with CDN Aviator, that they are two separate things, but can be indicators towards each other. 

Agreed George. Now I have no idea if its still the same testing theory but way back in 1978 a 17 year old dropout got told that he scored high enough for any trade he wanted............

.".we just this little problem about a criminal record and the 6 months after finishing probation.......but, hmmm,...hey wait, how would you like the Artillery?" ;)
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Agreed George. Now I have no idea if its still the same testing theory but way back in 1978 a 17 year old dropout got told that he scored high enough for any trade he wanted............

Sounds like moi, but im still going to get my GED....

Allow me to seperate the education and replace it with general Intelligence. I agree that the term education is misleading and not the right word to use.

Again, two completely different things.  The CFAT is an aptitude test, not an intelligence test.  Nor is it an IQ test.
George Wallace said:
The CFAT is an aptitude test, not an intelligence test.  Nor is it an IQ test.

With that said, there is now a fourth section on the CFAT called General Cognitive Ability that does appear to be very much like a standard IQ test (akin to any online version you will find, anyway). I recall being told this was "experimental" at the time of my testing and nothing more was ever said about it nor about the results. I wonder if test takers will ever find out their scores from this section and/or what they are being used for, if anything.
Celticgirl said:
With that said, there is now a fourth section on the CFAT called General Cognitive Ability that does appear to be very much like a standard IQ test (akin to any online version you will find, anyway). I recall being told this was "experimental" at the time of my testing and nothing more was ever said about it nor about the results. I wonder if test takers will ever find out their scores from this section and/or what they are being used for, if anything.

I did do the fourth section but, when I asked my recruiter my score he DID tell me that I got a 45/60.That was back in June in Halifax. But I dont really know, maybe if a recruiter is reading this maybe they could shead some light on it...
Kr3w said:
I did do the fourth section but, when I asked my recruiter my score he DID tell me that I got a 45/60.That was back in June in Halifax. But I dont really know, maybe if a recruiter is reading this maybe they could shead some light on it...

I don't think that includes the fourth section. Someone can correct me if I have the values mixed up here, but I believe the breakdown is like this: Verbal = 15 pts, Spatial = 15 pts, Problem-solving (math) = 30 pts.

I was told (in February) that the GCA section was not included in the mark /60.
CDN Aviator said:
Its all pretty irrelevant in the end.

Yes, which is why I made this thread and started to wonder. However I see this thread has become very active and would like to thank everyone who replied.
Celticgirl said:
what they are being used for, if anything.
Last I heard, this part of the CFAT was experimental.  The test will be used for a time, the Personnel Selection researchers will then study the results, and see if this test is a useful predictor for military employment.  If it is useful, it could be used to replace the current test, or to supplement the test.  My experience is that this normally takes a year or more to gather the information, and come up with a decision.
BC Old Guy said:
Last I heard, this part of the CFAT was experimental.  The test will be used for a time, the Personnel Selection researchers will then study the results, and see if this test is a useful predictor for military employment.  If it is useful, it could be used to replace the current test, or to supplement the test.  My experience is that this normally takes a year or more to gather the information, and come up with a decision.

That's the best explanation I've heard thus far. Thanks, BC Old Guy. :)
Kr3w said:
I did do the fourth section but, when I asked my recruiter my score he DID tell me that I got a 45/60.That was back in June in Halifax. But I dont really know, maybe if a recruiter is reading this maybe they could shead some light on it...

It's always surprising when people get a recruiter to give them their 'score'. An aptitude test score is not like a test you take in school where you get a certain mark on each section and then total them up and get a final 'grade' that says "Yes you are qualified." This is why at most recruiting centers they tell you right at the start that you will not get your score, only a yes or no as to if you qualified for the trade you wanted.

If 45/60 meant you got say perfect on the problem solving section, and perfect on spatial reasoning, but got 0 on the verbal component, then you would not qualify for much, if anything. Each trade requires a different score in each category, which is why getting a raw number doesn't help you at all in knowing how well you did, unless you do so well that they can say "Congrats, you qualified for every trade in the CF" which basically means you did a good job, even without knowing your score.
The group that was with me when i had my CFAT in Hamilton we're told we all passed and there were six of us, i was told i qualified for all three of the trades i had listed which included Artillery,SigOp and AmmoTech.

We then got told that it's probably the first time they had an entire group pass the test at the same time.

Not sure if anyone was told thier "scores" but i wasn't, other than the fact that i passed.

Snafu-Bar said:
The group that was with me when i had my CFAT in Hamilton we're told we all passed and there were six of us, i was told i qualified for all three of the trades i had listed which included Artillery,SigOp and AmmoTech.

We then got told that it's probably the first time they had an entire group pass the test at the same time.

Not sure if anyone was told thier "scores" but i wasn't, other than the fact that i passed.


I assume "passing" in this case means "qualifying for your trades". So everyone in your group qualified for their trades. How many people were writing with you, Snafu? I was given my results individually and have no clue if the other two (yes, just two) test takers 'passed'. The officer who de-briefed me did tell me my score and my MCC gave me my 'percentile' during my interview. I'm not sure why some people are told and others are not. I guess it is up to the discretion of the officers at the RCs. 
Celticgirl said:
I assume "passing" in this case means "qualifying for your trades". So everyone in your group qualified for their trades. How many people were writing with you, Snafu? I was given my results individually and have no clue if the other two (yes, just two) test takers 'passed'. The officer who de-briefed me did tell me my score and my MCC gave me my 'percentile' during my interview. I'm not sure why some people are told and others are not. I guess it is up to the discretion of the officers at the RCs. 

There we're six of us taking our test together, all "qualified" for thier chosen paths, but the fact I made it through was good enough for me. The score wasn't important so much as being told i am qualified for all my choices.

Here's my input into this thread:

- every single person who has failed the 'basic training' course or initial trades training, whatever it may be for whatever trade, including both Officer and NCM occupations, passed the CFAT.  This happens year..after year...after year.

I wrote it in 1988 and again in 2006, and the fact that my scores from 2006 were high enough for the trade I applied for remuster into means only 2 things;  (1) My applicaiton didn't have an immediate stop-drop and (2)  I now have the ability to prove the CFAT scores are meaningless if I fail off my next trades' QL5 course and join others that have failed before me.

The CFAT, IMO, is an initial check.  Nothing more.  Don't go buy yourself a hero cookie yet troops...
Eye In The Sky said:
Here's my input into this thread:

- every single person who has failed the 'basic training' course or initial trades training, whatever it may be for whatever trade, including both Officer and NCM occupations, passed the CFAT.  This happens year..after year...after year.

I wrote it in 1988 and again in 2006, and the fact that my scores from 2006 were high enough for the trade I applied for remuster into means only 2 things;  (1) My applicaiton didn't have an immediate stop-drop and (2)  I now have the ability to prove the CFAT scores are meaningless if I fail off my next trades' QL5 course and join others that have failed before me.

The CFAT, IMO, in as initial check.  Nothing more.  Don't go buy yourself a hero cookie yet troops...

I wasn't beating my chest in Tarzanian fashion by any means. I understand what it's there for and why. I also understand that it's just one of the steps along the path to actually making it to my trade.

Snafu-Bar said:
I wasn't beating my chest in Tarzanian fashion by any means. I understand what it's there for and why. I also understand that it's just one of the steps along the path to actually making it to my trade.


And I wasn't directing my post at you specifically, but rather the thread in general... 8) 

Eye In The Sky said:
Here's my input into this thread: