Housing is utterly fucking bananas. Anyone who’s already had their house for more than ten years should probably sit down. My wife and I are double professional income, no kids as of yet. With the assistance of an inheritance borne of some awful circumstances, we were fortunate to get into the market young. Many of my friends are priced out of that (including a number of serving CAF NCMs, incidentally). The absurd increase in housing costs in markets such as Ottawa, Halifax etc is leaving a lot of people behind. Townhouses here are going for $650k plus. Think of what it takes in income to qualify for that mortgage.
So people struggling with shelter costs are also having to look at the costs of childcare, and in a lot of cases can’t really take the hit. They’re caught in the rent trap on two modest incomes, hoping that years from now they may be able to buy a small starter condo. Hardly any room for kids there, of course.
We have a fertility rate crisis. It’s not yet desperate here, but it’s also a very slow ship to reverse course on. Against that we have a large aging population with pensions and social benefits to keep solvent. The only solution to that is more labour force growth. There are options of course.