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Canadian Federal Budget 2014 (11 Feb 2014)

George Wallace said:

If any of you have been watching the news, it was announced that the Federal Public Service Health Care Plan is more than doubling its costs to retired members; from $261 to $550.  The point that this is the Public Service Health Care Plan is letting the fact that it is also the plan that members of the CAF and RCMP use, and many retain after retiring, has slipped by seemingly unnoticed by anyone as of yet.  Even with indexing, that is a large chunk of cash removed from one's pension, more that that covered by indexing.  Once again, the Government has screwed over the Veteran.
Last straw for me... it'll be A-B-C (anything but conservative) from here on out (though I wish there were better alternatives). The Cons have been slowly, but surely, taking money out of our pockets, one way or another, for years now. I'm done.
Transporter said:
Last straw for me... it'll be A-B-C (anything but conservative) from here on out (though I wish there were better alternatives). The Cons have been slowly, but surely, taking money out of our pockets, one way or another, for years now. I'm done.

Well the reds won't be any better...and the orange...well....I don't know....
The Cons keep saying their primary target is the PS - and they're not shy about advertising that fact - but every time they hit the PS we get caught in the collateral damage. Loss of severance pay, increased pension contributions, now increased PSHCP payments in retirement. I doubt you'll see them proudly boasting about those "accomplishments" to the Canadian public.
NFLD Sapper said:
and the orange...well....I don't know....

I don't ever want to know what would happen to us under them or the greens....
We've been told if there are no cost moves this APS, don't expect any promotions.
The brief/townhall we had today, was that the CF is moving to the RCMP style of posting where you should expect to stay in location (8-10 years) unless..... you have the specific skills sets that are required and that it cannot be posted by a pers already in the geographical area ( ie no cost move). Additionally to complement this change, the PER system being modified so a member is not penalized for his/her now lack of experience in a presently required career position/experience.
Then they'd better lighten up the purse strings for cost-moves for some trades then, because at 100 CMs APS 14 (the number for my trade) ... it would take a minimum of 20 years to move each person one single time.  I would also bet drinks on my trade having well-over 100 pers with +10 years in a location right now.
Transporter said:
Four day work weeks and deployments optional  ;D
So we're all going to the Reserves (when you combine Cl A and Cl B)?  ;)
PuckChaser said:
I don't ever want to know what would happen to us under them or the greens....

Probably close the whole shop down and move us into the RCMP, Coast Guard and Air Canada... Wait a minute... I like that idea ;)
PuckChaser said:
I don't ever want to know what would happen to us under them or the greens....

Jean Chrétien went on the record in the late 80s stating he wanted us to help take care of the environment. Seriously.
So the bayonet would be useful on the end of a stick to pick up trash.

But knowing the "nanny state " we would be subjected to, they would demand that the bayonets not be used as they are seen to be "too aggressive" and would be replaced by knife, sturdy plastic.
Halifax Tar said:
Probably close the whole shop down and move us into the RCMP, Coast Guard and Air Canada... Wait a minute... I like that idea ;)

Minus the Air Canada part...
Quote from: Halifax Tar on Today at 05:28:26
    Probably close the whole shop down and move us into the RCMP, Coast Guard and Air Canada... Wait a minute... I like that idea ;)

blackberet17 said:
Minus the Air Canada part...

You do realize how many women work at Air Canada, don't you?......think about it.... ;D
GAP said:
Quote from: Halifax Tar on Today at 05:28:26
You do realize how many women work at Air Canada, don't you?......think about it.... ;D

Yes and from what I have seen about 50 % of them are beyond their best before date......much like me. There I said it.
I find it quite interesting that the federal budget timing was right in the middle of the olympics....makes it seem like they wanted the mass of canadians to just gloss over it....

food for though i guess haha
Anyone else get that email telling us to shut our gobs about the budget if approached by the press? lol
NFLD Sapper said:
Well the reds won't be any better...and the orange...well....I don't know....

There's always Elizabeth May and the Greenies!  :rofl:
Jim Seggie said:
But knowing the "nanny state " we would be subjected to, they would demand that the bayonets not be used as they are seen to be "too aggressive" and would be replaced by knife, sturdy lowest bidder, plastic.

Fixed that for you, can't forget about our beloved public servants getting us the best kit.