What do we really want/need with an attack/armed helo?
The big, heavyweight ones like the Apache are built for high intensity conventional war and to deal with heavily protected targets like AFVs. Is that a possibility on the horizon or do we need many smaller, lighter and cheaper helos to cover large areas (COIN, stability ops, humanitarian relief etc.) and deal with lesser target sets?
How big of a footprint can we afford? Do we want to be tied to airbases or do we want to be able to operate out of FOBs and FARPs?
What sort of operational concept are we going with? Do we want to deploy large numbers of troops and equipment at once or do we want to make pinpoint insertions of small numbers of specialists (SoF operators, Recce dets, weapons teams to form cutoffs)?
Once we answer those questions then the nature of the equipment needed becomes much clearer.