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Canadian Army music video

i have a few clips and another movie if u want to add some more to ur video just add me to msn
Can't wait for the finished product......makes me want to join again......oops....wait....too late...... ;D.

We look cooler than the Americans though..... ;)
I'll echo everyone's praise here by saying awesome video.

You should send that to the CFRC...THAT is what those recruiting ads in the movies should look like!
where did you get the JSF2 video? Can you put a link? And your referring to the 2PPLCI video no 3PPLCI right?

Awesome work. Fits perfectly to the music
Bravo.. :salute:

Being on cursed dial-up it was worth the wait.. Thanks.
Excellent job, I think as far as a recruiting tool, it would appeal to way more young people than the present add's.

Please post your finished product as I would like to use it as my screen saver at work if possible.


That is an awesome video!!

I can not wait to see the rest of it.  The soundtrack is certainly better then the current recruiting commercial.
Good job!!
That was faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaantastic. They should be using that video rather than the sappy tripe they often come up with. Great job. Can't wait to see the finished product.

teufel said:

Tank buster for you maybe you can use a bit

Isn't that footage of a US test?
Kinda sounds like either Judas Priest or Iron Maiden......oh the memories...... ;D

I know SUM 41 are big fans of the classic metal from the 80's.
that cool, can't wait to see the finished product. i havn't seen it with sound because i'm at work but i'll watch it when i get home again.
What a great video, makes me want to join the Cf NOW ;D
i cant wait to do my Basic in st-jean in the summer....
NMPeters said:
What do you plan on using this video for?

Maybe he could sell it to the CF to use as advertising. Cause right now, in it's incomplete form, it's already better than any of that cheesy crap that comes out of Ottawa.
recceguy said:
Maybe he could sell it to the CF to use as advertising. Cause right now, in it's incomplete form, it's already better than any of that cheesy crap that comes out of Ottawa.

It's not all bad, but he's definately going off in a better direction (appealing to younger people). I once saw a clip of a tank going off a ramp, and it actually had some insane air- you should put that in!
Thats a great video, I really liked it. I wish there was one like that but for the navy.
I will take a look at work for the Leopard going over the ramp and firing in mid-air. I inherited a bunch of pretty good video clips done here at the Armour School, and CTC in general. I can also put out some "feelers" to the graphics arts folks here to see what is available, so you can get the better quality stuff (not shrunk down for web).

I agree that that (your video) is better than the Nana Mouskouri(!!!!!) style of stuff that Ottawa usually OK's for public consumption of the CF.

As an aside, for our PD (professional development) seminar we had here at CTC over the last two days, the commander of the CFRG (CF Recruiting Group) gave us some "inside dope" on the state of recruiting. Busted a lot of "mythconceptions" (his term) that we had about recruiting, particularly in this day and age. Because of the Adscam controversy, there hasn't been any advertising lately, and the policies (IRT advertising) have been tightened. He indicated that there would be a new round of advertising come January, and hinted it would be a bit more "aggressive" than it has been in the past (the teddy bears that get handed out have a snarl on their face  >:D) J/K. As well, there is going to be a greater "technology" push with recruiting, using the internet more and more. Allegedly you can complete some/all?? of your application online (I haven't checked), so if not now, soon.

Again, good effort on the video, and hopefully they look to this style of ad to go after the hard-charging rock-and-roll crowd that we desperately need: more Snake, less Ned Flanders. Lord knows we have enough Barneys and Ralf Wiggums': "Lt Hoover, I swallowed my grenade!!!" (EVERYTHING can be related in some shape or form to 'The Simpsons')

Is the link still good? I can't seem to watch the video....  :crybaby: