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Canada's New, Liberal, Foreign Policy

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Written by Las of PolitiBrew.com His column is reproduced under the fair Dealing provisions of the Copyright Act


Part 1
Le Dauphin...Justin Trudeau: Exclusive Article by Las (Canada)
Written by Las
11-7-15 9:07 AM EST: Former Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau and the young Dauphin Justin Trudeau


Well, it's official. Yesterday Justin Trudeau was sworn in as Canada's 23rd Prime Minister. Trudeau's father, Pierre Elliot Trudeau was Canada's 15th Prime Minister when he was sworn in back in April 1968. The swearing in ceremony was conducted at Rideau Hall, the residence of the Queen's representative, the Governor General. Outside were hordes of screaming and enthusiastic Obamaesque devotees crowded under a jumbotron for the occasion. Contrast this to the sober and understated swearing in for Stephen Harper when he first became Prime Minister in 2006.

Having just recovered after two weeks from the brutal molestation and rape of everything reasonable and fair in Canadian politics, I ran across a quote from Bill Whittle that jumped out at me. When I first heard it I initially thought he was talking about Justin Trudeau. Whittle said this:

"he is the ascended wet dream image of every progressive reporter and editor and publisher and any of these other idol worshiping adolescent girls that make up what was once the proud profession of newspaper men and he's walking kryptonite to spineless gutless ... cowards ..." (quote from Bill Whittle)


Whittle was talking about Barack Obama of course. But he could easily have been talking about Canada's new Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Le Dauphin.
Rather than getting into the weeds about what Trudeau thinks, or the lack thereof, it may be instructive to take a look at the nature and characteristics of some of the forces and influences that have propelled Trudeau to the top. For our purposes we'll look at three of the main ones. The primary influencing factor is Justin's father, former Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau. The second vehicle propelling him to power is the old Liberal Party infrastructure, namely the Liberal Parties of Canada and of Ontario. The liberalism emanating from these parties is an indication of the kinds of corruption and extreme liberal notions that we can expect from Trudeau.  Liberal Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne is a provincial Premier who actively campaigned on Trudeau's behalf and against Prime Minister Stephen Harper. It was an unprecedented action. But Liberals simply don't care anymore. They don't care about ethics or morality; they don't care about precedent or propriety. The third vehicle propelling Trudeau to power is probably the most important: the establishment media.

Justin Trudeau is the first son of Canada's former Liberal Prime Minister, Pierre Elliot Trudeau. While Trudeau senior was a man of intellectual weight and presence, contrary to popular Liberal mythology, he was one of Canada's worst Prime Ministers. As in every personality cult, Pierre Trudeau is perceived by Canada's Liberals as a demigod. But his record is a disaster from which Canada has yet to recover. Trudeau senior was even perceived as a buffoon by some International leaders. There is a famous photograph of Trudeau mocking Queen Elizabeth behind her back with a clownish pirouette.


Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau piled up massive federal debt (it grew tenfold during his tenure) which fell on the back of Conservative Prime Minister, Brian Mulroney. Mulroney was forced to deal with Trudeau's debt through a goods and services tax which still haunts Canadians whenever they make a purchase with their hard earned dollars. Trudeau senior, like all Liberals of his bent, held a clichéd 1960's contempt for America. Richard Nixon is famously said to have called Trudeau "an asshole" and a "son of a bitch". Yet, at a state dinner in Ottawa in 1972, when Trudeau junior was just a few months old, Nixon toasted the baby's arrival and joked that he would one day become Prime Minister. This is the now famous "Nixon Prophecy".


Trudeau senior was responsible for dragging Canada into a constitutional crisis to cement his legacy at repatriating Canada's Constitution from Westminster. His obsession with Quebec not only alienated the country, his obsession with Quebec and the French language sought to strip Canada of every vestige to its British heritage and roots. Quebec would remain French, but the rest of Canada would be transformed into a multicultural mosaic. Trudeau's multiculturalism was enshrined in Section 27 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Canada's Charter, attached to the newly repatriated Constitution, is packed with a number of liberal projects including greater recognition of the French language, aboriginal rights and multiculturalism. And the Trudeau constitution has lead to an egregious and litigious human rights industry by judicial elites through judicial activism and powerful appointed judges. This is the Constitution so admired by Ruth Bader Ginsburg in a 2012 interview for Egyptian Television where she denigrated her own US Constitution and envisioned the Canadian Constitution as a model for emulation. Pierre Trudeau sought to cement his legacy with a made-in-Canada Constitution.  The constitutional wrangling had the added benefit of political diversion while Canada was undergoing a Trudeau inspired stagflation.

Trudeau senior fancied himself an independent thinker and he certainly was. His brash self assurance rejected all ideas that did not comport with his own. Ready made or second hand ideas took a back seat to his intellectual novelties. In that sense, Trudeau was a consummate "progressive". Progressives flatter themselves on finding new ideas, reinventing things that don't need replacing, imagining unworkable solutions for non-existent problems. That was Trudeau. Canada would be shaped according to his imaginings. Trudeau put into practice "fundamental transformation". And Canada was crippled as a result. In a certain respect, Trudeau channeled his inner Donald Trump. While paying lip service to sitting MPs Trudeau quipped, "When they are 50 yards from Parliament Hill, they are no longer honourable members, they're just nobodies." When Trudeau left office for the last time in 1984 he quipped to the media, "I regret I won't have you to kick around any more."

It is often said that Trudeau Senior never met a dictator he didn't like. He was a great friend to Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. Castro of course attended Trudeau's funeral in 2000 and was much loved by Justin as well. In 1977, Prime Minister Trudeau said "that in certain countries and at certain times a one-party state would be preferable  ”I wouldn't be prepared to think I would be successful in arguing that for Canada at the present time, but such times might come, who knows?"



Evidently the apple does not fall far from the tree. At a Liberal "women's only" fundraiser Justin Trudeau was asked what country he admired. China's basic dictatorship was his answer. Uncharacteristically, CTV made a very rare and critical news item from Trudeau's China comments:


Trudeau Senior certainly taught the younger Trudeau that Quebecers were de facto an expression of a superior culture in Canada and that the hayseed Albertans should never get power. It was the Quebec vote that entrenched Trudeau senior into power in Canada. He lost every fight outside of Quebec in the four federal elections he fought. Yet with the support of Quebec, he held onto power. It is the same Quebec vote that helped Trudeau Junior to such an overwhelming majority victory two weeks ago.

In an aside, it must be noted that part of the message of Justin Trudeau during the election was the "unfairness" of Canada's first past the post electoral system. Such a system, he and liberals in the media argued, elected Stephen Harper to a majority of seats with a minority of 39.6 percent of the popular vote. The only problem with this Liberal complaint is that Trudeau won his majority with a fractionally less popular vote of 39.47 percent. How did the media characterize the Trudeau win? "Trudeau Landslide!”  Landslide?  The media never called Harper’s 2011 election win a “landslide”. 

During the election, "strategic voting" front groups suddenly sprang up all across Canada. They were an integral part of Harper's defeat in this election. These front groups interfered with Canada's election and were funded with outside American money from the Tides Foundation, Avaaz of New York, and the Rockerfeller Brothers Foundation. These groups pushing the proportional representation meme during the election have suddenly disappeared after their man got in. It's funny how that works!

The second influencing power around Justin Trudeau consists of the raw political power of Ontario's ruling Liberals. I focus mainly on the Ontario Liberals because they are an already existing Liberal government ruling in Canada for the last ten years. And Ontario's Liberals have kept the home fires burning while the federal Liberal party was in the wilderness the last nine years. There is a photo taken during the 2013 Gay Pride even in Toronto that places Trudeau squarely in the middle of the Liberal Party progressive legacy. It epitomizes everything Canadians can expect from a Justin Trudeau Prime Ministership. In the photo on the left is the former Deputy Education Minister for Ontario Ben Levin. To Levin's left is the then Liberal Member of Canada's Parliament, Justin Trudeau. To Trudeau's left is Kathleen Wynne, the freshly minted Liberal Party Premier of Ontario (akin to a US State Governor). To Wynne's left is the former New Democratic Party Premier of Ontario, Bob Rae. Rae switched parties to sit as interim Liberal leader in Federal Parliament.


Premier Bob Rae's tenure running Ontario twenty years ago was a disaster. His legacy saw the tripling of Ontario's debt which saddled Ontario with higher taxes and with the highest marginal tax rates in North America. Ontario saw higher unemployment, and the downgrading of Ontario's credit rating twice. Kathleen Wynne, the present Liberal Premier for Ontario, is slated to bring disaster on Ontario in much the same manner as Rae. She already has one credit downgrade under her belt in July of this year by Standard and Poor’s.  Successive Ontario Liberal governments have not heeded the calls for spending control, Kathleen Wynne is continuing the Liberal legacy of her predecessor which has doubled Ontario's debt from the time when the Conservative's prudently ran finances for the Province.

Part 2

Numerous scandals surround Ontario's Liberal government to the tune of over a billion dollars. In classic Hillary Clinton fashion Wynne also is alleged to have scrubbed government computers of incriminating emails regarding the billion dollar gas plant scandal when she worked for former Premier McGuinty. Ontario's Liberals are also alleged to have paid millions of dollars to teachers unions to support Liberals against the Ontario Progressive-Conservative leadership of Tim Hudak. Liberal corruption also extends to bribing unfavoured Liberal candidates in favour of preferred candidates for the Liberal Party of Ontario. There is also the cozy relationship between the Ontario Liberals and the Ontario Provincial Police who have campaigned for Wynne against the Ontario Progressive-Conservatives. The corruption of the Ontario Provincial Police force has brought Ontario to a new low in politics. Of course all of this is not really covered by the mainstream media who act as Liberal Party Central when it comes to Liberal politicians.

Next, in this photo is Ben Levin. (Mug shot)    


Ben Levin, was Wynne's Deputy Education Minister when Wynne herself was the Education Minister under the Dalton McGuinty Premiership in Ontario. As part of McGuinty's government, Kathleen Wynne introduced a radical sexual education curriculum; the brainchild of Levin. The controversial curriculum insinuates age inappropriate sexual concepts and activities onto public school children. The sex ed curriculum also relegates the sexual act to simply an activity for pleasure unattached to love or marriage or responsibility. Although Wynne's boss, former Premier McGuinty scrapped Wynne's curriculum as a radical sexual agenda, Wynne reintroduced it when she became Premier. When Wynne reintroduced the curriculum under her Premiership, she implied that parents opposed to her program were homophobic. Wynne carries the great distinction of being Ontario's first Lesbian Premier.

But it gets worse. Ben Levin, the very man who designed the radical sex ed curriculum, now sits in jail for possession and making of child porn and for counseling to commit sexual assault. It goes without saying that with today's media, had Levin been Deputy Minister for a Conservative provincial government, there would have been no end of the controversy. Wynne, of course, faced no scrutiny from her palace guard media.

It is therefore fitting that this photo shows Trudeau enjoying the company of the most immoral, the most corrupt, and the most "progressive" that Canada has to offer. In leadership terms these people are winners for Canadian liberalism, but disasters for Canadians. Justin Trudeau sits in that esteemed company. And on top of that, he enjoys the same Canadian cult of personality enjoyed by his father Pierre Elliot Trudeau. Back in the 1960's it was called "Trudeaumania".

The third influencer in Trudeau's political world is the Media, although it can best be said that the Media doesn't actually influence Trudeau. The media carries this full blown cult of personality for him and influences the Canadian public on behalf of Trudeau. Evidence of this can be seen during almost any given news cycle. And yesterday's swearing in ceremony for the newly minted Prime Minister was no different.

CTV, Canada's second place broadcaster, displayed the full plumage of their modern day Trudeaumania even more than the state broadcaster CBC did. For the occasion CTV enrolled Craig Oliver, their star political commentator, to officiate for their audience. The decrepit Oliver was an old canoeing buddy of Justin Trudeau's father, back in the 1970's. He was enthusiastic in his effusion for the son of his old friend.

Oliver and his CTV co-host Lisa LaFlamme also couldn't help themselves in making disparaging comments about the previous Conservative government or about Steven Harper and his "secretive" and "partisan" cabinet. Oh... and according to this star broadcast pair, Harper's cabinet was just so unlike Trudeau's shiny new and conciliatory "reaching across the aisle" cabinet members. "Reaching across the aisle" eh! Canada's conservative American cousins are familiar with that term.

At one point, Oliver claimed that under Harper, Canada was so far behind on the environment and climate change docket that the new Trudeau government will be applauded globally. I'm sure it will! And Oliver even gave a plug for the new Trudeau government's promise to increase funding for the uber-progressive state broadcaster CBC. It's telling that Craig Oliver came to the defense of the CBC, despite the fact that he works for their competition. This proves that with liberals, ideology trumps any other loyalty. It's kinda like the notion that you're not really black unless you vote Democrat.

Joined at the hip to this pro-Trudeau cheer leading message was a strong anti-Harper narrative that borders on religious zealotry. It equals anything seen with Bush Derangement Syndrome in the US. And on the day of Trudeau's swearing in, like a dog on a bone, Oliver wasn't going to let it go. The run of the mill media message of Harper being a fascist and hating Muslims, and being divisive and being mean, included a massive coordinated campaign that painted Harper as silencing government scientists. The media were willing water boys for this narrative as well. And Oliver included it in his coverage. Hyper partisan and left wing government unions with their membership of progressive civil servants, trumpeted their disdain for Conservative policy.  Conservative policy was the catalyst for their hatred. Canada's civil service is packed to the rafters with appointees of past Liberal governments. This unofficial political elite, within the Federal Public Service, is a huge echo chamber of dissatisfaction, complaints, and grievances. And one thing they do know: they absolutely hate the Conservatives.

For example, many in the Department of Foreign Affairs Trade and Development Canada display what can be called the Paul Heinbecker mentality. Heinbecker was a former Canadian Ambassador to Germany and an appointee by Conservative Prime Minister Mulroney as a permanent Canadian representative to the UN. Heinbecker is critical of Canada losing a seat on the UN Security Council because of Canadian foreign policy which supports Israel against the hate of the UN anti-Israel mob. But Heinbecker is no Conservative, and he never misses an opportunity to bash Harper. Elsewhere in the civil service, "climate change" alarmism and extremism have morphed into a powerful and partisan driven campaign to out Harper as "anti-science" for "muzzling government scientists". During the election this led to the unseemly and ludicrous YouTube phenomenon of anti-Harper jingoism with flashmob like performances by Ottawa's partisan civil servants to sway opinion against Harper during the election.

As one Financial Post journalist explained, it’s more than Harper Derangement Syndrome, it’s Harper Derangement Frenzy (HDF), which is an upgrade to hurricane status from Harper Derangement Syndrome. It was identified several years ago by Lorne Gunter as “an ideological hatred of Prime Minister Stephen Harper that is so acute its sufferers’ ability to reason logically is impaired... media are emerging as the Harper government’s biggest political opponent, bigger than the New Democratic or Liberal parties.”


Now back to Oliver at CTV. During the swearing in ceremony, some of his first words of commentary mused on what Trudeau's late father would be thinking about his son. Fair enough. Trudeau and Oliver were old friends. Wouldn't any dad be proud of his son becoming the leader of the country? But Oliver continued in Chris Matthews fashion. "This election has given the country a lift that is hard to imagine." Chris Matthews is the former Clinton operative, now MSNBC talking head, who famously quipped that he felt a thrill go up his leg when Obama was elected. So Harper was a drag on the country was he Craig? And Trudeau is the lift?

Co-host Lisa LaFlamme mused about Justin Trudeau's young daughter becoming Prime Minister some day. And she hoped that it doesn't take that long. In other media, The Huffington Post's Canadian headline was, "Justin Trudeau Kids: They Stole The Show At Their Dad's Swearing In." Such gushing enthusiasm strains all credibility. The establishment media isn't even embarrassed how partisan they've become. They aren’t even conscious of it anymore. 

Justin Trudeau was to the manor born. His formative years were spent at 24 Sussex Drive, the residence of the Prime Minister in Ottawa. But Trudeau Junior will have to wait a couple of years perhaps to revisit his old bedroom. 24 Sussex Drive will get a 10 million dollar face lift. Look! I'm not one of those griping that Trudeau wants a reno on his old digs. It's an official federal building after all. Imagine if 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue didn't get a much needed gut and rebuild during the Truman years! There are more important issues to express concern regarding Trudeau.

And Trudeau comes with lots of issues. Issues like radical liberalism in Canada. How is radical cultural liberalism expressed in the Liberal Party of Canada. What is the media's role in pushing radical cultural liberalism and pressuring the Liberal Party to influence policy? How will this affect Trudeau and to what extent will he be a witting or unwitting tool for radical social liberals? How much will Trudeau be drawn into the traditional corruption that under girds the Liberal Party of Canada? Trudeau has shown that he is not above taking money from Charities and even school boards for "speaking fees" when he was a sitting member of Parliament. Most MPs speak for free and no MP takes from charities or school boards. People usually give to charities. If Trudeau's ethics are already on shaky ground, what does the future hold?

As it stands, Justin Trudeau is already a walking cliché for extreme social liberalism in Canada. In the areas of assisted suicide, abortion, gay agenda issues, and marijuana he is already on record, He has banned pro-life Liberals in his caucus; they are not welcome in his party. He covers and deflects for Islamism in Canada. He visits extremist mosques and has attended a no-media-allowed Muslim conference. He will undoubtedly weaken Canada's immigration and refugee rules. He wants to import 25,000 Syrian "refugees" by Christmas. How much will Trudeau be influenced by the radical Islamist, Saudi born Omar Alghabra. Alghabra is Trudeau's main adviser on Muslim issues in his caucus.

Then there are the enormous costs for green energy schemes and projects planned by his chief adviser, Gerald Butts, a left wing radical environmentalist. Butts was instrumental in designing the Green Energy Act in Ontario that has made Ontario power the most expensive in North America. With a 17 billion dollar cash outlay for useless wind turbines in the province and seven thousand more expensive and useless turbines planned for the future, electricity rates will "necessarily skyrocket" using the words of Barack Obama. None of these turbines were even made in Ontario. How much will Trudeau coordinate and collaborate with an already corrupt Ontario Liberal government. What about the corruption of the Federal Liberal Party and its connections to Quebec influence peddling, corruption and crime. In contrast, the Conservatives - those evil evil evil mean nasty not nice Conservatives - are teetotalers compared to Liberals.

These are just a few of the influences surrounding Justin Trudeau. It's bad enough that Liberal corruption is back in town. Add to the mix influential Muslims who have Trudeau's ear; add to the mix the influence of naive politically correct white guilt laden Liberals itching to tackle refugee policy; add to the mix Trudeau's promise to go into deficit spending; add to the mix extremist social liberal policies and environmental schemes. Add them all up and pin them to the dash board. Now strap in! It is going to be a wild ride indeed.

Pretty well sums it up.


The thing is, the jets aren't being withdrawn - now.  In fact, they've stepped up their bombing.  This is Trudeau's way of satisfying his promise and our allies.  He'll probably keep the jets there until very close to the end of March.
Looked at that article.  Speaking of "National Debt", wtf are we getting all this money:

Could buy a lot of stuff in Canada for $14.5 million.
PuckChaser said:
Could buy a lot of stuff in Canada for $14.5 million.

Or, in another view, it'a about 0.7% of our annual trade with Indonesia.  Building goodwill with customers is generally a good idea.  And some of the funding will make its way back to Canada as Indonesia hires Canadian advisors and purchases Canadian equipment - these sorts of things are never "no strings attached".
dapaterson said:
Or, in another view, it'a about 0.7% of our annual trade with Indonesia.  Building goodwill with customers is generally a good idea.  And some of the funding will make its way back to Canada as Indonesia hires Canadian advisors and purchases Canadian equipment - these sorts of things are never "no strings attached".

Bailing them out of their last Typhoon with the DART probably bought a lot more "goodwill" than a token amount of cash.
George Wallace said:
Looked at that article.  Speaking of "National Debt", wtf are we getting all this money:

Likely the same place as this ....
.... and all these other projects.
dapaterson said:
.... more than just some of the funding will make its way back to Canada as Indonesia hires Canadian advisors and purchases Canadian equipment - these sorts of things are never "no strings attached".
FTFY - 't'was ever thus, Team Red or Team Blue @ the wheel ....
Altair said:
Seems like Hollande is serious about building a coalition to fight isil. Talking to  Russia Iran and the usa.

Disappointed he doesn't look like he's going to invoke article 5 of NATO but some action from Paris Moscow and Tehran is better than no action from Washington.

Wonder if he's looking at using ground troops. God I hope so.

I suspect that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is not, at all, "disappointed" ~ gleeful is, in fact, my guesstimate of his reaction. Our prime minister wants "out," he doesn't want to be dragged farther "in," not, at least, without an explicit, unanimous UNSC call for direct action as cover.

Remember, please, who I think is whispering in his ear, showing him "the way" ...
E.R. Campbell said:
I suspect that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is not, at all, "disappointed" ~ gleeful is, in fact, my guesstimate of his reaction. Our prime minister wants "out," he doesn't want to be dragged farther "in," not, at least, without an explicit, unanimous UNSC call for direct action as cover.

Remember, please, who I think is whispering in his ear, showing him "the way" ...

Looks like Le Petite Thug is taking him for ice cream to reward him after another good performance.
According to a story in the National Post, "Canada will soon sign onto the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement, U.S. President Barack Obama said, going further than the country’s new prime minister has committed.
    “We are both soon to be signatories of the TPP agreement,” Obama said. “That’s another area we can continue to have important discussions,” he said.

    “I know Justin has to agree with what’s happened, but we think that after that process has taken place, Canada, the United States and the other countries that are here can establish the high-standards agreement that protects labor,
    protects the environment, protects the kind of high value-added goods and services that we both excel in,” Obama said."

He's calling him Justin, not PM Trudeau, in the national press? And speaking for 'Justin'? Why do I picture him patting 'Justin' on the head while he's doing this?
This brings us right back to Edward's comment on lack of Gravatis. I'm sure the Young Dauphin is already being dismissed by others as well, and it is a bit shocking to see how quickly Canada's reputation as a "middle power", repurchased through years of blood and treasure, is evaporating.

For the Laurentian Elites this isn't perhaps an issue, their concern is to ensure economic and political power remains within the Montreal-Toronto corridor, so unless those pesky foreigners actually do something to Canada and Canadians, they probably won't care too much.
Thucydides said:
This brings us right back to Edward's comment on lack of Gravatis. I'm sure the Young Dauphin is already being dismissed by others as well, and it is a bit shocking to see how quickly Canada's reputation as a "middle power", repurchased through years of blood and treasure, is evaporating.

For the Laurentian Elites this isn't perhaps an issue, their concern is to ensure economic and political power remains within the Montreal-Toronto corridor, so unless those pesky foreigners actually do something to Canada and Canadians, they probably won't care too much.

Isn't that the truth.
Jed said:
Isn't that the truth.

Is that like how George Bush always called Harper Stephen?  I take it that it's meant as endearment, not mockery.

Conservative partisans will see it otherwise, of course.
jmt18325 said:
Is that like how George Bush always called Harper Stephen?  I take it that it's meant as endearment, not mockery.

Conservative partisans will see it otherwise, of course.

I guess you see the glass as half full.  [:)
jmt18325 said:
Is that like how George Bush always called Harper Stephen?  I take it that it's meant as endearment, not mockery.

Conservative partisans will see it otherwise, of course.
I'm sure Stevie called him Dubya...

Both GWB and PMSH were replaced by overgrown frat boys who promised hope and change.  The US have had to live with their choice for the last seven years, we've got four years of the APEC "Hottie" before us (Pace Enrique).  The people have spoken, and as usual, the people have shown the wisdom of Winston Churchill's quip about democracy.  ::)
Jed said:
I guess you see the glass as half full.  [:)

I usually do.  I was a Harper supporter through most of his time in office, but that started to waver in 2013.  He disappointed me in so many files.  I hope Trudeau does better.
cavalryman said:
Both GWB and PMSH were replaced by overgrown frat boys who promised hope and change.

Because both of them did a pretty bad job in the eyes of the people.  Harper was evidence allergic, and despite all of his talk, left DND funding at the same level that PMPM left it at (higher than Chretien, but less than he promised).  Trudeau needs to be given a chance, just as Harper was.  So far, he seems like far less an idiot than I thought he was at the beginning of the campaign.
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