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Canada's New Defence Minister

And to add more insult to injury.........

"West’s email to the troops was written in English and translated into French by the newspaper. In the message, West apologized for sending an English-only email but explained that he wanted to get his message out urgently.
But Le Droit reported that the unilingual warning apparently displeased some francophone troops and a complaint has been filed with the Official Languages Commissioner’s office, which enforces breaches of the Official Languages Act.
Nelson Kalil, a spokesperson for commissioner Graham Fraser could not comment on the report or confirm whether a complaint had been filed because the office was closed for Remembrance Day."

It's funny though, the Chief didn't send any email to "the troops" but rather to his Snr CWO's.  By the time it reached the bottom, the message to be conveyed  was already in both official languages.

DAA said:
And to add more insult to injury.........

"West’s email to the troops was written in English and translated into French by the newspaper. In the message, West apologized for sending an English-only email but explained that he wanted to get his message out urgently.
But Le Droit reported that the unilingual warning apparently displeased some francophone troops and a complaint has been filed with the Official Languages Commissioner’s office, which enforces breaches of the Official Languages Act.
Nelson Kalil, a spokesperson for commissioner Graham Fraser could not comment on the report or confirm whether a complaint had been filed because the office was closed for Remembrance Day."

It's funny though, the Chief didn't send any email to "the troops" but rather to his Snr CWO's.  By the time it reached the bottom, the message to be conveyed  was already in both official languages.

Prime Minister Trudeau has published the mandate letters given to the ministers of his cabinet.  The full text of the letter to the Minister of National Defence is here: http://pm.gc.ca/eng/minister-national-defence-mandate-letter

Excerpt (sorry for the poor formatting):

As Minister of National Defence, your overarching goal will be to ensure that the Canadian Armed Forces are equipped and prepared, if called upon, to protect Canadian sovereignty, defend North America, provide disaster relief, conduct search and rescue, support United Nations peace operations, and contribute to the security of our allies and to allied and coalition operations abroad. It will be important that you ensure a close link between defence policy, foreign policy, and national security. I also ask you to work closely with your colleague, the Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence, to ensure a seamless transition for Canadian Forces members to the programs and services of Veterans Affairs.

In particular, I will expect you to work with your colleagues and through established legislative, regulatory, and Cabinet processes to deliver on your top priorities:

- Work with the Minister of Foreign Affairs to end Canada’s combat mission in Iraq and Syria, refocusing Canada’s efforts in the region on the training of local forces and humanitarian support.

- Ensure that the Canadian Armed Forces have the equipment they need. This includes:
    * working with the Minister of Finance to maintain current National Defence spending levels, including current planned increases;
    * working with the Minister of Public Services and Procurement to launch an open and transparent competition to replace the CF-18 fighter aircraft, focusing on options that match Canada’s defence needs; and
    * working with the Minister of Public Services and Procurement to invest in strengthening the Navy, while meeting the commitments that were made as part of the National Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy.
- Work with the Minister of Foreign Affairs to renew Canada’s commitment to United Nations peace operations. This includes:

    * making Canada’s specialized capabilities – from mobile medical teams, to engineering support, to aircraft that can carry supplies and personnel – available on a case-by-case basis;
    * working with the Minister of Foreign Affairs to help the United Nations respond more quickly to emerging and escalating conflicts and providing well-trained personnel to international initiatives that can be quickly deployed, such as mission commanders, staff officers, and headquarters units; and
    * leading an international effort to improve and expand the training of military and civilian personnel deployed on peace operations, while insisting that any peacekeepers involved in misconduct be held accountable by their own country and the United Nations.

- Maintain Canada’s strong commitments to the North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD) and to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

- Conduct an open and transparent review process to create a new defence strategy for Canada, replacing the now-outdated Canada First Defence Strategy.

- Renew Canada’s focus on surveillance and control of Canadian territory and approaches, particularly our Arctic regions, and increase the size of the Canadian Rangers.

- Work with senior leaders of the Canadian Armed Forces to establish and maintain a workplace free from harassment and discrimination.

- Work with the Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence to reduce complexity, overhaul service delivery, and strengthen partnerships between National Defence and Veterans Affairs.

- Support the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness in a review of existing measures to protect Canadians and our critical infrastructure from cyber-threats.

- Work with the Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence to develop a suicide prevention strategy for Canadian Armed Forces personnel and veterans.
George Wallace said:

In defending the statement, he was agreeing to it, and just as guilty for rewording what was said.  Whether he made the original statement or not, he was defending it; all on camera.

My comment was to clarify a statement, not to pass judgement one way or another. If you are going to say someone said something make sure they actually said it otherwise you are both committing a moral offence (putting words into someone else's mouth) and violating the sites rules.
•You will not post any information that is... inaccurate...

In regards to being just as guilty for defending something that is untrue. If someone finds a joke (this being a variable depending on the person) funny and they defend it, it doesn't mean they actually take the literal meaning to heart (in fact they usually find it funny because of how absurd they consider it). Defending something also doesn't mean agreeing with something, personally I don't agree with his actions however I am willing to defend them simply because I believe in freedom of speech. To quote Evelyn Beatrice Hall "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it".

This however is likely in the wrong thread at this point and we have already done many circles around in the other thread regarding hydro one.
Because at least one member on this site gets his nose out of shape because they assume Francophones were being slandered, I will explain myself better. My comment was in reference to the article at the link below, which I hadn't the time to link to before posting my comments.


Privateer said:
Prime Minister Trudeau has published the mandate letters given to the ministers of his cabinet.  The full text of the letter to the Minister of National Defence is here: http://pm.gc.ca/eng/minister-national-defence-mandate-letter

Excerpt (sorry for the poor formatting):

Pook's summary.

Generals and their staffs could be redeployed from Bytown to Manhattan (if only the UN would pick up their paychecks it would solve the NDHQ bloat problems)

Navy and Air Force will be well funded and employed in the approaches on surveillance and the occasional overseas op (relying on the Americans for Top Cover)

CANSOFCOM, Logistics, Engineers and Medics will find it easier to justify expenditures.

Combat Arms, especially Armoured and Artillery will find it harder to get what they want/need (unless it is seen as a Defensive requirement - like, possibly, GBAD - or in Battlespace Management (FOO-FACs)

And the Infantry/Militia/Rangers.....I strongly suggest the future is Light (and possibly part time).

Played right, you could fill a number of holes in your structure under this government, and wait for the tide to turn to work on the "harder" stuff.

In 'While Canada Slept' (2003) Andrew Cohen quoted then Foreign Affairs Minister John Manley as saying, "You can't just sit at the G8 table and then, when the bill comes, go to the washroom.  If you want to play a role in the world, even as a small member of the G8, there's a cost to doing that."

Now, "Work with the Minister of Foreign Affairs to end Canada’s combat mission in Iraq and Syria, refocusing Canada’s efforts in the region on the training of local forces and humanitarian support."  In light of this directive, Prime Minister Trudeau is metaphorically excusing Canada to go to the washroom.  Discuss.

My 2 cents?  Our situation in 1950 when we committed to UN Forces in Korea was a lot more unclear than today.  However, 65 years later South Korea has evolved into a prosperous democracy whose success story is almost beyond imagination in 1950.  Most importantly though, is that we contributed to that success and the graves of our service personnel bear silent witness to our contribution to the cause of Korean liberty.  We could make that small step in Syria and Iraq.
Good idea, lets post a whole whack of NDHQ to UN missions overseas, I suspect the release rate will correct a whole host of issues.
Canuck_Jock said:
Now, "Work with the Minister of Foreign Affairs to end Canada’s combat mission in Iraq and Syria, refocusing Canada’s efforts in the region on the training of local forces and humanitarian support."  In light of this directive, Prime Minister Trudeau is metaphorically excusing Canada to go to the washroom.  Discuss.
That depends. 

To use the "house on fire" analogy brought up by others smarter than me, if you decide to pull out your firefighters, but end up spending a lot more $/effort training other firefighters and a lot more $/effort dealing with those running out of the burning house, nobody can complain if you're not holding a hose.

That said, to have a decent voice at the table, you'll have to train a LOT of firefighters and deal with a LOT of people running out of the house to have a decent voice/leverage at said table.
milnews.ca said:
For the moment, though, there are other threads to discuss the threats you refer to - the cancer victim's funeral may not be the best time/place to say, "I told him s/he shouldn't have smoked so much."  All about time/place ....

Everyone - how about we keep this to "whazzup?" for the moment, and comment more on the "who?" and "why?" a little down the road once things are over and cleaned up, OK?"

Yes, no jumping to conclusions - that's appropriate.  Still, IF it is ISIS or ISIS-inspired, I feel bad for the MND (who I respect immensely) having recently said Canadians don't need to fear ISIS. He might be wrong.
BurnDoctor said:
milnews.ca said:
For the moment, though, there are other threads to discuss the threats you refer to - the cancer victim's funeral may not be the best time/place to say, "I told him s/he shouldn't have smoked so much."  All about time/place ....

Everyone - how about we keep this to "whazzup?" for the moment, and comment more on the "who?" and "why?" a little down the road once things are over and cleaned up, OK?"

Yes, no jumping to conclusions - that's appropriate.  Still, IF it is ISIS or ISIS-inspired, I feel bad for the MND (who I respect immensely) having recently said Canadians don't need to fear ISIS. He might be wrong.

ISIS is apparently claiming responsibility, but they always do that even if they didn't do it.  If it turns out to be indeed ISIS it going to look real bad to pull out the CF 18's now.
It is totally bizarre that shortly after the release of the mandate to withdraw from the fight, the fight moves right into the heart of Paris, and has the potential to expand elsewhere. I'm sure that there will be lots of very hard questions being asked in background of the upcoming G-8 summit, and if Canada metaphorically going to excuse itself to the washroom, I suspect Canada will not be invited to come back to the table...
+10000000000000000000000000000000000000. However, there are a lot of delusional people in our society that will like to think we are tolerant. Thing is, many are xenophobic and say racist things that even they don't know it  ::) When they get called out, they jump on the old "bloggins is playing the race card"

jollyjacktar said:
To be fair to captloadie, OGBD, my last tour in the sandbox was Roto 7.  I trained and deployed with the folks from Valcartier.  I am not surprised as well that "someone" from there may have said something and I would also not be surprised if there was more than one person who shared this point of view. 

That being said, however, I would not be surprised if "someone else" from another base in this country shared this point of view. Racism is everywhere, sadly.
Oldgateboatdriver said:
Personally, I would not sent the NCO to a suspension, counselling, probation or relieve him/her of duty.

No, I would arrange for the said NCO a nice private session with CWO West, preferably somewhere deep in the bowels of CARP or a similar place (I hear they have nice one at Valcartier already).

A very public summary trial or court martial please.
opcougar said:
Thing is, many are xenophobic and say racist things that even they don't know it  ::)

Doesn't xeno's mean aliens? Like in the movie Aliens?
Hamish Seggie said:
A very public summary trial or court martial please.
[/quo    Works for me , except.........if I were this guy's lawyer I 'd be claiming this was a politically inspired show trial. Not too sure what is the best answer to be honest .
Better yet, present your case that your Charter rights to freedom of expression override a DAOD/any CAF policy...then watch that ball bounce.
Jarnhamar said:
Doesn't xeno's mean aliens? Like in the movie Aliens?
It can be used in "alien," like extra-terrestrial, but generally, it's more like "strange," "foreign" or "different".
Eye In The Sky said:
Better yet, present your case that your Charter rights to freedom of expression override a DAOD/any CAF policy...then watch that ball bounce.
Good point.  Another scenario, though - not knowing exactly what was said, would it stand up to a libel (since it was "broadcast", as opposed to slander being shared face-to-face) proceeding?
So, Minister Sajjan, ISIL isn't a threat, right? Isn't that what you just said?


