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Canada's ex-defense minister: Aliens would give us more tech if we'd stop wars


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This explains a lot. Just not sure what exactly.  :facepalm:

Canada's ex-defense minister: Aliens would give us more tech if we'd stop wars

Paul Hellyer, who has long insisted that aliens have visited Earth for many years, says that when aliens saw the atomic bomb they decided that we were a great threat to the cosmos.


I don't want to disturb what you're doing right now, but apparently four different species of aliens have been visiting Earth for thousands of years.

I don't quite have the evidence at hand, but Paul Hellyer, who used to be Canada's defense minister, claims he has.

In an interview with Russia Today, Hellyer explained (as if it was obvious): "Of course, there's been a lot more activity in the last few decades."

The reason for this, he said, was that man was stupid enough to invent the atomic bomb. Aliens are frightened that we're going to use it again (and again) and that this will affect the whole balance of the cosmos.

Ergo, each visit seems to have symbolized: "What the hell are they doing in that insane asylum today?"

Hellyer suggested that there are Edward Snowden-style whistleblowers who have already revealed government knowledge of alien visits. "It doesn't take long to get your hands on it," he said.

Hellyer is perhaps less convincing about his own experience with UFOs. He claims to have seen one, but when asked what it was like he said: "It just looks like a star."

He added: "The Star of Bethlehem is one of God's flying saucers."

Hellyer used to believe that there were between 2 and 12 different species of alien. Now, he says he's received reports that there might be as many as 80.

What's perhaps most interesting to our self-centered species is that some of them apparently look just like us. Indeed, he claimed that two alien ladies went to Las Vegas to shop dressed as nuns and no one was any the wiser.

Why would they be? This was Vegas. Try that in Springfield, Ill.

In case you feel you might have met one in your home town, some are tall ("Nordic blondes"), some are short ("Short Grays"), and some look like aliens in cartoons.

At this point, you'll be worried about whether these aliens are mean-spirited. Hellyer said that only one or two species might be threatening. He didn't mention whether they spoke Klingon.

In previous pronouncements, Hellyer has insisted that aliens know how to make us greener.

The aliens would, it seems, like to teach us better ways to live. Hellyer believes, though, that they are waiting for our consent. Moreover, they're scared that if they revealed themselves we'd throw a conniption.

Honestly, it's as if these aliens have never seen a single sci-fi show. We've been begging them to sort us out for many a year.

You'll be wondering, though, about their technology. The aliens are "light years" ahead of us. And, apparently, "a lot of the things we use today, we got from them."

Ah, that's why it's called the Samsung Galaxy.

Microchips and Kevlar vests are two of the other creations that, according to the serious Hellyer, came from outer spatial sources.

We would get a lot more technology from them "if we would go about it peacefully."

Hellyer's concerned that we might truly need a Star Wars capability "if we shoot down every UFO that comes into our airspace."

It's easy to dismiss Hellyer as being, well, from another planet. But our obsession with what's out there belies, surely, our considerable dislike of what we have become.

Perhaps hardest to swallow is Hellyer's notion that the majority of alien species out there are benign, loving, and progressive.

To be supposedly within reach of better attitudes and better technologies -- and only not receiving them because we don't ask for them -- seems to be the ultimate in tragedy.

So, dear aliens, could you just prove your benevolent ways by sorting out the three things that are bothering me right now. You know what they are, because you have the technology, right?

I am asking you nicely. Pretty please?
Mr Hellyer is 89 years old. He's likely a tad senile, even demented. Heaven knows that when my dear old granny was 89 she was nutty as a fruitcake.

It happens ... but he's still good for a quote and a little comic relief on a slow news day.
Sounds like a biblical notion to me.

Instead of treating your neighbor well and getting to go to Heaven, you just will have to treat your neighbor well and then we would get more technology from some Aliens.

However, if we had some concrete evidence of an Alien speaking at the White house saying those words "If you all treat each other better, we will help earth out a bit", I'm sure the human race would still screw it up.

Now I'm only starting boot camp at the end of this month, but if you sign papers stating you wouldn't say anything after you left the Forces, wouldn't you be imprisoned for releasing this information? It's a catch 22. If he got arrested for leaking information, that would mean the government is hiding something and letting him run his gums means that he's full of it?

I find it interesting personally.
Ergo, each visit seems to have symbolized: "What the hell are they doing in that insane asylum today?"

Yeah... welcome to the asylum where the patients are in charge !!!

Mr Hellyer needs to stay away from any form of media...
Man-oh-man!  I've heard of having gone to Cuckoo-Land, but THIS is ridiculous!  ::)

This isn't a senile or demented Paul Hellyer.  Some quick research will show he was espousing these sort of statements and beliefs over 40 years ago.
shootemup604 said:
This isn't a senile or demented Paul Hellyer.  Some quick research will show he was espousing these sort of statements and beliefs over 40 years ago.

Which might mean that he's been demented for 40 years ~ but I'm pretty sure that then LGen Moncel and RAdm Landymore thought he was demented 50 years ago, in 1964, when his White Paper hit the streets.
If playing X-Com has taught me anything it's that the only way to get alien technology is to kill them for it.

shootemup604 said:
This isn't a senile or demented Paul Hellyer.  Some quick research will show he was espousing these sort of statements and beliefs over 40 years ago.

This might help us understand why no serious military power ever pursued Unification......
ObedientiaZelum said:
If playing X-Com has taught me anything it's that the only way to get alien technology is to kill them for it.

I love x-com, have you played the new one? Or just the old one?

Cbbmtt said:
I love x-com, have you played the new one? Or just the old one?

Played them all. Currently playing XCom Enemy within (and just chopped the arms and legs off one of my soldiers so they would fit snugly in their battle suit, talk about mission before self).

Isn't the Internet age wonderful?

NBF weighs in. Interesting note at the end of the article is that Hellyer is still a member of the Privy Council, so has a much larger platform to launch from that everyday cranks like that guy on the corner downtown. Also of interest is several instances of past pronouncements, including the idea that George W Bush's Administration was building a FOB on the moon (hate to be the guy posted there) or that *we* had developed technologies that could embroil us in a Galactic war (considering the difficulties in developing new equipment ranging from boots to jet fighters, I can only imagine the over time/over budget figures for that project...  :o ):


Canada's former Defence minister Paul Hellyer and his ten years of alien craziness

  Paul Theodore Hellyer (90 years old) is a Canadian engineer, politician, writer and commentator who served as Canada's Defence minister and has a publicly declared belief in aliens.

His belief in aliens seems to be a mix of the TV show Stargate SG1 (1997-2007) and the 1997 movie Men in Black.Hellyer apparently missed the project Bluebook TV series of of 1978 and 1979 or he would likely have come out as a believer in aliens before 2004.

Hellyer’s beliefs include the following details:

* Most aliens come from other star systems, although there are some living on Venus, Mars and Saturn’s moon.
* There have been four species of aliens visiting our planet for thousands of years.
* There are between two and twelve total species of aliens (although some place the number closer to 80). Some look just like humans, while others appear more like the creatures portrayed in popular culture.
* Most alien species have benevolent intentions toward humanity, although a handful have ulterior motives.
* One alien species, known as the “Tall Whites” is working with the U.S. Air Force in Nevada and has been known to pass for humans in public.
* The “federation” of alien species has vowed not to intervene in human affairs unless they are invited to.
* The federation is disappointed in the way humans have treated the planet.
* Aliens technology is far more advanced. They have given us LED lights, microchips and Kevlar vests, but would be far more helpful if we weren’t warmongers.
* the aliens get here via a portal in the Andes mountains in Peru

He says he has never met an alien, but has seen a UFO near his cabin on Ontario’s Lake Muskoka.

In early September 2005, Hellyer made headlines by publicly announcing that he believed in the existence of UFOs. On 25 September 2005, he was an invited speaker at an exopolitics conference in Toronto, where he told the audience that he had seen a UFO one night with his late wife and some friends. He said that, although he had discounted the experience at the time, he had kept an open mind to it. He said that he started taking the issue much more seriously after watching ABC's Peter Jennings' UFO special in February 2005.

Watching Jennings' UFO special prompted Hellyer to read U.S. Army Colonel Philip J. Corso's book The Day After Roswell, about the Roswell UFO Incident, which had been sitting on his shelf for some time. Hellyer told the Toronto audience that he later spoke to a retired U.S. Air Force general, who confirmed the accuracy of the information in the book.

In November 2005, he accused U.S. President George W. Bush of plotting an "Intergalactic War". The former defence minister told an audience at the University of Toronto:

"The United States military are preparing weapons which could be used against the aliens, and they could get us into an intergalactic war without us ever having any warning...The Bush Administration has finally agreed to let the military build a forward base on the moon, which will put them in a better position to keep track of the goings and comings of the visitors from space, and to shoot at them, if they so decide."

Hellyer told the audience that in December 2004, he had enjoyed reading and had endorsed a book by Alfred Webre entitled Politics, Government and Law in the Universe. He ended his 30-minute talk by stating:

"To turn us in the direction of re-unification with the rest of creation the author is proposing a “Decade of Contact” – an “era of openness, public hearings, publicly funded research, and education about extraterrestrial reality”.

In 2007, the Ottawa Citizen reported that Hellyer is demanding that world governments disclose alien technology that could be used to solve the problem of climate change:

"I would like to see what (alien) technology there might be that could eliminate the burning of fossil fuels within a generation...that could be a way to save our planet...We need to persuade governments to come clean on what they know. Some of us suspect they know quite a lot, and it might be enough to save our planet if applied quickly enough."

In 2010, Hellyer accused Stephen Hawking of spreading misinformation about threats from aliens. According to Hawking, if human beings tried to contact aliens, they could invade us and take away our most important resources. Hawking had also said that though most extraterrestrial life could be only in the form of small animals, there could also be "nomads, looking to conquer and colonize" other planets.

Hellyer told the Canadian Press that
"the reality is that they (aliens) have been visiting earth for decades and probably millennia and have contributed considerably to our knowledge."

Blaming Hawking for scaring mankind about aliens, he said, "He (Hawking) is indulging in some pretty scary talk there that I would have hoped would not come from someone with such an established stature.

He is the longest serving current member of the Privy Council, which is an institution for patronage for senior Canadian politicians.

The Queen's Privy Council for Canada (QPC) (French: Conseil privé de la Reine pour le Canada (CPR)), sometimes called Her Majesty's Privy Council for Canada or simply the Privy Council, is the full group of personal consultants to the monarch of Canada on state and constitutional affairs, though responsible government requires the sovereign or her viceroy, the Governor General of Canada, to almost always follow only that advice tendered by the Cabinet— a committee within the Privy Council composed of elected Members of Parliament. Those summoned to the QPC are appointed for life by the governor general as directed by the Prime Minister of Canada, meaning that the group is composed predominantly of former cabinet ministers, with some others having been inducted as an honorary gesture.
We always knew he was an idiot. Now the whole world knows. Can we just say he's Rob Ford's uncle so we don't have to explain his lunacy?