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Canada needs a Peace Corps


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Like many of us I think I am becoming increasingly frustrated with the much of the attitude that prevails in this country with regard to international affairs.

I find the attitude 'at large' to often fall into three categories in this country.
  • 'It's not winnable and it's Bush's war
  • Why are we there when we could be spending money on health care
  • Canada's traditional role is as 'peacekeeper'

Frankly I think all of this is piffle.

But if the approach in Afghanistan is 'defence, development and diplomacy' where's the development? In this article it is argued that Canada needs a Peace Corps.

The Peace Corps, established in the 1960's, in the US by JFK was designed to send young Americans abroad to assist less developed nations in development projects. Often these projects were micro-level, aimed at the 'grass routes'.

It seems to me that much of the development work in Afghanistan has been successful at this 'grass routes' level. It seems to me that much of the country is relatively peaceful and now ready for a sustained push at these kinds of projects. (I am not advocating that we drop a dozen U of T undergraduates in Spin Boldak to dig wells... rather some more peaceful and perhaps less prosaic activity in a more secure locale).

So my question is this, would Canadian Youth, respond to a call, presuming they do not belong to our vocation (of arms) react to a challenge to go abroad and do some good, following the much touted Axworthian principles of 'soft power'? Is this another path that the country could follow?

Anyway, read the article.

Aside from maligning CDS, calling for a Feb 09 withdrawal and generally bemoaning the fact that a detainee or two has become unaccounted for, is there anything else that our countrymen (sic) should be thinking about doing other than bitching and moaning about the usual 'cause celebres' of the left-ish?
we used to:


Look where it got us..LOL

We've also got Canadian University Services Overseas (CUSO) which has now apparently lost it's "university" affiliation, and now takes working proffesionals, vice students.  A browse of their website (CUSO.Org) has me convinced they're another "social justice" and "Solidarity" type movement, versus actually spreading Canadian values to the developing world.

To be blunt, I doubt most Canadians have the stones to go do anything in Afghanistan.  Plus, we lament the "Me" Generation regularly on here...Service, in any capacity, is becoming a lost cause among Canadians.

2 Shekels,


Now that's some mighty fine fact-checking, Toronto Star.  I'm just a mouth-breathing soldier from the prairies, and even I know Canada's dedication to humanitarian aid extends beyond aping Americans.
Such programs do exist look at:

Canada World Youth - http://www.cwy-jcm.org/en
Crossroads International - http://www.cciorg.ca/welcome.html

When I was younger I spent time in India with C.W.Y.
There was certainly a lot of intrest from other youth. It was quite competitive to get in.

I think a better question to ask would be "Should there be a governmental sponsored Peace Core?"
My Opinion: No, the N.G.O.s are doing fine.
cplcaldwell said:
But if the approach in Afghanistan is 'defence, development and diplomacy' where's the development? In this article it is argued that Canada needs a Peace Corps.

Without Security there can be no Development, what the point in building a school if someone will just come along and blow it up, security has to come first, the only thing that will do that is bulletts down range, regrettable yes, so are both world wars, the fact of the matter is somebody's got to do it, its a dirty job, and it might as well be us. We've been peacekeeping so long this country has forgotten they pay us to make war.
It would be an excellent idea to put more funds into this noble cause  then blindly tossing our money into helping out in George Bush's illegal wars of oppression.
Spirit of the Sixties said:
It would be an excellent idea to put more funds into this noble cause  then blindly tossing our money into helping out in George Bush's illegal wars of oppression.

Climb down off your soapbox...nobody's interested in that crap!!
GAP said:
Climb down off your soapbox...nobody's interested in that crap!!

Really there were plenty that seemed interested in at the rally I attended this past Saturday. But as you're one of those who I guess I owe my freedom of speech to I'll try and be more polite.
Spirit of the Sixties said:
It would be an excellent idea to put more funds into this noble cause  then blindly tossing our money into helping out in George Bush's illegal wars of oppression.
Where do these people come from. They should take there crap somewhere else.We do not need to here it :threat:
Spirit of the Sixties said:
Really there were plenty that seemed interested in at the rally I attended this past Saturday. But as you're one of those who I guess I owe my freedom of speech to I'll try and be more polite.

I'll bet very few of those who attended your "rally" are members here - and therefore couldn't be less interested in what is said here.

You are attempting to provoke ill-feelings, prompting an ill considered outburst, which would, in your opinion, justify your view of the military as "knuckle-draggers".

That's known as "trolling".

I occasionally frequent your peace-nic boards - but I NEVER participate or "troll" - that would be disrespectful to the members.

Please extend the same courtesy to us.


+1 Roy. Spirit of the Sixties, if you want to stay on this board, don't start trolling. I am sure most people on here respect your belief, and we have our own beliefs, and I am sure you won't be able to change it, so don't try to.
Actually Roy I'm well aware that not all persons who wear uniforms are knuckle draggers as you put it, and I'm sure you find that term as distasteful as I do the term "peace nik."

As for trolling as you call it, yes I'm more than familair with the term and I assure you that is not my intent. I came here through a seach hit on the rallies and have spent a few hours reading what you have to say here. Obviously I disagree with much of "your" take on world events but that I would think you would agree is my perogative.

Spirit of the Sixties,

I notice that your signature says something to the effect that we should support our troops and bring them home.  How about supporting the people of Afghanistan?  You're a result of the "me, me, me" generation.  You know what, it's not always about us.  Those people need our help.  It is our obligation and duty as citizens of this world to help those in need and to be defenders of the weak. 

Secondly, if support is so great to bring our troops home then why did only 150 people march down the street here in Victoria on March 17th? 

Please stop trolling here.  You're entitled to disagree with us but you're also entitled to keep it to yourself if you're only going to troll.  Comments like the one you made about President Bush are nothing but the words of a troll. 
Spirit of the Sixties said:
Actually Roy I'm well aware that not all persons who wear uniforms are knuckle draggers as you put it, and I'm sure you find that term as distasteful as I do the term "peace nik."

As for trolling as you call it, yes I'm more than familair with the term and I assure you that is not my intent. I came here through a seach hit on the rallies and have spent a few hours reading what you have to say here. Obviously I disagree with much of "your" take on world events but that I would think you would agree is my perogative.

It is indeed your perogative Spirit of the 60s, feel free to leave at any time though if you feel you can't deal with the real-time, life-experiences of the posters of this forum.

You may have hit (why does acid spring to my mind with that??  ::) ) upon this site accidentally; but it is Army.ca not Gimmesomeofwhatyoursmokingtoday.ca

The Librarian
Army.ca Staff
Med.Tech said:
Spirit of the Sixties,

I notice that your signature says something to the effect that we should support our troops and bring them home.  How about supporting the people of Afghanistan?  You're a result of the "me, me, me" generation.  You know what, it's not always about us.  Those people need our help.  It is our obligation and duty as citizens of this world to help those in need and to be defenders of the weak. 

Secondly, if support is so great to bring our troops home then why did only 150 people march down the street here in Victoria on March 17th? 

Please stop trolling here.  You're entitled to disagree with us but you're also entitled to keep it to yourself if you're only going to troll.  Comments like the one you made about President Bush are nothing but the words of a troll. 

Well put, let me add on, we're still there at the request of the Afghan government, yes thats right, they want us there. and as for your March rally whatever, It wasn't much my family and walked by after a kids CBC production at the Mac you were all huddled under a building to avoid the rain.
Disenchantedsailor said:
Well put, let me add on, we're still there at the request of the Afghan government, yes thats right, they want us there. and as for your March rally whatever, It wasn't much my family and walked by after a kids CBC production at the Mac you were all huddled under a building to avoid the rain.

They're fair weather warriors. ;D  They should come on a field exercise with us in the pouring rain and mud and see how vocal they are after.
Spirit of the Sixties.  I don't respect your beliefs at all.

You are the type of person who will protest no matter what, just keep on following the crowd.  You know what would happen if we pulled out of Afghanistan?  You would be first in line protesting against the government because we aren't doing enough for the people there.

Not all the world's problems can be solved with a hug, sometimes military action is required and if you think otherwise perhaps you could find a Jewish friend who can explain to you that it was indeed military action that ended the horrors of WWII.

Again this is army.ca  :cdn:

NOW if I could get an account on Gimmesomeofwhatyoursmokingtoday.ca I would be a happy man   8)


Perhaps if the topic continues to spiral it should be locked.

Much thanks to Spirit of the Sixties for the 'hard left rudder' >:(
<a href="http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=trolling&r=f">trolling </a>
Trolling is the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet, generally on message boards. When done in a moderated internet community, this can result in banning.

For further clarification, this is trolling:
Spirit of the Sixties said:
It would be an excellent idea to put more funds into this noble cause  then blindly tossing our money into helping out in George Bush's illegal wars of oppression.

P.S> "than blindly ..." and you're an educator?