You hit the nail on the head.
I used to whine and gripe about stupid people being in charge of everything. I thought this was just a phase society was going through- and we would come out of it on the other end having learned a short lived lesson of why, as a society, we should stop appointing obviously stupid people to positions that decide public policy.
I used to complain about that...and still do if something detrimental to our society is done out of pure incompetence...
But once someone (who's fairly well versed in economics and politics) pointed out the actual intention is the agenda of post-nation states, no single family housing, a major demographic shift, and to summarily bankrupt the country and set it on a path of self destruction - it all made perfect sense...
How else do we increase our national debt by a trillion dollars ontop of whatever tax money the government collects?
Why else dramatically ease bail conditions for repeat and/or violent offenders?
(My auto insurance is the most it's been in recent years despite no tickets or accidents, directly because auto theft has skyrocketed due to catch & about you guys?)
Why else pass legislation that literally nobody wanted or asked for? (So they crammed through C-11 and the Online News Act...anybody notice a drastic increase in Canadian content? No? Well that's because despite the LPC claiming the bill was to help enhance Canadians exposure to Canadian made content, the actual bill doesn't mention 'Canadian content' even once...)
(Just wait until the Online Safety Act gets crammed through right before the next election...)
Why support a 'safe supply' program that literally floods an area that's already been devastated by chronic heavy drug use with more, and now free, drugs? (Fentynal, are you f**king kidding me?)
How much is that costing us? I'm sure it isn't just BC taxpayers that are paying for the drugs that are ruining their neighborhoods...
Why else push for the expansion of MAID to include folks who are mentally ill?
As a society we used to strongly discourage people from taking their own life, and as a society we agreed to offer those people counseling services & mental health support in the hopes they would get better.
Now, we're expanding the program to make it easier for ppl who may not be thinking straight to kill themselves.
(As Tucker said, a government that kills 50,000 of its own citizens is usually called wonder they're doing what they can to buy time, and not release the official stats)
Why else kill off the very industries that gave previous governments budget surpluses?
(Even huge opportunities to export LNG have been shunned...)
I could go on & on & on about how much I genuinely hate Justin Trudeau
And lately, I do just that. I apologize. (This thread, being about how popular/unpopular Trudeau is, has been my venting ground)
Thank You for putting up with my rants of late.
He gets my blood boiling, and I think I subconsciously must think that if I just explain to the universe what him & Freeland & WEF are doing to us, in ways we haven't fully recognized, that surely someone within government will do something...