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Canada could see terror attacks, Cellucci warns

Sounds like the guy caught at the BC/Washington border (Blaine Wash?) in Dec 1999. He planned to blow up LAX on New Years Eve IIRC.

He was from the Montreal Area. Not originally though as he came into the country from Algeria on a forged visa, made a phony refugee claim, and then disappeared, after using forged documents to get a Canadian passport (a la Day of the Jackal).
Ok, I remember that incident. Yes, it was an Algerian living in Montréal who tried to cross the border in the BC area. But the crossing was manned, and he was caught by a US agent after successfully leaving Canada with a trunk full of explosives. He was going to blow something up in LA on Y2K.
His name was Ahmed Ressam.
The terrorist within
>Wouldn‘t we be safer off by becoming more isolationist, and NOT contributing to the "war on terror"?

No, that just changes your place in line. I would rather get out of the line altogether by extinguishing the problem.
See.. I myself am 16 and i can tell you exactly why you dont have scores of youngsters entering the Canadian Military. There scared. There scared because they believe the Canadian Military is one of the worst in the world with all its funding cut backs and compared to the US Military and there Fancy gadgets that we see everyday on TV....

Another problem is also there advertiseing method. I mean lets be honest your tryin to recruit. To do this you wan amplify the glory of it all. When i see an american add and them talking about honor and there wicked helicopters it gets the blood pumpin. Then i see a Canadian advertisment.. Whoopee there on a boat.. it isnt even a carrier ship its a boat with no gun on it. Look at it from the youngsters perspective.

Also!. When i got the sheet for the army do you have any idea what it says for related Civy jobs?? Truck Driver... Security Guard. Are the people who make those COMPLETE Idiots... Honestly they must have a brain problem. why would I want to waste a few years of my life and sign off some freedoms to only to become a Truck Driver in the end of it. What they need to do is put examples of where they leader ship skills gained can get you.

See the problem with Canadians is they think itll NEVER happen to them... I mean why would they attack us,accordin to everyone where only Americas Bitch. For good reason! But they see our men in Afghanistan. They see them thwarting terrorism around the world. Whos to say we aint stirrin the nest.
and besides beefin up the borders aint gona hurt anybody but the right people. ~~The right people being the Terrorists.
Frankly Travis, I would rather be inconvienced at a border crossing for a few extra minutes, then have a terr discretely cross over and do something nasty to an unsuspecting public, which might even me you!.

Beefed up borders also ensure that illegal aliens, drugs, illegal guns and other contraband cant get thru as easy either.


Thas what im sayin.. beefed up borders is good. The right people being the terrorists :D Sorry aboutt he misunderstanding in my writing there heh
No worries, I guess I should have read iinto it better.

ok, just got back from work, so my rebuttal is a bit late....ok, if keeping to ourselves is a bad idea, why don‘t "we" send our forces to do good elsewhere, and leave the stuff that may backfire (as in retaliatory strikes) to someone else? For instance, supposing the CF committed itself wholeheartedly to stopping the mass carnage and civil wars in Africa, and there just weren‘t enough troops *wink wink* to commit to any operations against an international terrorist organization which has sleeper cells throughout the world. We could support the "war on terror" in "spirit" and instead be doing good elsewhere. The middle east isn‘t the only, or even the worst, unstable region in the world.

As for everyone loving Canada, of course i know that‘s not true. But I also know that if you‘re standing next to a guy throwing rocks, eventually someone is going to throw something back, and the odds are eventually, something is going to hit you.

Weak analogy, but the Canadian government should be looking at protecting Canadians, not North America. The Americans are not our "brothers", they‘re our neighbours, and the government should be doing whatever it can to protect the citizens of Canada. If that means that you stop watering your neighbours‘ lawn every time they ask, and they stop bringing you casserole, then so be it.

(remember, we‘re their largest trade partner too, and the US economy is not yet in a state to start roughing up one‘s trading partners.)

I know it‘s a weak analogy, but hey, I have a weak arguement. Well, no, but I think I‘m making a point. Canada has not been attacked....yet. 9/11 was not an attack on Canada, I‘m quite certain that Osama Bin Laden was not sitting in a cave going "okay guys, we‘ll target the largest, most visible buildings in the city. if we‘re lucky, there will be some Canadians in it". Of course, I have no way of knowing that, but meh.

To summarize my point...Canada has not been attacked directly. Until that day (hopefully never), nobody can bash the Canadian government, or CSIS, but not doing their jobs. Given our "lack" of commitment to the war on terror (as Cellucci said) one could only assume that the only real threat to our safety is our proximity and close (?) relationship to the United States.

Again, just an alternative point of view. FOR DISCUSSION.

I think the reason they put "truck driver" and "boring" stuff is to encourage the right kind of people to join. I mean, if I was running the army, I wouldn‘t want people to join who just wanted to imagine that they‘d spend the whole time blowing up random stuff, firing hundreds of rounds of ammunition at brush while there is no ememy around, and learning how to snap necks. (If i‘m wrong though, then HOT ****) The way the application worded everything, I think they wanted to portray the army as a "real" job, meaning you have to deal with lots of stupid, unpleasant people 24/7 and put up with super boring trash....just like everyone else. For instance, the infantry info sheet said that "the job of the infantry is to do blah blah blah"

did you notice how they never said that you‘d be doing it?

Please learn to spell and use grammar. "Ain‘t is not a word, and if you use it as a double negative, you contradict your own arguement. I am having a hard time trying to figure out what you are trying to say, especially when you can‘t use the correct words. There are great differences in the words: THERE, THEIR, THEY‘RE and WHERE, WERE, WARE, WE‘RE. Correct punctuation would also help. Thanks.

As for comparing a Military job to a Civie job, what do you expect? There are no jobs for Tank drivers or Infantry men on Civie Street. There are, however, Heavy Equipment Operator or Security jobs.

To summarize my point...Canada has not been attacked directly. Until that day (hopefully never), nobody can bash the Canadian government, or CSIS, but not doing their jobs. Given our "lack" of commitment to the war on terror (as Cellucci said) one could only assume that the only real threat to our safety is our proximity and close (?) relationship to the United States.
Open your eys. Canadians have been killed. Terrorists have been found in Canada. Do you work on another planet? The Canadian Government and CSIS do have to do their jobs, and do their jobs NOW.

Our proximity to the US is a contributing factor. To use your example: If you are standing next to a guy (say a G-7 protester wearing a black belaclava) throwing rocks at someone (say a cop) you are likely to be affected in a rather rude way. You‘ll likely be thrown into the back of a paddy wagon with your rock throwing friend. Are you begining to catch our drift? If terrorists are attacking Spain, France and Iraq, what makes you think Canada, which is already on the AQ list, will be exempt?

Gear down turbo. George. I forgot you old ones dont understand the current Hip-Hop Lingo. My bad.. or whoops. I am sorry my fellow man. :salute: .An educated person would know that the "lingo" is actually the evolution of a language.

Now your not looking at it from the perspective of a student whos bringin in 80 and 90%. Truck Driver. Security Guard. There is absolutley no incentive.

What I found with the American commercials is that they actually show a situation where the ex- infantry soldier has gained the responsibility, and leadership (Along with the education recieved from the government) that allows a major corporation to take his training in the military seriously and welcome it. I know so many people who dont even have a clue that the Canadian Army will pay for your college. Or the reserves will give you 2k towards college. Its more, why would i join to become a janiter in the end when I can go to college/university and make somthing of myself.

Ya Sorry I got off topic :p
Me thinks someone is a prime candidate for the Darwin Award, eh George? Travis will do well going to college....

" Its more, why would i join to become a janiter in the end when I can go to college/university and make somthing of myself."

"Yo G you be down dog" it‘s janitor.... moron :rolleyes:

I hope your parents know of your spelling problems BEFORE they pay out good coin for a virtual black hole.....ah forget it. It‘s like talking to a brick wall. You‘d be lucky to get a job at Mc Donalds flipping burgers.

‘nuff said...but I digress

Travis just out of curiousity do you have any idea what a good long distance truck driver makes?

Also while entry level security guards don‘t pull in a lot, at the top end of their profession ie CPO, or armed guards such as those with Brinks etc make a fairly decent wage.

I‘d bet it‘s more than some university educated IT, type who is now discovering the joys of being a "latte technician" at Starbucks.
I know Franko.

Everyone knows our true troubles lay in our proximity to the US. We are likely to suffer ‘collateral‘ damage due to that fact. It is time that we unhooked the mooring lines and set sail for some other continent. Perhaps set up off the coast of China and let all our Communist sympathizers can feel more at home. However, that would put us too close to the largest Islamic populations in the world. So maybe we ought to move to off the coast of Africa..... :rolleyes:

While I do agree that Canada should be stepping up security and providing more funding to the CF, CSIS, customs, CSE, etc. we should not forget that Cellecuci(sp?) represent‘s the interests of his country first. He‘s not concerned for Canada, but rather, the benifits that the US can gain. Whether this is added security or whatever, he is only concerned with us sinking money in so that in the process we end up protecting the US as well as ourselves.
To summarize my point...Canada has not been attacked directly. Until that day (hopefully never), nobody can bash the Canadian government, or CSIS, but not doing their jobs. Given our "lack" of commitment to the war on terror (as Cellucci said) one could only assume that the only real threat to our safety is our proximity and close (?) relationship to the United States.
That should have read "for not doing their jobs." stupid hands.

Open your eys. Canadians have been killed. Terrorists have been found in Canada. Do you work on another planet? The Canadian Government and CSIS do have to do their jobs, and do their jobs NOW.
I never said they weren‘t in Canada. That‘s why the authorities should do their best to locate them and get rid of them. My point was, why should we have to find them after they strike? Why should we have dead on our soil for someone else? Save for the FLQ, and that Ajaib Singh Bagri prick, there haven‘t been any major strikes in Canadian subways or aircraft, at least none from Al-Quaeda. Well, nothing publicized at least. So your point about how the RCMP/CSIS need to start doing their jobs is...null.

Our proximity to the US is a contributing factor. To use your example: If you are standing next to a guy (say a G-7 protester wearing a black belaclava) throwing rocks at someone (say a cop) you are likely to be affected in a rather rude way. You‘ll likely be thrown into the back of a paddy wagon with your rock throwing friend. Are you begining to catch our drift? If terrorists are attacking Spain, France and Iraq, what makes you think Canada, which is already on the AQ list, will be exempt?
for one thing, i don‘t goto those retarded riots. i‘ve always enjoyed seeing groups of students getting gassed and peppersprayed; whenever there is a protest, i watch it live on Newsnet. To continue the same anaology though, the cops usually catch and beat the ones closest to the front line. Sure, the guy with his shirt off, screaming the loudest, and thrashing the most may be getting his point out the clearest, and hey, he‘s probably earned the respect of all the other protestors, but he‘s still going to be the first that gets hit in the face with the tear gas canister.

In case that arguement is a little "hazy" for you, put it another way; If we are a junior member of the war on terror, or even a junior-junior member, we can leave the real fighting (and threat of reprisal attacks) to others. For instance, my prediction for the day is that the pakistani president is going to be dead soon for his part in the large offensive going on right now on the pakastani border.
Originally posted by nULL:
[qb] For instance, my prediction for the day is that the pakistani president is going to be dead soon for his part in the large offensive going on right now on the pakastani border. [/qb]
So if Ayman al-Zawahri was hiding out in Flin Flon, we shouldn‘t go after him for fear that Paul Martin becomes a target of assassination?

We certainly would go after him, and we‘d work hard to prepare for the possible consequences. We should also prepare for the possible consequences of our role so far.
Just as a side note...


Look at the bottom of the story.

The group said its cells were ready for another attack and time was running out for allies of the United States.

"Whose turn is it next? Will it be Japan or America, or Italy, Britain or Oslo or Australia?" the statement said, adding Pakistan and Saudi Arabia were also targets.

Note Canada is not on that list.
WOW! What a relief. Okay people shows over, no need to worry. The crackpot "terrorist spokesman" didn‘t mention Canada in the list so there is no need to be alarmed.

If you see a arabic person paking a truck next to a nuclear plant and then running away, he‘s probably just making a delivery. No need to worry.

I‘ll sleep better tonight.