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Canada could see terror attacks, Cellucci warns

John Nayduk

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CTV.ca News Staff

Updated: Thu. Mar. 18 2004 9:34 AM ET

Montreal, Toronto or Windsor, Ont., could be targeted the way Madrid has been, U.S. Ambassador Paul Cellucci warns.

For that reason, Canada must stand with the United States to defend North America and fight terrorism, he says.

Cellucci warned an audience of about 300 at the University of Western Ontario on Wednesday that the terrorist attack last week in Madrid that killed 201 people is a "sobering reminder" that "no one is immune from these attacks and everyone should be vigilant and stand on guard.‘‘

"The probability of further attacks is real," Cellucci said.

He said his country is "in prevention mode" but needs Canada‘s help.

"We need a strong Canadian military to help us defend North America and defeat terrorism around the globe," he said.

"We are doing everything in our power to prevent the next attack ... We cannot defend ourselves without Canada‘s help.‘‘

Another terror attack on North America, he warned, would be "catastrophic economically.‘‘ More importantly, an attack against American cities using powerful weapons could also spread death to Canadian cities near the border.

The ambassador praised Canada for sending forces to Afghanistan, and for giving $300 million to help stabilize Iraq. But when it comes to terrorism, he said, the average Canadian is not as concerned as he or she should be.

The RCMP, CSIS and the Canadian military "get it‘‘ about terrorism, but the Canadian public has been less concerned, Cellucci said.

He said he takes heart from recent moves by Prime Minister Paul Martin, who has asked for a review of defence policy.
Let‘s get our own orange alert and scare the living <censored> out of everyone every second week, sounds fun. He‘s using this as an excuse to complain about Canada‘s military and defence, pretty sad that the government uses the murder of over 200 people as an excuse to treat use like their whipping boy.
I really dislike Cellucci. This "warning" sounds more like a threat.
I remember him stepping on his own tongue fairly recently, i can‘t remember exactly what it said, but it was more mean spirited than constructive.
Why do his words offend you two so much? Because they are blunt and not sugar-coated? You people need to take off your rose-coloured glasses. He‘s not using the Madrid bombing as an "excuse to treat use (sic) like their whipping boy." He‘s saying wake-the-FREAK-up because there‘s a real possibility that we could be next.
i was just about to edit my post to say
"But he is upfront and doesn‘t dance around the issue, which is refreshing in a politician.
Ambassador Cellucci isn‘t treating us like his whipping boy, he‘s pointing out that Canada is not immune from terrorist activity. We may not have as many (or any) high-priority targets like the US does, but we certainly don‘t want to have what Al-Qaeda would consider easy targets, or training grounds.

I‘m not suggesting that every citizen needs to seal their homes with duct tape and plastic wrap, but the average citizen should be more aware of the threats that are out there. Just because it doesn‘t make sense for AQ to attack Canada, doesn‘t mean it can‘t happen. I, for one, have not always been able to follow the logic of terrorist organizations.
Let‘s get our own orange alert and scare the living <censored> out of everyone every second week, sounds fun. He‘s using this as an excuse to complain about Canada‘s military and defence, pretty sad that the government uses the murder of over 200 people as an excuse to treat use like their whipping boy.
Thank you. We all really needed the seasoned political observation of a 15 year old cadet.
Corporal Cam and nbk . If you watch the news at all, you'll notice that with the Madrid bombings, there seems to be a new direction in the terrorist strategy. Whether you like him or not does not change the threat.
As well, the Americans and the rest of NATO have every right to complain about the state of our military. They're probably getting tired of us being the weak link, leeching off the rest of the Alliance. How many Canadians have to die in another terrorist strike before someone realizes that our military is not capable of defending the country?
It's probably gotten to the point that it will take more money to get us up to the level of readiness and training than any government is willing to spend. We'll probably see lots of band-aids but no real solutions to the problems we face in the military. For a country with the largest landmass on the planet (second largest?) we are pathetically under staffed and under equipped.
Can we become staffed and equipped? Of course money talks but lets say we had the money for training and equipment, how long would it take the canadian military to operate at a level where we could defend our country?
Wasn‘t Spain probably attacked because they took part in the Iraq occupation? Wouldn‘t we be safer off by becoming more isolationist, and NOT contributing to the "war on terror"? If the "middle ground" really isn‘t safe at all, and the "standing with our allies" strategy is dangerous as well, why not just go completely the other way? For instance, when was the last time Denmark was attacked?

There are alternatives; just another point of view.
nULL, great idea there. We‘ll just go tell our allies, trading partners, friends, and neighbours, that we‘re sitting this one out. However if at later date we‘re attacked could they please, please, pretty please remember their various obligations and treaties and come to our aid.

Works for me. Anyone else?

Oh and to answer your question 1940, and the entire country was completly overrun and occupied in 24 hours. Care to guess why?
Wouldn‘t we be safer off by becoming more isolationist, and NOT contributing to the "war on terror"?
If you knew even the basics of 20th century history, you would know that Isolationism, along with Appeasement, has went to the ashcan of history.

For instance, when was the last time Denmark was attacked?

Denmark has forces in Iraq. Looks like you need to re-evaluate your thesis.

There are alternatives; just another point of view.
Yes, there are, however, I remain unconvinced that they are realistic enough to provide a viable solution.
It‘s kind of like thinking that the bull isn‘t going to charge you, because you‘re a vegetarian..
How soon we forget!

Canada has already been attacked. Cpl Murphy was killed by a suicide bomber. Look at our loses in Afghanistan. These are terrorists who have done that. Oh!....but that wasn‘t in Canada, you say.

Sorry....but have you no recollection of the gent from Montreal who got caught trying to smuggle explosives into Washington State.


I think a fair number of Canadians were killed in the 9/11 attacks. But, that doesn‘t count, eh?

They shouldn‘t have been in the US at all. Right?

So it was their own fault.

Islamic radicals don‘t hate Canadians. Islamic radicals don‘t hate Canadians. Islamic radicals don‘t hate Canadians. Islamic radicals . . . .

Keep repeating that mantra, Null, until sharia comes.

Being away from the "Land of the Maple Leaf", now for going on 10yrs I have never heard of this American Cellucci bloke, but p_i$$ off the political retterick he speaks, and read between the lines to what he is saying. he is infact giving out a warning and a wke up call.

He is right saying that there is problems without the help for his great northern neighbour.

Look at the border for instance, its the longest unguarded border in the world, with not even a fence. Being from Saskatchewan, we used to duck into Montana un-noticed for a few beers, even with our rifles in the truck. I would not want to get caught now doing that, by either side.

Also a closer look should be take on ‘whos flying in‘, or in any way who is coming into Canada by any means.

I cant blame the USA for being tighter on people who enter their country. Afterall the death of 3,000 people, many who were foreigners such as people from the UK, Canada and Australia too. There crime was just being at work.

Its good that Canada is involved, and has given those millions of $$ for this fledgling democracy in Iraq, and I am proud to see CADPAT‘d soldiers on the international news, and saddened when there is fatalities.

On the darker side, the bad guys see this involvment too, and view it as an act of aggression against their ‘cause‘, and therefore you are all in the same boat as us.

BTW, the guy from Quebec, who tried to smuggle explosives into the USA even made the news here in Australia on the lax borders (some unmanned and remotely operated by video link) between the USA and Canada.

In my view, its not that Canada could see terror attacks, its Canada will see them. Its just a matter of where and when. I hate to even think of such as thing, but thats how it is now, and its worse here, as after 11 Sep, the federal govt put out adds, and a magazine with fridge magnet on who to call and report suspicious terrorist activities, etc. Security hs been beefed up, with dozens of arrests of islamic radicals, of which all have since been released, but I assure you, they are being watched. Hundreds of others are being watched too. And to think, thi is the thanks we as a nation get in return for letting them come here in the first place. Go figure!


Sad thing is though, the sooner we get bombed the sooner the general public realize that terrorism is our problem.
Originally posted by Wesley H. Allen, CD:
BTW, the guy from Quebec, who tried to smuggle explosives into the USA even made the news here in Australia on the lax borders (some unmanned and remotely operated by video link) between the USA and Canada.
Wes [/qb]
If we‘re talking about the same guy, all he had in his truck was a shotgun. He crossed to the US side (the village is divided by the border) to get gas for his pick-up and was arrested. There were no explosives involved in that incident.
If you‘re talking about another incident, well... carry on !!! ;)
It was an other incident, as he had the boot of the car full on explosives. He was a non-Cdn, but passed thru the border, and I forget where, but I am sure it was pre 11 Sep 01.