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CAN-USA 2025 Tariff Strife (split from various pol threads)

These irrelevant snipes are amusing.

He’s now #47 after the greatest come back in political history. He has fundamentally shifted the priorities of the west. He has every world organization and country waiting nervously to hear what he says or does next. This is all true whether you like him or not.
Hes definitely getting stuff done.

Improving Canadian border security and pushing us to improve our National Defense.

At the end of the day strength matters in all things. It's not so much a case of standing up to a school yard bully, it's standing up to Mike Tyson in the ring; it's a smart thing not to find yourself there in the first place.

So more substance from PP.

Echoing what I said about finding other sources to sell our stuff if the US is going be unreliable and is all about retaliation if needed .

Good. Strong stance in his part.
Great hearing more details - and decent approach.

It’ll be interesting to see how he would herd the still-varying Premiers for a fully Team Canada go. Current management can’t handle the leash at this point.
Hes definitely getting stuff done.

Improving Canadian border security and pushing us to improve our National Defense.

At the end of the day strength matters in all things. It's not so much a case of standing up to a school yard bully, it's standing up to Mike Tyson in the ring; it's a smart thing not to find yourself there in the first place.

Why does Trump telling us to act like a first world, independent nation and good neighbor equate to be being a bully ?

We've been a judgemental, loud mouthed laggard of a neighbor and ally for years, were just getting called out for it now. The truth hurts Canada, get over it.

Notice how no one is rushing to our defence?
Excellent edition

A lot of people will hear things said on these forums for some time
This is one of my few go-to fave podcasts these days.

A few others - this one with rabid partisans from all 3 parties represented "putting the cuss into discuss" on "The Curse of Politics" (as well as a longer-single-guest interview pod, and - for now - a weekly podcast on Team Red's Running of the Snakes Leadership Race - that one has young Red partisans who bring former campaign experience into the mix discussing the week's developments) ...
... this one with two guys taking more of an old-school approach to politics and journalism ...
... and these guys who follow polling like your favourite colour commentator follows sports stats (with occasional episodes in French, with both of them being native speakers).

Less frequently, but more than zero, I like this one with a host who you may not always agree with, but isn't afraid to push ...
... and this one with CTV's Vassy Kapelos, who's not afraid to push while also not being a dink.
These irrelevant snipes are amusing.

He’s now #47 after the greatest come back in political history. He has fundamentally shifted the priorities of the west. He has every world organization and country waiting nervously to hear what he says or does next. This is all true whether you like him or not.

Very true about people nervously waiting to hear about what he does next. Kind of reminds me of Europe in the late 1930s and a certain leader with a funny moustache. Having immense power doesn’t necessarily put a leader in a position of moral authority. In fact the opposite could be true. “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely” - Lord Acton. (The long form of that quote is even more scathing).

QV, I’ve agreed with you on some things, especially involving Trudeau, but I do feel that despite his admittedly tremendous political comeback, Trump is mentally unbalanced, has cheated business partners (very well documented), has committed crimes against women and is going to cause this world far more harm than good. And, yes, he will do at least some good to maintain his popularity.

But take into account his threats to take Greenland and the Panama Canal by force. Some people will simply say that he is just bluffing and wants to get concessions from the Panamanians and the Danes/Greenlanders. Simply saying that takes away any moral authority America may have with respect to the sovereignty of other nations. So now that puts China in an equally moral position to invade Taiwan or fully take over its claimed Nine-Dash Line areas of the South China Sea. And then there’s Russia now in a similar position of authority to invade any of the former Soviet nations. Talk about Pandora’s box.
This is one of my few go-to fave podcasts these days.

A few others - this one with rabid partisans from all 3 parties represented "putting the cuss into discuss" on "The Curse of Politics" (as well as a longer-single-guest interview pod, and - for now - a weekly podcast on Team Red's Running of the Snakes Leadership Race - that one has young Red partisans who bring former campaign experience into the mix discussing the week's developments) ...
... this one with two guys taking more of an old-school approach to politics and journalism ...
... and these guys who follow polling like your favourite colour commentator follows sports stats (with occasional episodes in French, with both of them being native speakers).

Less frequently, but more than zero, I like this one with a host who you may not always agree with, but isn't afraid to push ...
... and this one with CTV's Vassy Kapelos, who's not afraid to push while also not being a dink.

I listen to all of them with the exception of Mansbridge. I didn't like him on CBC and I don't like him in this form either. And yes I did try.

Vassy Kapelos is a bright light in the dark room that is Canadian journalism.
I listen to all of them with the exception of Mansbridge. I didn't like him on CBC and I don't like him in this form either. And yes I did try.

Vassy Kapelos is a bright light in the dark room that is Canadian journalism.
You can hear a VERY different approach to journalism between Mansbridge & Kapelos when you listen back to back, for sure. Even 9D and I sometimes call The Bridge the "Two Old White Guys and Chantal Hebert" podcast (actually often enjoy more of her takes than the two guys').

Another newer one I listen to sometimes is Michelle Rempel-Garner's ....
... and while I like hearing how a smart Team Blue member sees things/thinks, I kinda like her writing and being interviewed better than her podcasts.
You can hear a VERY different approach to journalism between Mansbridge & Kapelos when you listen back to back, for sure. Even 9D and I sometimes call The Bridge the "Two Old White Guys and Chantal Hebert" podcast (actually often enjoy more of her takes than the two guys').

Another newer one I listen to sometimes is Michelle Rempel-Garner's ....
... and while I like hearing how a smart Team Blue member sees things/thinks, I kinda like her writing and being interviewed better than her podcasts.

I'm pretty sure the last time I listened to a Mansbridge PC he was alone. I could be wrong. Hebert I don't mind but I find she lacks the energy of a Kapelos.

I will have to check out MRG.
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I'm pretty sure the last time I listens to a Mansbridge PC he was alone. I could be wrong ...
He also does solo hits, which I don't watch at all - he sounds like he likes the sound of his voice enough when he has guests.
... Hebert I don't mind but I find she lacks the energy of a Kapelos ...
Very true, but Hebert, agree or disagree with her assessments, has going-way-back experience that Kapelos doesn't have as much of (yet, anyway). And she uses her experience in a way that's not quite as ... stodgy? ... as when the experienced guys go at it.
Very true, but Hebert, agree or disagree with her assessments, has going-way-back experience that Kapelos doesn't have as much of (yet, anyway). And she uses her experience in a way that's not quite as ... stodgy? ... as when the experienced guys go at it.

No debating that. Im pretty sure Hebert could be Kapelos' memaw.
These irrelevant snipes are amusing.

He’s now #47 after the greatest come back in political history. He has fundamentally shifted the priorities of the west. He has every world organization and country waiting nervously to hear what he says or does next. This is all true whether you like him or not.
And he still doesn't know what a tariff is, whether you like him or not.
Oh he does. A good chunk of his followers don’t. Just the way he likes it.
that's the thing either:
A: he truly doesn't know and nobody has corrected him
2: He truly doesn't know, people have tried to correct him and he hasn't learned
III: He does know and thinks his followers are too stupid to look it up and learn for themselves.
You guys rekon the average Canadian knows what they are?
i learned about them in jr high 30+ years ago. they're not a complicated idea:

tariff: a tax on imported goods. Paid by the importer.

example: suppose there is 25% tariff on steel imported from china. If I buy $100M of steel from a company in china, i pay that company $100M and then pay the government $25M when the steel enters the country.

The "paid by the importer" part is the part that trump doesn't seem to understand. So when you see him talking about the billions in tariffs they got from china and will get in the future you know he's talking out of his ass.
i learned about them in jr high 30+ years ago. they're not a complicated idea:

tariff: a tax on imported goods. Paid by the importer.

example: suppose there is 25% tariff on steel imported from china. If I buy $100M of steel from a company in china, i pay that company $100M and then pay the government $25M when the steel enters the country.

The "paid by the importer" part is the part that trump doesn't seem to understand. So when you see him talking about the billions in tariffs they got from china and will get in the future you know he's talking out of his ass.
Same. In grade 7. The treaty of reciprocity of 1854. I remember “Treaty of Reciprocity” but I had to look up the year lol.

Not sure how many would remember that but I liked history in school.

I also remember taking algebra and calculus but don’t ask me how to do that today.
i learned about them in jr high 30+ years ago. they're not a complicated idea:

tariff: a tax on imported goods. Paid by the importer.

example: suppose there is 25% tariff on steel imported from china. If I buy $100M of steel from a company in china, i pay that company $100M and then pay the government $25M when the steel enters the country.

The "paid by the importer" part is the part that trump doesn't seem to understand. So when you see him talking about the billions in tariffs they got from china and will get in the future you know he's talking out of his ass.
I think he knows. If you listen to him he says he'll take the tariffs that are earned on the imports and use them to invest in American manufacturing.

To take your steel import example, yes the company importing the steel will have to pay an additional $25M for the steel they import from China, but Trump intends to then use that $25M to invest in and/or subsidize the US steel industry with the goal that US industry with that investment will become competitive enough that the same importer will eventually be able to buy the same steel from a US supplier for the same or lower price than from the Chinese supplier.

If anyone thinks Trump sees Canadian auto parts for example any differently than Chinese steel then I fear you are greatly mistaken. I think he's fully willing to go all in on a 25% tariff on Canadian imports because it's his intention that all of the production currently taking place in Ontario will be replaced by producers in the US...with the tariffs collected on the Canadian-built parts subsidizing the relocation.
My one bit of advice: stop thinking of Trump as an idiot and his 75 million supporters as deplorables.

They have a different plan than the one we are used to but we would do better to assume they have a plan and are working the plan.

200 or so executive orders in the first week doesn't feel like a Mel Brooks movie.
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