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CAN Def Min Wants New JTF-2 Name?!?

Personally, I think the current name's stupid but it's not my opinion that matters. At least David Pratt had the class (and sense) to let the operators have a say in his proposed name change.
An interesting side issue: the name Joint Task Force 2 was dreamed up by the late unlamented DM of DND Bob Fowler. The idea (or so I've been told) was that any CF task force operating overseas is a joint task force and the special forces guys are joint task force TWO ... which is just the sort of thing Fowler would think makes a cool name  ::)
which is just the sort of thing Fowler would think makes a cool name 

JTF2, and only JTF2, has made it a cool name. Good on them.  :salute:  :cdn:
GAP said:
JTF2, and only JTF2, has made it a cool name. Good on them.  :salute:  :cdn:


The people of JTF 2 made JTF 2 something worth being proud of. It may have been a stupid name to begin with, but I know that when I think JTF 2, I'm thinking highly...
The original direction from the CDS was that the unit name would not include any reference to special forces or special service or special air service or the like.

As there already was a joint task force in being, the unit then became Joint Task Force Two with the intent of deliberately obsfucating its counter-terrorism role. I would hesitate to give credit for selection of the name to Mr Fowler, as I have no direct knowledge one way or the other.
Infanteer said:
...much ado about nothing....

Until the CFOO is cut re-naming the unit.

Along with the cosmetics of a name change, there's an awful lot of ancillary effort (and costs)involved in making this "official".  I'm sure cooler and more responsible heads will prevail.
Call me jaded, but I've seen way too many "stupid" things to believe that "cooler heads will prevail."

Acronyms of offices, t-shirts, toques, slip-ons, t-shirts, slip-ons...did I mention slip-ons?
Why a number?  Why not just SSR?

George Wallace said:
Yes this does sort of confirm that there are a whole Division of Staff Wienies in Ottawa with nothing better to do than . . .
lets slow down on the venom there.  This was a politician's idea & not the work of "a whole division of staff wienies" sucking funds from the line units.
I still think the best name would be the "Canadian Commando Regiment",

or "CCR"

The Regt'l march would be "Suzie Q", and they could march on the OCs to the tune of "Fortunate Son"

The Regt'l toast could be "Have You Ever Seen The Rain"...

Now another proposal: the "Cdn SAS Regt", or "Canadian Special Anonymous Service Regiment"
medic269 said:

And slowly it turns into another one of "those" discussions...
It is often these tangents, about JTF threads always failing, that instigate the failure.  Please, do not post if you have nothing to add.  If this thread is doomed to fail, let it fail under its own steam.
Jungle said:
I still think the best name would be the "Canadian Commando Regiment",

or "CCR"

The Regt'l march would be "Suzie Q", and they could march on the OCs to the tune of "Fortunate Son"

The Regt'l toast could be "Have You Ever Seen The Rain"...

Now another proposal: the "Cdn SAS Regt", or "Canadian Special Anonymous Service Regiment"

Seriously. I like that idea. aha . I like all those ideas, especially the idea for the second name.
Back the serious.

When the unit was first formed, there was an aversion to naming the new unit anything remotely special or anything that would equate it to a military organization. Times have changed and now its time to change the name. There is, as there should be, allot of pride and professionalism in JTF2. They should have a name that reflects that. The social and political situation is currently aligned to make it happen, they should take the opportunity to make it so.
Times have changed and now its time to change the name

Gonna play devil's advocate here for a second, so bear with me. 

WHY?  Why change the name?  Times have changed how?  Just because there is now a more visible military unit that supports them (CSOR), they now have to adopt "a more military name?"
Come on now.  CANSOFCOM isn't even a year old, and already they've taken JTF2's crest AND motto, and now they're going to change the name?  And change CSOR's name already too?

JTF2 was formed to take over Domestic Counter Terrorism from the RCMP.  That is still their primary role. I would imagine that the JTF2 name was adopted to lessen the impact on public opinion of a situation where MILITARY members are conducting operations againts Canadian Citizens on domestic soil.  I would imagine the impact would be much greater if a group called the 1st Battalion, Special Service Regiment conducts such an operation.
Oh, devil's advocate .... I like that game ....

So, what do you think they're sneaking past everyone while the fury rages back and forth over unit naming and has everyones attention?  Can you say diversionary tactics?  ;)

Nope - they're all depressed cuz they're getting a crappy name :)
St. Micheal's Medical Team said:
There is, as there should be, allot of pride and professionalism in JTF2. They should have a name that reflects that.

They have and it's all done by them, not Hollywood, or some other media seeking org.
I'm sure the boys at the centre of this dribble are thrilled to hear about a potential new name.  After 13 yrs of making an identity for themselves, they get a name that couldn't be more army if it tried.

I know for a fact that the atmosphere at a certain event turned complete 180 when this was announced a few days ago to them.  Believe me, they take great pride in their name.

Nope - they're all depressed cuz they're getting a crappy name"

True, true and true.  And it totally ruined said "certain event".  The men and women of that unit have worked so hard over the years and spilled much blood and maintained an incredible operational and training tempo; as have much of the CF.  This is their thanks.  Of course, they will continue to do their jobs regardless of something as superficial as a unit name, but at least allow them some pride in the reputation they've greatly earned - one that is directly associated with the unit name JTF 2.

It blows my mind that this direction is coming from someone who quite recently called them "cowboys and killers"..?  It's tragic that the only people that this affects are also the only ones that truly care about the name and the associated identity.
I personally like the acronym JTF-2.  The reason for this being that it can be another acronym that better describes what the unit is.  An example of this is the MOAB (Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb) which is also known as the "Mother Of All Bombs".  The acronym JTF-2 is Joint Task Force 2, but it can also be what they are and who is able to join, "Just Tough F***ers".  The 2 means you have to say it twice to get the point across.
Mark M said:
I personally like the acronym JTF-2.  The reason for this being that it can be another acronym that better describes what the unit is.  An example of this is the MOAB (Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb) which is also known as the "Mother Of All Bombs".  The acronym JTF-2 is Joint Task Force 2, but it can also be what they are and who is able to join, "Just Tough F***ers".  The 2 means you have to say it twice to get the point across.

Then shouldn't the appropriate notation be: JTF2