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Cameron Highlanders vs Governor General's Foot Guard


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I don't want this thread to turn into a flame war between the two units.
What I would like to know is, what would be the difference if I signed up with the Cameron's vs if I signed up with the Guards?

I am somewhat torn between the two, and I have heard good things about both units. Would taskings be different? Would I be doing different things?
I have no basis for a comparison because I don't know much about either unit, aside from the fact that the Guards do Ceremonial Guard during the summer months, and the Cameron's do not.

If anyone who has some information or insight on this and would like to share, it would be much appreciated.
you forgot the difference in the duds...depends on whether you'd prefer to wear smoky on your head or a skirt  ;D.

on a more serious note, both units are good, both have altogether too many of their members employed across the street at 101 Col By Drive.  also, both are infantry units, so the training, taskings and the like are identical.

If I were to make the decision, I'd probably go GGFG- they've got among the best SNCO corps that I've run into anywhere in the reserve world, and CG can't be ignored- if you're still in school it represents an extra 6-8 weeks of employment each summer over the standard.

Not to say that there aren't good things about the camerons, but that's the way that I'd go.
Im a cameron and we have a big rivalry with the GGFG's but theres no real huge difference. As for doing CG anyone can do it not just ggfg's we have plenty of camerons doing it right now. But the problem is sometimes the guards are forced to do CG rather then career progressing courses. But they also run courses during the school year like most units to catch up if you dont have to many other commitments.

As for the guys and the atmosphere its definately different. The camerons go to the mess every week in much higher numbers then the guards and it seems like we like to party alot harder. Also the camerons have no females in the ranks. So if your a girl you may want to consider the ggfg's.

As for NCO's we have plenty of good ones. There are actually 9-11 camerons in Afgan right now from Cpl to SGt.

I cant really give too much detail about the guards but as far as camerons go we have a work hard play hard attitude/

Oh and by the way CHICS DIG KILTS !  Even for ugly fackers like me.

Good luck
Well, we hashed this out already in PM, but I'll reiterate a few points.

Both units have some good experienced people in the leadership. Neither you now I are really qualified to judge them, but I'd not pass doubt on either unit's leadership from the Pte and Cl's perspective.

The Camerons have 8 corporals and a sergeant in Afghansitan right now. When they return in Feb and get back into the swing of things, that's a lot of valuable skills and training that will hopefully be disseminated through the ranks. Our leaders are smart, and should be able to incorporate what those guys have learned into how we do things at the unit.

At the GGFG you will often be pushed into doing C.G. I'm with a GGFG platoon at CG myself right now, and many of them were really given no choice. 'If you want a tasking, it's gonna be C.G.'. They have a lot of spots they have to fill so they don't rely on outside augmentees *cough*.

The way that C.G. runs courses does not, in my mind, provide the msot beneficial training of new soldiers; it's sort of on again/off again course, right up to PLQ- and many of the ranks of the Guards have not been elsewhere, so there's a C.G. attitude prevalent through a large faction of the junior ranks. Don't get me wrong, they're mostly good guys like any other unit, but C.G. is the heart of the unit when it comes to summer employment. You can go all the way to PLQ Mod 5 without ever leaving C.G./Depot.

As a Cameron, C.G. is not hard to get if you want it, but if you want something else you can do that too. This summer we have a few guys in the Gun Race, a couple guys doing GD/enemy force for CSOR, guys doing demo platoon in Meaford, guys on course in various cities, several of us on C.G., plus various and sundry other taskings elsewhere. And of course the 9 guys on tour.

Chicks dig kilts.

The Camerons are the unit in 33 brigade slated for expansion under the reserve restructure. We're to expand our two companies to full strength, and a move is being planned to bring B coy out to Bells Corners in a new facility. I'm not sure if each company will be two or three platoons - depends on recruiting I suppose - but the time is perfect now to get in and get qualified. Leadership opportunities will be offered to you as soon as the unit deems you ready, and you'll find yourself having fun on some well-attended exercises in the meantime. I have Buddies in the guards tell me that their exercises are relatively poorly attended.

All this combines to show a very promising next few years in the Camerons. We recruited a ton of new people last year who are now all trained up, and our training should be stepping off on a more serious note thie year. Lots of OBUA and three block war planned, and this year our exercises should not be as compromised by the necessities of battle school as they were last year.

I'm not slamming the Guards, but they are of necessity rather C.G.-centric. If you're content with that, fine, but I'd submit that the Camerons are on average a more serious infantry-focused unit. Your summer availability in the Camerons will offer you better opportunity for career progression down the road.

Hope that helps both you and others.
Thanks for all the info everyone, it is very helpful and has allowed me to have a more informed perspective on both of the units. Your input is invaluable.

edit: spell-checked.