Jarnhamar Army.ca Myth Reaction score 8,354 Points 1,160 14 Oct 2020 #1 Dear members of the Canadian Military, Please delete your voicemail inbox's, they're full :nod:
MJP Army.ca Fixture Reaction score 3,301 Points 1,260 14 Oct 2020 #2 Dear Boomer, Send me an email. Signed, The Times Joking aside, I generally always get VM disabled on my phone as we have enough ways to get ahold of someone.
Dear Boomer, Send me an email. Signed, The Times Joking aside, I generally always get VM disabled on my phone as we have enough ways to get ahold of someone.
da1root Moderator Staff member Directing Staff Subscriber Reaction score 178 Points 630 14 Oct 2020 #3 MJP said: Joking aside, I generally always get VM disabled on my phone as we have enough ways to get ahold of someone. Click to expand... Or forward my extension to a co-worker ;-) LOL
MJP said: Joking aside, I generally always get VM disabled on my phone as we have enough ways to get ahold of someone. Click to expand... Or forward my extension to a co-worker ;-) LOL