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CAF Specialist Pay [Spec Pay]- All Trades [MERGED]

Spec pay is a fair chunk of change.

If you're looking to OT, don't base it just off of who makes more money. Trust me- I almost got talked into a spec pay trade by a recruiter, but now realize its not worth the extra money (which doesn't start until QL5/ Cpls)  to give up what I really want to do in the CF. There's plenty of higher paying jobs elsewhere if you need the money above all else...
Perhaps <a href="http://www.dnd.ca/hr/dgcb/dppd/pay/engraph/2006PerformanceRegFPay_e.asp?sidesection=3&sidecat=28"><b><i>this</i></b></a> will help a bit?
First off, for some reason that first link I get a Server not Found Error,

Second of all, Yeah I will never base my trade on the salary, one of the reasons I love the military is everyone is basically paid the same... I was just curious if something interested me if it was spec or not to see if I could make a budget with it...

Third off, Thanks I was looking for a website for the pay table, couldn't seem to find it before
First link is avail only through the DWAN/DIN and not the internet.
popnfresh said:
Trust me- I almost got talked into a spec pay trade by a recruiter, but now realize its not worth the extra money (which doesn't start until QL5/ Cpls) 

Really?  Now, see, I was under the impression that we had to remuster into all spec trades.  Can someone confirm the validity / non-validity of this thinking?  I went through the list and as far as I can see, there are no trades off the block that one would exit basic and enter spec world...
BinRat55 said:
Really?  Now, see, I was under the impression that we had to remuster into all spec trades.  Can someone confirm the validity / non-validity of this thinking?  I went through the list and as far as I can see, there are no trades off the block that one would exit basic and enter spec world...

LCIS has direct entry, but as mentioned, doesn't get Spec Pay until member is QL5 qualified.

I do believe MP's get Spec pay after 3's, though.
BinRat55 said:
Really?  Now, see, I was under the impression that we had to remuster into all spec trades.  Can someone confirm the validity / non-validity of this thinking?  I went through the list and as far as I can see, there are no trades off the block that one would exit basic and enter spec world...

It would have been a re-muster for me, but that means nothing as you probably have kit older then me, nevermind time in!

Spec Pay seems to come in after QL5 qual's in alot of MOSID's, but I'm not sure on the details. The trade I was speaking of was LCIS Tech...

Heres something I found as well for those without DIN access: http://www.dnd.ca/dgcb/dppd/pay/engraph/payo2tg_e.asp?sidesection=3&sidecat=28

i do not know if this is of any assistance now, but easy to read payscale sheets can be found here: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/48593.0.html
Thanks popnfresh that was exactely the kind of thing I was looking for.

Thanks you all for the help
BinRat55 said:
Really?  Now, see, I was under the impression that we had to remuster into all spec trades.  Can someone confirm the validity / non-validity of this thinking?  I went through the list and as far as I can see, there are no trades off the block that one would exit basic and enter spec world...

A lot of naval trades and a few air trades, and of course MPs get spec pay, no prior service required.
BinRat55, have a look at the list, there are more direct entry trades then OT only Spec trades.
I was just recently looking at the Regular Force Pay (NCM), the link is below. I was specifically looking at the Spec 1 pay levels since I will be joining up as LCIS, and I noticed that Pay Increment 4 for Pay Level 5A is $5003, however the Base Pay Increment for Pay Level 5B is $4855, so when you are promoted, you get paid less? or would you be pushed to Pay Increment 2 or 3 of Pay Level 5B?
adaminc said:
I was just recently looking at the Regular Force Pay (NCM), the link is below. I was specifically looking at the Spec 1 pay levels since I will be joining up as LCIS, and I noticed that Pay Increment 4 for Pay Level 5A is $5003, however the Base Pay Increment for Pay Level 5B is $4855, so when you are promoted, you get paid less? or would you be pushed to Pay Increment 2 or 3 of Pay Level 5B?

if you go from 5A increment 4 and get promoted , you go to 5B increment 4.....not to base level
Maybe someone here can clarify as to why, but we go from Cpl (pay increment 4) to MCpl - pay increment 4.  I honestly don't know why there is a 1,2,3 for MCpl (5B) - it migh have something to do with it being an appointment - or accellerations, i.e. you can't go from a Cpl 2 to a MCpl 4, you would go to a MCpl 2...
Yay I get to awnser this one :)

It is because it is an appointement. If you we're a CPL increment 2 when you got you're promotion you would have got Mcpl icnrement 2. Because you are still a CPL you don't lose you years as a CPL...
Now when you remuster you don ot get spec pay till you get QL5  qual in your new trade. i was one that snuck in  right as they were closing the door. one class got it for the remusters one did not .  now the door is closed and you have to wait till your finished your 5's . ah the wheels of progress
Anyone who has any amount of time in ought to know that MCpl/MS is not a promotion but an appointment, even moreso one who has/had reached that rank. Also, anyone who has any time in ought to have the ability to research pubs to find answers to these questions as it is every CF members responsibility to do so and not simply rely on clerks to do it for them.

Now, a twist to this in the same breath as the information already provided, if a MCpl/MS is demoted, he/she goes down to Pte and not Cpl as you lose a rank and not an appintment. In the same breath, a Sgt who is demoted goes to Cpl as once again you lose a rank, any appointment does not factor in.
George Wallace said:
Not Really.  Your profile says you should have the TI and experience to know the answer to the question you asked.

I have read some of your previous posts, and I really don't understand why you seem to feel it necessary to belittle the people who post here.  I'm not here to get into a pissing match with anyone here - over TI and knowledge of this or that.  That being said, I (unlike others in here) do NOT know it all.  If you read my post, I never actually ASKED anything - I merely stated that I couldn't answer the "why", whereas someone else better informed than I could have.  I was a Cpl alot longer than 4, so why on earth would I know why there is a MCpl level 2 or 3?  I actually asked the question once and the answer I received was not sufficient.  I believe at that time I was more involved with doing my job than wasting time finding an answer to a truly useless question (useless to me at the time...)

Make sense?

Mr. Wallace - nothing personal, but you don't need to be so... know-it-all ish.
BinRat55 said:
I have read some of your previous posts, and I really don't understand why you seem to feel it necessary to belittle the people who post here.  I'm not here to get into a pissing match with anyone here - over TI and knowledge of this or that.  That being said, I (unlike others in here) do NOT know it all.  If you read my post, I never actually ASKED anything - I merely stated that I couldn't answer the "why", whereas someone else better informed than I could have.  I was a Cpl alot longer than 4, so why on earth would I know why there is a MCpl level 2 or 3?  I actually asked the question once and the answer I received was not sufficient.  I believe at that time I was more involved with doing my job than wasting time finding an answer to a truly useless question (useless to me at the time...)

Make sense?

Mr. Wallace - nothing personal, but you don't need to be so... know-it-all ish.

Just a clarification on the part I bolded....you mean to tell me you never looked at a payguide at all to see what other ranks made?