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CADPAT Rain Gear

Eventually the army will be receiving the new CADPAT "rain gear", but yes, until then the "new" stuff is OD, garbage bag.  The airforce and the army will have the same jackets and pants one of these days, and it will more likely be called something like rain and wind gear, to allow you to wear it when it is not raining.  The Airforce is 95% kitted out with the new Cadpat stuff, and I bet there are probably a bunch of guys on this forum that have the  NEW "new" Cadpat stuff in either AR or TW.  The stuff is amazingly expensive comapred to the hefty cinch sacks currently issued, so it will be a slow go to get everyone kitted out in it.

Spell check crapped out on me.
As per my previous post, is this (http://cgi.ebay.com/CANADIAN-MILITARY-STYLE-CADPAT-WATER-RISISTANT-PARKA_W0QQitemZ6558609870QQcategoryZ104023QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem) the new rain gear?   One of the photos is of the tag, which identifies it as a "Parka, Cold Weather, Camouflage", with a 'microporous PTFE' lining and (Nato?) stock number 8415-01-226-1316.

Looking at the label and Stock Number....that isn't even Canadian.  It is US.

Check this thread:

Well, the headline states that it is a 'CANADIAN MILITARY STYLE', parka.  It doesn't have an NSN, but it does have some stock number, but what the number pertains to, is beyond me.  If it were a genuine piece of kit, I would think that it would go for much more than 71 dollars, as most of genuine issue CADPAT gear goes for.

   George beat me to it.
i got my gortex stealth suite and for me thats the only rain gear i need. that suite is the best investment ive ever made for gucci kit.
ive gotten a couple emails from people asking about the stealth suite. if ur wondering what it is its a single layer of gortex, u wear it underneath ur combats overtop of ur thermals(preferably) and any other clothes that may be needed to keep u warm and stay dry. u can order them from the PPCLI kitshop. the website is


there online catalogue seems to be down atm, but i would assume it will be up again soon, its about $270 for both the pants and jacket
If you're in Pet, you can also get stealth suits at the 1RCR kit shop.
Don't know what the rain jacket on Ebay is but it is NOT the issued gore-tex cadpat tw that I have.  Being an army type at an "operational" Air Force base I'm entitled to it and, if I may say, they can have it back when they pry it out of my cold dead fingers!!  Best piece of kit I was ever issued.
Most of what you see on Ebay is crap.  I hear that a company that made Cadet style cadpat might have made a rain jacket of similar design.  And I agree stealth suits do make a Infanteer a happier one.
The cadpat raingear you see walking around is actually the "CEMS" (Air Force) 2 in 1. It was brought into the system as both their windbreaker (comes in handy on the breezy flight-lines) and their raingear. 500 series (airfield engineers etc) trades are entitled to 2 sets each. The rest of the AF gets only 1 set.  This was bought and paid for by the Air Force for the Air Force which explains why the Army does not have it. Currently CTS is looking at procuring cadpat raingear for the troops as well with some slight design changes...ie taking out the warm fuzzy lining in the side slats (and sewing the side slats up!!) of the pockets so the troops don't feel the need to put their hands in there to warm up. The Army has already procured some of this raingear in the AR (arid region) pattern for personnel serving on Op Athena...and that is what you see in the pictures of the guys waiting to get fed. The Recce smock is not a CTS item, but has been purchased by some Units for use on Ops. It may come into the system yet. CTS still does not have an expected date for the cadpat raingear coming in for the Army side of the house but I will keep you informed as soon as I get my next CTS update here at Clothing Stores.
We do have limited stock here in Gagetown....Right now I can only issue to 403 Hel Ots Sqn because their posns belong to the Air Force....currently I am trying to get authorization to issue to all other blue DEU on our Base who are in 'Army' posns.
I'm currently attending the PSTC Basic crse in preparation for Op Danaca.  I had my first view of the new CADPAT rain jacket that about 60% of the class was issued at their home units/bases - all Reg F (im a f/t Reservist). 

Now, Nov to Apr is rainy season in the Golan and from what I hear, it rains quite a bit.  I've inquired about getting the new jacket  but have had no luck with the ASUs in Toronto or Kingston (just for tour purposes - will rtn post-tour). 

Is anyone aware of any direction on this jacket ie: is it supposed to be issued to ppl going on Operations? If so, is it specific to which ones?  I can understand that there would be no entitlement if the Op was at a very tropical/dry area with no threat of rain for a long time.

The rubber rain suit that most of us have is alright for a brief stint in the rain but in warm wet weather, I may as well keep the rubber suit in the closet and wear industrial garbage bags!

My honest guess is that the rain suit (new one) came out after the Clothing Scale was issued and the scale of issue has not been updated OR the updated scales haven't been pushed down.  (im not harping on the Supply guys - just curious as to why...!)

thoughts?? comments? help?  ???
much appreciated..


Toronto_NCO said:
I'm currently attending the PSTC Basic crse in preparation for Op Danaca.   I had my first view of the new CADPAT rain jacket that about 60% of the class was issued at their home units/bases - all Reg F (im a f/t Reservist).    

Now, Nov to Apr is rainy season in the Golan and from what I hear, it rains quite a bit.   I've inquired about getting the new jacket   but have had no luck with the ASUs in Toronto or Kingston (just for tour purposes - will rtn post-tour).  

Is anyone aware of any direction on this jacket ie: is it supposed to be issued to ppl going on Operations? If so, is it specific to which ones?   I can understand that there would be no entitlement if the Op was at a very tropical/dry area with no threat of rain for a long time.

The rubber rain suit that most of us have is alright for a brief stint in the rain but in warm wet weather, I may as well keep the rubber suit in the closet and wear industrial garbage bags!

My honest guess is that the rain suit (new one) came out after the Clothing Scale was issued and the scale of issue has not been updated OR the updated scales haven't been pushed down.   (im not harping on the Supply guys - just curious as to why...!)

thoughts?? comments? help?   ???
much appreciated..


The cadpat rainjacket is still just an Air Force piece of kit. I'd wager that the 60% of your Basic PSO Course mates were...Air Force. Being that it tends to be the AF bases that get tasked with the greatest number of CFTPO posns for Op Danaca. So it's got nothing to do with Supply scales for Ops because it is still only on the AF scale.
Word up.... as of 2 weeks ago the Golan has been removed from the ops scale for ICE and AR Cadpat as well, so if you didn't already get issued that as part of your dagging....you shouldn't be issued it now.  :'(
As for the rainy season in the Golan?? Been there and done that. I lived. Using my good old OD raingear and I'm quite sure that you will too.  ;)
Toronto_NCO said:
My honest guess is that the rain suit (new one) came out after the Clothing Scale was issued and the scale of issue has not been updated OR the updated scales haven't been pushed down.   (im not harping on the Supply guys - just curious as to why...!)

As below, you're not entitled to the cadpat raingear but I'm glad to hear you're not blaming us because you are not on the scales which are updated daily etc and show up right on our Supply computers in the CFSS when we log in to look at them because as I've said before in this forum us Supply guys and gals don't decide what's on the scales (individual MOCs and the ECSs do) ... we just get to enforce them.   ;)

Anyone else notice the new Tactical Kit Bag on that site?

Any information on what they mean by "In near future - not all soldiers will be issued a rucksack - requirement for tactical bag in the field"  What soldiers won't be getting rucksacks anymore?
Does the shop stock them or do you have to order them?

The 1RCR kitshop usually has stealthsuits, softies, and other gucci kit in stock, but they're closed for renovations at this time. I expect the Kitshop to open again within the next couple weeks. Stop by and check it out!!! :)
MikeL said:
Any information on what they mean by "In near future - not all soldiers will be issued a rucksack - requirement for tactical bag in the field"   What soldiers won't be getting rucksacks anymore?


The new CTS ruck is currently only slated for issue to 1st Line Field Army pers conducting dismounted ops.

The rest of us will retain our current rucks. They are still discussing whether or not the rest of us Army pers will eventually be issued with the CTS ruck.
armyvern said:
The cadpat raingear you see walking around is actually the "CEMS" (Air Force) 2 in 1. It was brought into the system as both their windbreaker (comes in handy on the breezy flight-lines) and their raingear. 500 series (airfield engineers etc) trades are entitled to 2 sets each. The rest of the AF gets only 1 set.  This was bought and paid for by the Air Force for the Air Force which explains why the Army does not have it. Currently CTS is looking at procuring cadpat raingear for the troops as well with some slight design changes...ie taking out the warm fuzzy lining in the side slats (and sewing the side slats up!!) of the pockets so the troops don't feel the need to put their hands in there to warm up. The Army has already procured some of this raingear in the AR (arid region) pattern for personnel serving on Op Athena...and that is what you see in the pictures of the guys waiting to get fed. The Recce smock is not a CTS item, but has been purchased by some Units for use on Ops. It may come into the system yet. CTS still does not have an expected date for the cadpat raingear coming in for the Army side of the house but I will keep you informed as soon as I get my next CTS update here at Clothing Stores.

Vern, did you mean to say that there is an AR 2 in 1 out there?  The AR I was issued seems to be slightly prettier stuff of the same OD rubber stuff.  Luckily I brought my TW 2-1 with me so I'll be set with the fleece for the rainy Kabul wx and for colder...that (2-1 + fleece) is one of the sweetest combinations of imclement outerwear going.

Duey said:
Vern, did you mean to say that there is an AR 2 in 1 out there?   The AR I was issued seems to be slightly prettier stuff of the same OD rubber stuff.   Luckily I brought my TW 2-1 with me so I'll be set with the fleece for the rainy Kabul wx and for colder...that (2-1 + fleece) is one of the sweetest combinations of imclement outerwear going.


No, Air Force 2 in 1. The cadpat raingear is still officially only an Air Force item. The Air Force does not issue an AR (Arid Region) version of this item, just the TW (Temperate Woodland).

Some Army pers have been issued with a trial version of the AR cadpat raingear, but this is only being used by some pers in-theatre currently and is not an actual Army item....yet.
There are also some Army pers in Canada wearing trial versions of the TW Cadpat raingear although this is not yet an Army item. Styles/mods required prior to bringing it on-line/"into the supply system" for Army pers have still not yet been determined. Those Army guys lucky enough to be in Air Force posns of course, will already have their hands on the TW raingear, ICE etc. Or those Army guys whose Units have been kitted into the Army version of ICE. The rest of us Army pers get to wait.