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Cadpat dress regs?

Eye In The Sky said:
No, because it is no longer authorized dress (thank god).

Perhaps not, but I saw it just this past Monday!

And, lost it -- go figure.

A suppie at that. First day here, now knows better.
That policy changed some time ago, and it took a few weeks after the 'thou shall not' date was given for it to disappear completely here at the Wing.  I have to say that it was the stupidest looking combination in recent memory. Especially with the combination of a gut, boot laces hanging out and sleeves 'kind of' rolled up.  It was easy to see the laces hanging out on the boots, as the mbr avoided causing others eye damage due to glare by refraining from polishing said boots...for 6 months or so from what I could tell.

Eye In The Sky said:
That policy changed some time ago, and it took a few weeks after the 'thou shall not' date was given for it to disappear completely here at the Wing.  I have to say that it was the stupidest looking combination in recent memory. Especially with the combination of a gut, boot laces hanging out and sleeves 'kind of' rolled up.  It was easy to see the laces hanging out on the boots, as the mbr avoided causing others eye damage from glare from refraining to polish boots...for 6 months or so from what I could tell.


Actually, most blue around here would have been just as horrified to see it as I was, I'm sure.

You should see some of the boots on green uniforms in these parts ... and some have guts too - that's not limited to any trade/enviornment by any stretch of the imagination.
Just a girl said:
Actually, most blue around here would have been just as horrified to see it as I was, I'm sure.

You should see some of the boots on green uniforms in these parts ... and some have guts too - that's not limited to any trade/enviornment by any stretch of the imagination.

True that! 
AEC Kapp said:
Need I bring up the flipside, of wedge with combats?

Actually saw one today but it must have been a Cadet as it was the old combats and not CADPAT.  Also, it's Ottawa.  ;)
Brihard said:
That would be the one. I wasn't sure if it was kosher to mention specifics, as I've not seen that tasking discussed here before.

It has been.
decoy said:
What are Number 1 ceremonials?

From CFP 265:

"No 1 is as for No 3 duty service dress with orders, decorations, medals and accoutrements"
I can attribute every injury and resulting permanent ache or pain to my own stupid or neglect... it may have been during training, but ultimately, it could have been prevented if I were more careful...
Just a Sig Op said:
I can attribute every injury and resulting permanent ache or pain to my own stupid or neglect... it may have been during training, but ultimately, it could have been prevented if I were more careful...

Wrong section?
decoy said:
What are Number 1 ceremonials?

Dress uniforms that are diffent for every regiment, such has red coats, bear skins, etc, it's a more old fashion uniform, personally it's my favorite for parades
greenjacket said:
Dress uniforms that are diffent for every regiment, such has red coats, bear skins, etc, it's a more old fashion uniform, personally it's my favorite for parades

That would be 1B FULL DRESS and
Nos. 1B and 1C are optional and my be worn in lieu of Nos. 1 and 1A (See Chapter 2, Annex A)
(from CFP 265)
PMedMoe said:
Actually saw one today but it must have been a Cadet as it was the old combats and not CADPAT.  Also, it's Ottawa.  ;)

Most likely a camp cadet at CRPTC. When I did a course there a few years ago, Air cadets wore wedges with OG-107's on occasion, typically the weekly battalion parades.
Eye In The Sky said:
The rest is...obvious, isn't it?
You'd be surprised...  :P No I jest, most of it is obvious. But it seems odd that most uniform classes have "here's how it must look" down to how you order medals,  how many millimeters above the pocket nametags go, when and where you wear rank pins vs. epaulets, which shirts are authorized for wear with which style, how many laces down the bottom of the pants hang, etc, yet nothing is mentioned about ops wear.

Even a simple drawing like they have for each "service dress" would be nice.
xena said:
I can't say anything about what kind of courses you've been on but, I have to interject about something:  boot lacing.

So, you're saying there's a difference in how one laces ones boots at a unit and a different way on course?  Actually, at least as of eight years ago, quite wrong.  This is something that bugs me, so I apologize in advance.
Not at all. See, this is the kind of thing it's nice to have a diagram for. To settle such "but this is the way I was taught by so and so at Basic", "well they were misinformed. how do I know? *points at regs*".

Furthermore, there was funny little notations in the book telling you when the section you're looking at was last changed.
Ugh, whoever printed out our CATOs before their update got assigned to me used a bad printer or something, which blurred most of the text, only did single sided (so it doesn't all fit in the original binder), and cut off the footer so I can't see the "Mod" number, even on the new stuff (so I'm not sure what's up to date). They also only filled out the "Al. No." section with chapter numbers, not Mod number, and only dated when they received them, not when they were issued. I'm debating tossing the whole thing in the recycle bin and reprinting from scratch. Or at least all the chapters I can't verify as "up to date"...

You can do like I do.  Carry all the "important" stuff with you in pdf format on a memory stick, referring to images and printing them when necessary.  I understand a hard copy in the Orderly room is a must as well.

I carry the dress regs, drill and ceremonial and the honours and awards with me most of the time at work.
Bzzliteyr said:
You can do like I do.  Carry all the "important" stuff with you in pdf format on a memory stick, referring to images and printing them when necessary.  I understand a hard copy in the Orderly room is a must as well.
I refer to the electronic versions all the time, it's the hard-copy here that's a mess. I think whoever was in charge of keeping it up to date would pile up mods for a year, and then insert them all at once. Now that it's my job, they go in as soon as they show up in my e-box. The only thing definitely out of date is the ToC, it's dated 1995, and they don't have an electronic copy yet, other than a non-printer-friendly webpage.
Here is the real deal for CADPAT Dress instructions,  in the Dress Instructions for the CF in the operational clothing chapter is says something to this effect, not being near work today I dont have the pub so it goes something like this.  Army operational clothing (CADPAT) is worn for individual comfort however garrison commanders may make local regulations iot preserve uniformity in garrison.
Bit of a necro post, but could someone help clarify dress of the day and whether its base/unit specific?  I got an email to attend an ROTP briefing at my local ASU (mostly army) saying its dress of the day, with naval combats for navy pers. As an air crew trade would this be CADPAT or flight suit?  I've spent the past 4 months in Cold Lake in a flight suit and my ASU POC isn't sure but thinks it'd be CADPAT as that 's what people wear around here.  Was just curious as to whether the the flight suit was an air base or operational uniform as alluded to in a previous post or deemed dress of the day for air crew?
You can never go wrong asking up your individual chain of command. I know that seems like a cop out, but it's worth being accurate0 and that way you only need to ask once, and you save yourself the potential awkwardness of being 'corrected'.