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C7 sights: Optical & Iron

For the C7, which would you prefer: Elcan C79 or Iron Sight attachment?

  • Doesn't matter

    Votes: 20 37.0%
  • C79

    Votes: 30 55.6%
  • Doesn't matter

    Votes: 4 7.4%

  • Total voters
So that‘s what we need to do to have you post on the forum.
If you‘re talking about presenting an opinion as a point for discussion,( one which is devoid of fact,and based on a personal lack of understanding of facts or the situation at hand), you are wrong. I just don‘t like to see the the younger ,less knowledable/ experienced members of this forum to be led down a "garden path". Every other post, at least, provided( or attempted to) solid information to increase the knowledge and understanding of individuals. Yours didn‘t! ( oh yeah, when you say "we" , do you have a mouse in your pocket?) ;)
Just a couple of thoughts from the new guy..

The C79 on the C9 works, so long as you keep both eyes open to watch the tracer. Also, the sight doesn‘t rattle that much if you hold the gun good and tight, although, admittedly, that may only be true for us bigger guys. (And hell, we always wind up humping the C9s anyway, right?)

And the C7 lesson plan should be updated, if only for those clowns that don‘t realize that iron sights and optical sights aren‘t the same thing. I recall one such case from my QL2:

We had a guy who assumed that the ‘line up the rear and front sights with the target‘ instructions we were given in the classroom meant to line up the aiming post on the C79 with the front iron sight. (It is possible, if you cant the weapon upwards, although the fronts sight is rather blurry)

He managed to get about a 10 inch grouping at 100 meters, not bad considering how he was aiming... except it was on the upper right corner of the big number three placard about 30 feet above his target. It took 20 minutes to figure out why his rifle worked perfectly for everyone but him.

My position as moderator is to create topics and/or issues to cause thought provoking discussions that deal with the Canadian Infantry. The fact that you‘re posting is all the indication I need to prove that you are paying attention. And no. I don‘t have a mouse with me in my pocket.

-the patriot-
Patriot--after all that hammering, you‘ve decided to "fall back" assuming the"cloak of authority". How appropriate! I will admit you do "create" topics and you definitely "provoke" discussion. As a moderator( re check the definition in any dictionary!) your skills would be better employed on the web site for the "National Enquirer"! Personally, I think you do this to keep people posting , rather than, initiating thoughtful discussion. I( and I think quite a few others!) would be VERY interested in seeing you post your MILITARY "BONA FIDES" on this site. :eek:
Position of authority?! National Enquirer to keep people posting. That‘s very interesting. I understand that you don‘t take weapons seriously which I find very odd in light of your UN Peacekeeping Tour. What was the Queen thinking by letting you go on tour?!! Maybe if one of your Calgary Highlanders were killed due to some idiot on the firing range, your bravado would dissappear (and to find out where to shoot, that would be inside and up the kilt; make sure that you are regimental!!). As Mr. Bossi has mentioned on other threads, your condescending and unwarranted insults are not welcome by anyone. I guess that might explain why your "Canadian Alliance" party is not doing well because they are just like you.

-the patriot-

Me thinks you protest a little too much. Maybe the round are moving into the short bracket.

As for the topic. If it is the incident I think it was the young PPCLI soldier was shot in Wainwright (or Suffield) while doing live fire trench clearing. There was a Board of Inquiry and I don‘t remember the findings but I‘m sure peripherial vision was a factor. But I know either (or both) the RSO and Coy Comd were charged. (can‘t remember the verdict either-age creeping up) but the point is the sight didn‘t cause the accident, but poor training and range mangement did. I do remenber there was an article or msg that came out warning about peripherial vision and the C79 sight. Training accidents are tragic but when using live ammunition they can happen. And I‘m sure if someone looked, you will find the same type of accidents using iron sifghts.

You pull one incident out and condemn the sight. Personnally I prefer iron sights but I‘m old fashioned. But unlike you I moved on with the times. My army issued me a C7 with a C79 sight and that is what I will use. And because I am a professional (or like to think I am) I have become damn good with it. A soldiers duty (and the same applies to you if you are one) is to do the job with the tools you are given and not whine about it. At least the sight is a step forward not back. It has sight magnification and a certain light gathering ability.

I remember giving up the "old" C1 for the mattle toy and how many thought it a mistake. That was because we were rooted in the past but deep down we knew the C7 was here to stay so we carry on. I suggest you do the same.
Patriot- I thank you for your prompt response on your "BONA FIDES". I stand corrected,and humbled. ( change your web name to "the poser")
RCA- email me( honest). When We meet I buy the beer!
Patriot- rest assured- YOU WILL NOT open your mouth on this site without having this person CORRECTING you, from the word"go".
I remember when the C7‘s had iron sights, I personelly think they were the best things going for these weapons. I remeber hearing that the scopes where mainly used for Defensive purposes only. I have done alot of advance to contact and the scopes aren‘t that great, were as the iron sights well I think they are the way to go! However, the yanks have scopes that mount on top of the carrying handle, they also have handles that can be removed. So I think the CF should go back to the Iron sights and get rid of the scopes and try and find out a better system. Remember whatch those arcs of fire, gents.
I remember when the C7‘s had iron sights, I personelly think they were the best things going for these weapons. I remeber hearing that the scopes where mainly used for Defensive purposes only. I have done alot of advance to contact and the scopes aren‘t that great, were as the iron sights well I think they are the way to go! However, the yanks have scopes that mount on top of the carrying handle, they also have handles that can be removed. So I think the CF should go back to the Iron sights and get rid of the scopes and try and find out a better system. Remember whatch those arcs of fire, gents.
Can‘t agree. With the PROPER training the scope is just as effective. It also provides a new shooter with an advantage. Speaking of advantages, the scope has some over iron sights, magnification to help identify and light gathering allowing better vision for a longer time, to name a couple. But hey to each his own, I‘ve been shooting competition and for pleasure for almost 40 years and find absolutely no problem. I‘ve also found it easier to coach people by being able to spend more time on some finer points of shooting opposed to sighting and grouping. Just my opinion, like I say to each his own. However, all our input will not change the way the brass thinks and a change will only happen if they believe they thought of it. Learn to use what you‘ve got properly and get on with it. :D
I was just wondering about the general concensus of people here on c7 sights. Who prefers the old iron sight and who likes the c79 optical.

Myself I like the iron sights because our opticals are usually FUBAR by the time we get into the field.
The optic is great...I dont think i could get a 5 round grouping from 100 yrds within a 5 cm radius with iron sights. BUT, I quickly learned that they fog up in the rain. lying in a mud puddle in prone, looked through and my breath fogged the whole thing up. I wasnt happy...
Well i‘ve never used the iron sights, and from what I can tell with my little C7 training, the sight makes the cocking handle quit hard to pull if you need the sight real far back (dam short arms :D )

I havnt been in the field with it yet, however so I dont know how it works in that respect.
I only had a problem with the cocking handle when I had bulky gloves on
If you kinda bring in your lower lip, your breath will go downward and stop fogging up the optics.
We used to have some stuff with the old respirator, called Anti Dim. No more than a small cloth with paraffin wax on it. Rubbed it on the eye pieces and no more fogging. Try a small amount of wax on a rag. Just a bit, you don‘t want it to smear.
I personally think the C79 sight is a bit odd on the C9 LMG..
If your sight fogs in the rain ( at leats on the inside), it‘s probably cracked and therefore N/S. Let your storeman know.