I keep saying, the question is what does the army want to be when it grows up. It's one thing for them to fumble around with what they have available right now but we're a long way away from Advancing with Purpose. The Bosnia and nacent Afghanistan world that created it are long gone. Our strategic vision from those days needs to be seriously questioned for a world that seems to be much more challenging then it was then.
I've been advocating for a while that we need to restructure so that we can grow into what we want to become. To me that includes more brigades with a heavily integrated reserve force structure to keep costs in line. I think that any plan to maintain our three revolving brigades structure supported through a managed readiness system is fatally (and I do mean fatally) flawed.
Honestly, I think that it's time for one CDS after another who finds himself unable to convince the government and his fellow GOFOs that the time for change has come should resign and start a press tour. Of course that will only lead to the appointment of one from the herd of the numerous kowtowing GOFOs to get the job and carry on wasting 25 or so billion a year on an ever more dissatisfied uniformed civil service that delivers a mediocre amount of combat capability.
Hell yeah, I'm frustrated! Force 2025 built up too much hope. Now they're just back to dog f***ing.