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Buying field kit before BMQ (a split thread)


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Morning guys!
Just have a quick question regarding aftermarket kit. I'm heading to BMQ in Feb and going into the Combat Engineers. I've been looking online at multiple sites for different style vests, rigs, boots and gloves etc and was just wondering what the current situation is in regards to sappers wearing aftermarket gear after SQ or OT? I've been looking at something along this line; http://www.bdstacticalgear.com/pd-bds-tactical-modular-vehicle-operators-chest.cfm
I think you're putting the cart before the horse a bit.  Get through basic and trades training first, then you'll be in a better position to know what the job calls for.  I don't know the policy on Gucci kit now that we don't have an active war going on, so I wouldn't shell out any hard earned beer money on gear you can't use.
C_Rey88 said:
Morning guys!
Just have a quick question regarding aftermarket kit. I'm heading to BMQ in Feb and going into the Combat Engineers. I've been looking online at multiple sites for different style vests, rigs, boots and gloves etc and was just wondering what the current situation is in regards to sappers wearing aftermarket gear after SQ or OT? I've been looking at something along this line; http://www.bdstacticalgear.com/pd-bds-tactical-modular-vehicle-operators-chest.cfm

C_Rey88 said:
Morning guys!
Just have a quick question regarding aftermarket kit. I'm heading to BMQ in Feb and going into the Combat Engineers. I've been looking online at multiple sites for different style vests, rigs, boots and gloves etc and was just wondering what the current situation is in regards to sappers wearing aftermarket gear after SQ or OT? I've been looking at something along this line; http://www.bdstacticalgear.com/pd-bds-tactical-modular-vehicle-operators-chest.cfm

3 days ago you hadn't handed in paperwork required for a security clearance and medical, yet you think you're heading to a BMQ next month? I think before you pick out cool-guy gear, you should actually get an offer and accept it first.
C_Rey88 said:
Morning guys!
Just have a quick question regarding aftermarket kit. I'm heading to BMQ in Feb and going into the Combat Engineers. I've been looking online at multiple sites for different style vests, rigs, boots and gloves etc and was just wondering what the current situation is in regards to sappers wearing aftermarket gear after SQ or OT? I've been looking at something along this line; http://www.bdstacticalgear.com/pd-bds-tactical-modular-vehicle-operators-chest.cfm


BMQ/SQ is all about being part of a team and learning how to do things the same way together with identical kit.

You will not be permitted any personal equipment preferences.

You will use what's issued, and woe to the recruit who shows up with personally substituted equipment.

Custom kit is for when you already know what you're doing and is introduced as upgrades a bit at a time as you learn what works for you with many years of experience.

Good luck.
C_Rey88 said:
Morning guys!
.... I'm heading to BMQ in Feb... 

No you're not. DAA has already answered this for you.

DAA said:
Slim and no chance at all.  It will take a minimum of 45-60 days just to update your previous application before you even come close to being Merit Listed.  If you're processing is successful then maybe late Feb but more likely Mar or Apr.

C_Rey88 said:
...and going into the Combat Engineers. I've been looking online at multiple sites for different style vests, rigs, boots and gloves etc and was just wondering what the current situation is in regards to sappers wearing aftermarket gear after SQ or OT? ...

I just left ONE of the Eng Units, and as a Supply Tech I can assure you that your are way off on a tangent. Listen to the wise people here - the ones with experience. My advice to you is pretty much in line with everyone else here - calm the f*** down cowboy. Get to your basic first, take everything in, keep your own input to a minimum. Pass. THEN see if you can actually DO what an Engineer can do - these guys and girls are the cream of the crop as far as I am concerned. Do all that first - I'm sure you can - and then, maybe then your RSM will let you do one of HIS duties in a store-bought pair of socks!
C_Rey88 said:
Just have a quick question regarding aftermarket kit.
Don't listen to those nay-sayers. You should pick up the kit you think you may need now.  That chest rig for example, looks pretty awesome and it's on sale, so don't delay.  Be aware that dress regs change; if the RSM is initially against you wearing it, he'll soon change his mind after seeing how fucking sweet it is on you!  Trust me.

And even if you're on a later BMQ, bonus!  You'll have time to wear the kit around your neighbourhood to make sure it's broken in before getting on course!  Just take care that the girls mauling you don't cause any injuries that could jeopardize your course loading.  :nod:

Journeyman said:
Don't listen to those nay-sayers. You should pick up the kit you think you may need now.  That chest rig for example, looks pretty awesome and it's on sale, so don't delay.  Be aware that dress regs change; if the RSM is initially against you wearing it, he'll soon change his mind after seeing how ******* sweet it is on you!  Trust me.

And even if you're on a later BMQ, bonus!  You'll have time to wear the kit around your neighbourhood to make sure it's broken in before getting on course!  Just take care that the girls mauling you don't cause any injuries that could jeopardize your course loading.  :nod:



I once had trouble with being mauled... It's not all it's cracked up to be!!

Awesome advice. Also, please post some hardcore selfies.
Jezzz, ... I just choked on my cup of tea after seeing that picture.  Sad thing is that a lot of young guys / gals will think this is how you're supposed to equipped.
Another Excited Recruit! Followed by another volley of (well deserved) cynism.

C_rey88: Looking cool feels good and, I would argue, should be part of the equation. But that should only be part of the equation only after you have defined the requirement. You are asking us to help you define your own requirement, based on our experience. We are not you, we won't be doing your job and we don't have your body.

So: go through basic, figure out what works for you and what doesn't work. If you see someone (instructor or whatnot) with an unissued piece of gear, ask them nicely what need this filled for them.

I am the worst geardo around (ask my wife and look around my house if you have a chance so you can get a good sense of that word) and I am an underwater knife fighting ninja sniper with a degree from the imaginary school of excellence to back it up. If you go out right now and buy a bunch of gear you will end up doing two things: wasting money and make yourself look like a fool. If you have the money to waste, that's one thing. But labelling yourself as an idiot before you even started, that will be a hard hole to dig yourself out of.

Finish BMQ/SQ with your issued gear. You will survive and possibly thrive (if you are not an idiot). Then come back here and send me a private message, I will answer all your questions about gear and point you in the right direction.
If you do buy stuff, buy it in Multicam or Arid CADPAT so you can use it when you get to JTF2.
Thanks for all your advice!
Puckchaser: Yes you are correct, I was asking about timelines and such, however when I went to the CFRC, the recruiter there informed me that my application was being processed faster than normal and I'm slated to be on BMQ sometime close to the middle of Feb. Straight from the horses mouth but I appreciate the sense of humour!
Ninersix: Really great advice and I'll be sure to do that. I wasn't specifically asking for BMQ/SQ more for after I'm done CFSME and at my first posting, but helpful advice non the less! I was mainly just curious because the people I do know have left the CF years ago or are going to give me the straight cut office answer like you wear what your issued and I haven't been able to find a decent thread. Asking for myself seems only logical hahaha

I've probably watched the recruitment video about 100 times and it just gets me more excited to go. Is there anyone that is able to detail a few specializations for me? I'd like to know what combat engineer recce does and anything about being jumper with the engineers aswell. Also, I'm really interested in the demolitions(obviously) can anyone tell me what sort of specializations revolve around that?
There is a para requirement for Cbt Engrs, at least for now.  Basic para slots are need driven, if you are posted in to a para spot you will be course loaded, plus there are other guys in the unit para qualified.  Those slots on course are normally handed out based on merit.  Recce is a part of the job, it is merely recce of engineer requirements such as obstacle breaching, river crossing, etc. Engineers used to be able to get on the infantry recce patrolman course, I don't know if that's still on the table.  Demolitions is also part of a Sapper's job, not a specialty, you may be confused with EOD\IED operators, which is a specialty course. Several actually. 
C_Rey88 said:
I've probably watched the recruitment video about 100 times and it just gets me more excited to go. Is there anyone that is able to detail a few specializations for me? I'd like to know what combat engineer recce does and anything about being jumper with the engineers aswell. Also, I'm really interested in the demolitions(obviously) can anyone tell me what sort of specializations revolve around that?

This may answer some of your questions,
C_Rey88 said:
Thanks for all your advice!
Puckchaser: Yes you are correct, I was asking about timelines and such, however when I went to the CFRC, the recruiter there informed me that my application was being processed faster than normal and I'm slated to be on BMQ sometime close to the middle of Feb. Straight from the horses mouth but I appreciate the sense of humour!
Ninersix: Really great advice and I'll be sure to do that. I wasn't specifically asking for BMQ/SQ more for after I'm done CFSME and at my first posting, but helpful advice non the less! I was mainly just curious because the people I do know have left the CF years ago or are going to give me the straight cut office answer like you wear what your issued and I haven't been able to find a decent thread. Asking for myself seems only logical hahaha

I've probably watched the recruitment video about 100 times and it just gets me more excited to go. Is there anyone that is able to detail a few specializations for me? I'd like to know what combat engineer recce does and anything about being jumper with the engineers aswell. Also, I'm really interested in the demolitions(obviously) can anyone tell me what sort of specializations revolve around that?

As a non-Engineer who greatly values the skills that engineers bring to the party, I'd recommend just being really, really good at the basics they want to teach you. That is specialized enough, in the short term at any rate.
Great stuff everyone, I really do appreciate all of this great advice. I do have another question; for reg force engineers on forces.ca it says after BMQ, I do BMQ-land (formerly sq) for 20 days to a month, however on the recruiting sheet I got at the CFRC it's says 10 weeks. Which one should I follow?
C_Rey88 said:
Great stuff everyone, I really do appreciate all of this great advice. I do have another question; for reg force engineers on forces.ca it says after BMQ, I do BMQ-land (formerly sq) for 20 days to a month, however on the recruiting sheet I got at the CFRC it's says 10 weeks. Which one should I follow?
Don't fuss over either.  After BMQ, someone will tell you where and when your BMQ-L will happen.