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Buy a car, get a free gun

Mike Baker

Army.ca Veteran
Reaction score

KANSAS CITY, Missouri (Reuters) - A Missouri car dealer said on Thursday sales have soared at his auto and truck business since launching a promotion this week that promises buyers a free handgun or a $250 gas card with every purchase.

Max Motors, a small Butler, Missouri dealership that has as its logo a grimacing cowboy wielding a pistol, has sold more than 30 cars and trucks in the last three days, far more than its normal volume. And owner Mark Muller credits his decision to start offering buyers their choice of a $250 gas card or a $250 credit at a gun shop.

"This thing has taken off. Sales have quadrupled," said Muller. The store sells both used and new vehicles including General Motors and Ford products.

Every buyer so far "except one guy from Canada and one old guy" has elected to take the gun, Muller said. Muller recommends his customers select a Kel-Tec .380 pistol.

"It's a nice little handgun that fits in your pocket," he said.

Muller said the promotion was inspired by Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, who is vying with Hillary Clinton to be the Democratic nominee for the presidential election in November.

"We did it because of Barack Obama. He said all those people in the Midwest, you've got to have compassion for them because they're clinging to their guns and their Bibles. I found that quite offensive."

"We all go to church on Sunday and we all carry guns," said Muller. "I've got a gun in my pocket right now. I have a rifle in my truck. We've got to shoot the coyotes out here, they're attacking our cows, our chickens. We're not clinging to nothing. We're just damn glad to live in a free country where you can have a gun if you want. This is the way it ought to be."

Oh lord, it never ends.  Great idea though one his part.

The one thing I find fascinating, and I'm sorry I don't have a link to this fact, is that the states in the US where you can carry a concealed weapon, have less gun violence.  ::)

Makes sense when you think about it.  If you go into a store to rob it, there is less of a chance you pulling a gun on someone if there is a chance they have a bigger, better, badder gun.  ;)
Celticgirl said:
Redneck city.  ::)

Nice.  Have you ever been to Kansas City or are you just equating the right to bear firearms and protecting their livestock with being redneck?
When I was on tour in the states, everyone I met in the south was very pleasant and nice.  I suppose because a lot of not to pleasant cults and racist organizations originate there, people may stereotype.  Out in LA is was just as bad though IMHO  There are cults, racists and gun crazy "rednecks" everywhere.  I thought ALL of America seamed equally proud of their "right to bear arms".  South just gets a poor reputation because of the Civil war.

"Common people it was 147 years ago lets be friends." says I   ;D  :P
kincanucks said:
Nice.  Have you ever been to Kansas City or are you just equating the right to bear firearms and protecting their livestock with being redneck?

No, and no...my remarks were regarding the person quoted's comments only.
Celticgirl said:
No, and no...my remarks were regarding the person quoted's comments only.

So what was wrong with what he said ?

Celticgirl said:
Negatory. Why do you ask? ;)

I have. Half-way in between St-Louis and Springfield. Maybe before calling someone a "redneck" you should have a proper frame of refference.

IMHO... I don't think that taking a free gun is being a redneck.  If that was offered here then I would take a free gun too.  This one business man's decision to give out gun credits should not say anything about the rest of the population.  They are just reacting to a good deal, as I would if it were offered to me. 
CDN Aviator said:
I have. Half-way in between St-Louis and Springfield.

Springfield?  :D  Is your last name Simpson by any chance?  ;D

OK, I'm going to bed before I get myself into (more) trouble.  ;)
This reminds me of that scene in Bowling for Columbine, which Michael Moore goes to the bank. In that case it was open a bank account and get a gun. As if that wasn't ironic in itself.
S.Stewart said:
This reminds me of that scene in Bowling for Columbine, which Michael Moore goes to the bank. In that case it was open a bank account and get a gun. As if that wasn't ironic in itself.

Indeed, however:

That scene in the documentary was greatly misconstrued from the actual footage.  The scene in which the bank manager says "we have over 200 guns in our vault" is cut off before she has the chance to finish the actual sentence of "we have over 200 guns in our vault at our wear house 100 km away"  See how thats sneeky?  :P

Furthermore, they make that scene look as though he goes in and leaves with a gun when he does not.  What you don't see are the three weeks of paperwork, forms, and a security check he had to fill out before opening that account and receiving the gun.

Mr Moore yes tells a lot of facts, and things that are very true and need to be said, especially in Sicko which I believe to be his best so far.
But always remember the power of film editing  ;)

EDIT/ PS:  Been a while S.S, how are ya?  :)
speaking of guns i was watching bowling for columbine and michael moore and his crew were talking about how walmart in the states sells bullets or used to sell bullets
grmpz1 said:
speaking of guns i was watching bowling for columbine and michael moore and his crew were talking about how walmart in the states sells bullets or used to sell bullets

point being ?
grmpz1 said:
speaking of guns i was watching bowling for columbine and michael moore and his crew were talking about how walmart in the states sells bullets or used to sell bullets

Guns need bullets, what better place to sell them than a family established famous franchise like Walmart?

I believe your referring to the potential moral dilemma of selling ammunition that can potentially be put in automatic weapons and used to kill innocent students.  Which is what Mr. Moore pushed so strongly (and often) in that documentary.
Celticgirl said:
Redneck city.  ::)

The origins of the term redneck actually go back to the 1930's in a number of disputes in West Virginia. A large group of unionized miners marched south to Logan County, to pressure the mine owners there to allow their miners to become unionized. To identify themselves, the miners all wore red bandannas around their necks. The publicity associated with the battles and the subsequent court cases created the term red-necks, and at that time they were viewed as the good guys in the conflict.

Originally, the term came from the later 1800's in southern Georgia and Alabama to refer to sharecroppers who worked in the fields thus getting a sunburned neck. They were called 'rednecks' as a term meant for hard working people. Today, the term is used by comedians and commentators to refer to people who are uneducated, close-minded and racist individuals.

Found here;  http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Where_did_the_name_'redneck'_come_from

I live in Alberta, shoot guns, drink beer, and drive a big ol' 4X4... Call me a redneck any time you want.