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Celticgirl said:
Thanks. I was just saying (kind of half-joking) that there should be a TV show on officer training, too...why do NCMs get all the air time?  :D

Thats cause we do all the real work  ;D
I was at CFLRS last year this time, and they sure were allowed to swear in their jackings. I can still recall TONS of obscene jackings that at the time were a little "scary" but now are quite entertaining to remember. Although nothing compared to what I heard on my SQ in Meaford... ;D I'm so glad I'm not infantry!  ;)
CDN Aviator said:
I find that most peolple who spew this " you dont know, things have changed so much" are the ones who have not seen how it was before and thus have no frame of reference.

I've been at this 16 years and the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Agreed with you on this one.  IMO, they are the ones that don't know how 'it works' in the frst place, yet they have all the ways to fix what isn't broken.  ::) They don't understand the real purpose behind things like drill;  inspections;  attention to detail;  adverse and harsh training;  inducing stress on trainees; etc etc.  They (recruits, young soldiers, Subordinate and Junior Officers) haven't mastered the basics, yet they want to change them.  While this isn't true about all of them, it is about some.  I am not saying ALL recruits, young soldiers, Subordinate and Junior Officers are like this.  I am definitely saying it about some.

And that is also something that hasn't changed.  I don't suspect it ever will, either.  Thats why God made NCOs - The Backbone of the Army.

Backbone of the Army book link

(The NCO Creed below is taken from a US Army Manual I believe...I've never seen the CF Equivalent, not even on my SLC.  I was first introduced to it in 1994 as a young, green MCpl.  I've had it ever since.  Its the expanded version, IMO, of "the 3 Ms - the Mission, the Men, then Myself".)

The NCO Creed
No one is more professional than I. I am a Noncommissioned Officer, a leader of soldiers. As a Noncommissioned Officer, I realize that I am a member of a time honored corps, which is known as "The Backbone of the Army". I am proud of the Corps of Noncommissioned Officers and will at all times conduct myself so as to bring credit upon the Corps, the Military Service and my country regardless of the situation in which I find myself. I will not use my grade or position to attain pleasure, profit, or personal safety.

Competence is my watchword. My two basic responsibilities will always be uppermost in my mind -- accomplishment of my mission and the welfare of my soldiers. I will strive to remain tactically and technically proficient. I am aware of my role as a Noncommissioned Officer. I will fulfill my responsibilities inherent in that role. All soldiers are entitled to outstanding leadership; I will provide that leadership. I know my soldiers and I will always place their needs above my own. I will communicate consistently with my soldiers and never leave them uninformed. I will be fair and impartial when recommending both rewards and punishment.

Officers of my unit will have maximum time to accomplish their duties; they will not have to accomplish mine. I will earn their respect and confidence as well as that of my soldiers. I will be loyal to those with whom I serve; seniors, peers, and subordinates alike. I will exercise initiative by taking appropriate action in the absence of orders. I will not compromise my integrity, nor my moral courage. I will not forget, nor will I allow my comrades to forget that we are professionals, Noncommissioned Officers, leaders!

*editted to add the book link

Eye In The Sky said:
The NCO Creed
No one is more professional than I. I am a Noncommissioned Officer, a leader of soldiers. As a Noncommissioned Officer, I realize that I am a member of a time honored corps, which is known as "The Backbone of the Army". I am proud of the Corps of Noncommissioned Officers and will at all times conduct myself so as to bring credit upon the Corps, the Military Service and my country regardless of the situation in which I find myself. I will not use my grade or position to attain pleasure, profit, or personal safety.

Competence is my watchword. My two basic responsibilities will always be uppermost in my mind -- accomplishment of my mission and the welfare of my soldiers. I will strive to remain tactically and technically proficient. I am aware of my role as a Noncommissioned Officer. I will fulfill my responsibilities inherent in that role. All soldiers are entitled to outstanding leadership; I will provide that leadership. I know my soldiers and I will always place their needs above my own. I will communicate consistently with my soldiers and never leave them uninformed. I will be fair and impartial when recommending both rewards and punishment.

Officers of my unit will have maximum time to accomplish their duties; they will not have to accomplish mine. I will earn their respect and confidence as well as that of my soldiers. I will be loyal to those with whom I serve; seniors, peers, and subordinates alike. I will exercise initiative by taking appropriate action in the absence of orders. I will not compromise my integrity, nor my moral courage. I will not forget, nor will I allow my comrades to forget that we are professionals, Noncommissioned Officers, leaders!

Learn it, live it.
I love your statement you made and wish I could have you running the show.  I am confused when signing up as I am a single mommy and not being able to see my son is really upsetting me, he is 11 and I am all he has. I have been down twice to hand in my papers and each time I turn back. Wish I could have him with me :-\
littlelizzard said:
  I am confused when signing up as I am a single mommy and not being able to see my son is really upsetting me,

You are not the first single parent to be in the CF and if you get in you wont be the only one. You want to join so just get on with it.
I honestly don't think you're ready for this commitment. But that's just me.
Littlelizzard, if you are not 100% certain of your choice, do yourself a favour.  Dont' enroll.  I'm not trying to sound harsh, but the military is not like other jobs.  It takes up alot of your life and you have to 100% want to be there (and that goes for life well after basic training).  If you're not giving 100% you're just going to drag the people around you down, and they won't tolerate that for very long at all.
As for the jackings, they really are just some guy/gal giving you good advice in an aggressive manner.  I always used to get tagged for open pockets.  I'm glad that my staff drilled that into my head because now when I'm in the a/c and we go inverted nothing falls out.  That example may seem trivial, but the point I'm trying to make is that some of the stuff that may seem like chikensh*t in BMOQ/BMQ is in fact laying down good habits that will serve you well later in your career.  I guess the long and the short of it is don't let a jacking upset you, but DON'T ignore it either.
Well to be quite honest I could care less what people like to write and say, like being yelled at first thing in the morning, I could care less has to be taken with a grain of salt, I have the toughness it takes, I am not a complete softie, I just really care about my son.  Whatever I decide I can tell you one thing, I will do my best no matter what!!! Thanks by the way, its good to be a bit of a hard ass lol lol
littlelizzard said:
Well to be quite honest I could care less what people like to write and say, like being yelled at first thing in the morning, I could care less has to be taken with a grain of salt, I have the toughness it takes, I am not a complete softie, I just really care about my son.  Whatever I decide I can tell you one thing, I will do my best no matter what!!! Thanks by the way, its good to be a bit of a hard *** lol lol

That's great and all.. but I still don't think you're ready for the commitment involved in this. If you want honest advice? Join PRes first and see if you can stomach that. If you can and you think RegF is where you wanna be? Then CT to RegF. Who knows, you may enjoy PRes more and stay in. But right now seeing the way you're posting, I really don't think you're ready.