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Recruits do have tv, snack machines, internet access, subway and many other things at CFLRS...it just doesn't seem like that...I was there for 9 months and can confirm that indeed recruits were not CB'd the whole time they were there...unless of course they f*&%ed up...

Hot Lips said:
Recruits do have tv, snack machines, internet access, subway and many other things at CFLRS...it just doesn't seem like that...I was there for 9 months and can confirm that indeed recruits were not CB'd the whole time they were there...unless of course they f*&%ed up...


Yes there is access there, but in my experience it was VERY limited access. Yes there are generally a fair amount of people gathering in the green break area, but they were usually members of PAT platoon who basically had every evening and weekend to themselves. The only time I really had access to said privileges was when I was waiting for fire picket meetings or on weekend leave. I didn't have access to Subway/Canex during the week at any time of my BMQ. (Although our Platoon staff were a pretty strict crew, and I'm sure some others weren't) I guess my biggest shock was getting to Borden and sharing a Mess with the BMQ recruits and seeing them sit in there for over an hour for dinner many a nights (our meal timings were less than 20 mins through my whole course), and then see them walking down the road to and from the Canex/Timmies on a regular basis. I wouldn't have dreamed of doing the same at CFLRS.
Yes you have that right, I just talked to my guy there, they were on a bus trip today and another to Ottawa tomorrow and they have there cell phones for the weekends and the subway, some brews, and they have all next weekend off. Its awesome at Saint-Jean. After the first 4 weeks are done, its sailin time  ;)
littlelizzard said:
Yes you have that right, I just talked to my guy there, they were on a bus trip today and another to Ottawa tomorrow and they have there cell phones for the weekends and the subway, some brews, and they have all next weekend off. Its awesome at Saint-Jean. After the first 4 weeks are done, its sailin time  ;)

Wait for it....  ;D
Ok lizard

You need to reply with something that makes sense...Think it out and use some grammar. Seriously what is it you were saying when you were quoting me? what Generals?

Actualy you know what...Hell start over and explain properly
littlelizzard said:
After the first 4 weeks are done, its sailin time  ;)

I am not sure what week your guy is in but...I highly doubt (read not charmin'' effin likely) 'going into cruise mode' at Week 4 is the smart thing to do.  Nor is it the right attitude.  He'll see that along the way...come back and post again with how his 'cruise control' BMQ went  >:D
littlelizzard said:
>:D  sure seems like I would like to meet a couple of dudes along my path of the fourth week ;)

I think you are running different KEYMAT than I am..."broken and unreadable, over"

(I have NO idea what your posts tonight mean.  Remember, call a cab :blotto:)
You are constantly learning new things or building on things you've already been taught.  Some people find it challenging, some don't but...if you are one of the ones that find it easier, you're (in my books) expected to help the ones that don't.  You fail and succeed as a platoon, not individuals.  There are times to shine as in individual (PT test, lets say) but those who cruise are blading their course by not helping the ones who are struggling more...you want to go to combat or fix planes that have to fly with someone like that?  I don't.

*edit - I haven't been in the trng system as staff for a year and a half now but...some things don't change much, if at all.  MediPea went thru BMQ rather recently and would know best what the deal is, over everyone posting in the thread IMO.
A friend of mine went through Borden for his BMQ Sep-Nov 07.  And I have to say he was lacking some skills.  ie boots he wore on his grad parade hardly has a shine to them,  he could barely iron a shirt ect...  Now I do not know if he was a 1-1,000,000 case that fell through he cracks or if Borden is pumping out recruits like that.  I had no problems helping him bring up his personal standards but no recruit should leave basic like that.  How can you have a prosperous career if you never mastered the basics
Course here at CFLRS is different for each platoon. I've been here for the past 8 months almost and have seen alot. My original platoon was allowed all electronics after 6pm for the entire course. Some platoons only see their electronics once they have weekends off, some have them in the evenings after 6 after their cap badge test. Most platoons can be on orange deck after 1800 hrs after week 5 or 6, some aren't allowed, mostly that's to go to canex, although some have bistro/subway privledges as well.

PAT does get almost all of their weekends off, however most major holidays they work as duty platoon, like Easter/Thanksgiving/Canada Day.  PAT also has to have 24 hr firepicket and works 24 hours at the green desk during the week, as well as being tasked everywhere on base all week. It looks like a sweet place to be, but it's really not, most of us work equvilent hours to platoon recruits unless we're absolutely fubar and can't walk etc.

But on track, CFLRS is as tough or easy as your staff make it,most are very reasonable and you get privledges are you prove that you deserve them.
I agree with you Cat...CFLRS is what you make of it...individually and as a platoon...
When I was there our platoon had every weekend off...but we had worked hard and well together...as a result we received the Commandant's Pennant  8)

However our sister platoon was constantly CB'd and had slim to no privileges...they worked as individuals and never really gelled...they had a rough go...without a doubt!!

Cat said:
But on track, CFLRS is as tough or easy as your staff you make it on yourself, for which the staff are there to make the required corrections to the recruits individually, or the platoon as a whole make it,most are very reasonable and you get privledges are you prove that you deserve them.

Its like that on every course.  The course is run to a required standard.  If the candidates f**k up, they bring their own world down around them.
Eye In The Sky said:
Its like that on every course.  The course is run to a required standard.  If the candidates f**k up, they bring their own world down around them.

I will disagree slightly, some staff just do not issue the privlidges. It's not how well the platoon performs, they just don't issue them. Behavior of the platoon is usually grounds for the more common provledges such as weekends off though.
Cat said:
I will disagree slightly, some staff just do not issue the privlidges. It's not how well the platoon performs, they just don't issue them. Behavior of the platoon is usually grounds for the more common provledges such as weekends off though.

Ok you disagree but my 14 years working as an Instructor in various schools and units are what made me say what I said.

Of course, each Pl WO runs his/her platoon differently.  Each Div is run slightly differently...all completely normal things in the military.  Not each Troop I worked in was the same, or Sqn or Coy, each Sgt-Major was different...again, all normal stuff.  Wait for it, you've yet to see anything outside the St-Jean Garrison I am assuming.
That's why I was only refering to St-Jean. I'vebeen here for a while and have seen far too many platoons go through here.

I fully conceed that things may work differently outside of the garrison, I'm just going on my experiance here.