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Borden Thread- Merged

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You should get in touch with the Borden KMFRC - they have welcome packages etc for Spouses and SO's.


They may be able to help answer a lot of  the questions you may have concerning a possible move to Borden.

muffin :)
You can rent DVD's,VHS and video games at the large Canex.As well,there is a video store on the main drag of Angus beside the Shell station.As far as Alliston,there is a Blockbuster video in the strip mall near Canadian Tire.
The Chinease Food resturant beside the Angus hotel was one of our favs,as well as the bleachers in the gym complex was a good scoff.
As much as I said I hated Borden,I think Wainwright is worse!
Yay what she said.  lol.

Keep trying and perserve like she said.  It took us almost four months of memos to finally get approval.  Keep pushing and it will happe.
donairs are good in  Angus. As you enter the town from the base their is a strip mall on your right hand side. In their is a place I think is called Warf and Bouys. Good service and good food. Other wise Barrie is only about 20 mins away with all the comforts of a large city. 
There their "They're" was used incorrectly several times in the sake of confussing the older folk who try to read fast, but now have to slow down due to age.  Young age, that is.  Young persons of course, on course, but using coarse language and poor spelling.  It is so kewl!
well I was able to access the internet via dial-up in t139 back in 2002 but the connection I had was extremely slow 5kbps or something like that, I guess with a little technical know-how you could still connect with a local dialup provider.

(unplug the phones and connect the line to your laptop)
Bart Nikodem said:
My information is a bit dated but in 2003 there was internet access at the library. The library is near the tank park.

When I was there in 2000 they had a setup right in the hallway in the shacks - expensive, but got me through a 4 week course...
foerestedwarrior said:
Why? I have rogers in Borden with no problems.....

I second the JR's internet cafe place. Near the JR eating mess on the southside. To the best of my knowlege there is no Wireless internet in the CANEX.

You don't want to know the BS they put me through, and a friend of mine as well, it's literally amazing and possibly on par with Bell for poor service.
*cough* *cough*, I currently work for bell express vu, and I believe that I offer the best service I can give.

there are horror stories about every company. I have sympatico and for the last 2 years my connection never dropped and it took me 10 minutes to setup and run on the net. But for my roomate when he moved out took Bell 3 months to get things straight. My neighbor wanted cable internet nothing else, took videotron 4 months to figure out all the glitches.
Michael Dorosh said:
When I was there in 2000 they had a setup right in the hallway in the shacks - expensive, but got me through a 4 week course...

yeah was the same when i was there on my 5's in 2003
Hello! I've lurked around these forums more than posted, but knew my membership here would come in handy some day. ;)

My boyfriend recently got accepted into the Canadian Airforce and is leaving for CFB Borden in late August. The only reason I'm not going with him is that I'm starting school in the fall. The course I'm taking is only a year long, and failing any horrific relationship trauma (God forbid) I'll be moving out there in late May of next year.

My question is this ... are there any schools (Community Colleges especially) relatively close to Borden that offer an OIT (Office Information Technology) course? While I've already been accepted to NSCC here in Nova Scotia for the fall, and already paid my confirmation fee, I'm most certainly interested in finding out if I could obtain the same education a little closer to the man I love. :)
Check out Georgian College, http://www.georgianc.on.ca/ . They might have something.
I went to http://www.searchforschools.net/search.php?search=Borden%2C+ON&x=26&y=9 and found these.  I believe they are from the CDI College in Barrie, ON, just east of Borden.

CDI College site:    http://www.search4cdi.com/?s_id=162&affiliateID=google-canada_college%20canada

Career Education Search:    http://www.collegesurfing.com/ce/search/canada/?src=&

Assoc of Universities and Colleges of Canada:  http://www.aucc.ca/index_e.html

Community and Technical Colleges in Canada:    http://cset.sp.utoledo.edu/canctcol.html#ontario

School Finder:    http://www.schoolfinder.com/

Colleges and Universities - Canada:    http://www.mit.edu:8001/people/cdemello/ca.html

There are many more sites, but I think these will give you a good start.  Borden is located just North of Toronto, West of Barrie, East of Collingwood, and South of North Bay, Sudbury and Huntsville.  You will find many Colleges and Universities within a 200 km radius of Borden.
I am headed to CFB on June 11th for my Weapons tech course. I am currently in the reserves 'The Lorne Scots' wondering whats Borden like? and the course QL3 for WPNS TECH and i am wondering what is it like? do we get weekends off whats the schedule per day as in is it times or all day i just want a person view on this from anyone who can give one thank you.
Raj said:
I am headed to CFB on June 11th for my Weapons tech course. I am currently in the reserves 'The Lorne Scots' wondering whats Borden like? and the course QL3 for WPNS TECH and i am wondering what is it like? do we get weekends off whats the schedule per day as in is it times or all day i just want a person view on this from anyone who can give one thank you.

Hot and beastly humid. Reasonably far from civilization, take your own car if possible.
Definitely take your car, when I was at PRETC it sucked having to take a cab everywhere, especially since if you want to go to CANEX you have to walk for close to an hour. Borden's allright in terms of the area, I really didn't like the base all that much, but that might just be from my experience of PRETC which was simply negative.
Borden is hot, dry and crowded these days. With all the BMQs that are going on there now, get used to standing in lines. The food is pretty good, there's a Canex and Tim Hortons on base, a Subway, and pizza(again, get used to lineups). With all the QL3 courses, and the new BMQ courses going on, they're tightening up on the 3Ds, so get used to marching on base or expect to get jacked. I don't know about the Weapons Tech QL3, but any of the 3s I do know are 8-4 with weekends off, unless you screw up and get CBed.

The town of Angus is right on the base's front doorstep, with liquor and beer stores, a Giant Tiger with anything the Canex doesn't have, a dry cleaner that's faster and cheaper than the one in the Canex, and you will be about a 20 minute drive from Barrie, where the malls and restaurants and anything else like civilization are.

The gym on base is great, there's a pool, squash courts, cardio and spinning, a climbing wall, free weights and machines, areas for ball hockey, volleyball and basketball, but the weight rooms in particular are pretty crowded right after work (better in the morning or later at night), there are lots of trails for running or rollerblading, the golf course has a fitness station trail that runs around it.

Have fun with your course.
I always insist on taking my car to Borden when on course.
The rooms are very hot in the summer....if you've got a big box fan...take it with you...

Info from last summer:  you work from 7:30 - 4:30 with every second Friday afternoon off.  Weekends off.  If you or anyone else on your course is having difficulty you may be required to come in a few nights here and there for extra training.  Make sure that if you are having difficulty that you request this as the info comes fast and furious. 

Just a few pieces of advice:  study, don't go out drinking every night, do PT on your own as you may not be doing it on course, take your car or you'll wish you did.

If you have any others questions on the weapons school I may be able to help you out. 
