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Body Piercings


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OK, so..anyone ever have to remove quickly and discreetly or explain a body piercing while on duty?

I had my right nipple pierced for a couple of years before I got out, but it was never an issue. One of the guys on my crew wore a tongue piercing and was pretty good at hiding it. I've not got a PA as well, but don't expect any issues with anything this time around.

Any stories to share?
Uh yep, I have a personal story but nuff said about that one.  ;D

But, I could tell you the story about this one time one of the girls who was in clothing was serving a very high ranking soldier ... and he and I both noticed her tongue ring at the same time. The look of horror on her face almost outdid ours. It was a quick trip to the CSMs office; I had warned her before.

Moral: Never go out partying on week nights and need to rush into work the next morning thereby forgetting to remove shiny thing from tongue.
Had a troop rip his nipple while leopard crawling on the Matawa Plain on a QL3.  Ouch.
That seems like an awfully painful price to pay just so you can have a shiny piece of steel stuck somewhere it's not supposed to be anyways. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to start a debate on why people would want to drive a bolt through parts of their body, I'm just saying that it's common sense not to have them in while on duty.
Brockvegas said:
That seems like an awfully painful price to pay just so you can have a shiny piece of steel stuck somewhere it's not supposed to be anyways. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to start a debate on why people would want to drive a bolt through parts of their body, I'm just saying that it's common sense not to have them in while on duty.

Which is exactly why the Regulations state that "thou shalt not wear these things while on duty..."

I think that's the whole point of the originating thread post ... looking for those stories about having to get them out when one does not, necessarily, obey said regulations.  ;)
One of my people had to treat a soldier who had a Prince Albert piercing which became badly infected  :crybaby: ......rather embarrassing I gather.

My Medic decided to rub some proverbial salt into the wound by noting that as this was a voluntary action, then it could be construed as a self-inflicted wound, and missing duty due to such a thing is a chargeable offence.

I can't imagine having the particulars of the offence read out in a Court Martial...."In that by having an unauthorized piercing in his wedding tackle....."
I had one troop who while on the obstacle actually said " Sgt I can't do that obstacle" me " Why".  Troop very quietly "my belly Ring".  Me look of disblief " I really didn't just hear that".  Troop did said obstacle had had a visit with dress regs and CSM.
Similar is hearing the reason for not putting on a Chemox (the breathing apparatus for firefighting on the ships) "I can't, I have my contacts in".  Wearing of contacts onboard ship is a big no-no for that reason.  I have seen people frantically taking them out as they are getting suited up.
Ohhhhhhh, (make note of the date & time...)

My maternal instinct is kicking in .......

"All right troops: remember to put on clean underwear every day take out your body-piercings every day, lest there be an accident."  ;)
Quote from George Carlin's New Rules for 2007:

New Rule:

If you ever hope to be a credible adult and want a job that pays better than minimum wage, then for God's sake don't pierce or tattoo every available piece of flesh.  If so, then plan your future around saying "Do you want fries with that?".

I accidentally swallowed an attachment from a nipple ring  :-X and chipped a tooth on a "down below" pericing.  :P

(yes they were on members of the opposite sex)

Painfull and embarrassing yes.  :-[

Did it stop the seximacation process....no.  ;)

Aviano 1999 was on a medals parade and sporting a new nipple ring. I was so proud of both right after we were dismissed I took off my CBT Shirt and t-shirt. Placed my new medal on my nipple ring.
The WO saw it and thought I had jammed the dam pin in my chest and he got a bit weak at the knees.

When the CANFORGEN came out myself and another Cpl were called into the office and asked if we were adorned with our piercings. I was asked and I said I wasn't.
The MCpl and WO asked me to prove it. I said that as soon as they could safely ask Cpl XXXXXX to prove whether or not she was wearing it without a sexual harassment charge being laid is the day they can have me strip down to the waist.

Being a bit older and wiser I have gotten the knack of getting it out without many noticing. I never wear it to the MIR or PT or during certain venues.

BTW  Why do women have belly button rings?
          It gives them a place to hang an air freshener....  ;D
mover1 said:
I accidentally swallowed an attachment from a nipple ring  :-X and chipped a tooth on a "down below" pericing.  :P

(yes they were on members of the opposite sex)

Painfull and embarrassing yes.  :-[

Did it stop the seximacation process....no.  ;)

Aviano 1999 was on a medals parade and sporting a new nipple ring. I was so proud of both right after we were dismissed I took off my CBT Shirt and t-shirt. Placed my new medal on my nipple ring.
The WO saw it and thought I had jammed the dam pin in my chest and he got a bit weak at the knees.

When the CANFORGEN came out myself and another Cpl were called into the office and asked if we were adorned with our piercings. I was asked and I said I wasn't.
The MCpl and WO asked me to prove it. I said that as soon as they could safely ask Cpl XXXXXX to prove whether or not she was wearing it without a sexual harassment charge being laid is the day they can have me strip down to the waist.

Being a bit older and wiser I have gotten the knack of getting it out without many noticing. I never wear it to the MIR or PT or during certain venues.

BTW  Why do women have belly button rings?
          It gives them a place to hang an air freshener....  ;D

Wow that's a lot of info to download at once!
I'm kinda of the opinion that if God had wanted us to put metal and ink on our body he woulda put it there for us...but I'm way too old for this conversation probably.  ;D
Ok my piercings are on a need to know basis...in other words...you don't need to know...although I had to have an MRI once and after having my piercings many years..forgot they were even there...

Yes, I forgot to take them out!  Once in the MRI I remembered but  ...too late...  I wish I could say I was impaled to the sides of the MRI unit but actually nothing happened, as I discovered after, they were non-ferrous...

It could have been a good story....sorry

emmiee said:
Ok my piercings are on a need to know basis...in other words...you don't need to know...although I had to have an MRI once (Vern edit: or twice!! ) and after having my piercings many years..forgot they were even there...

Hilarious!! I sooooooo know this story ... personally!!  ;D Geez, who thinks about simple things like that after 15 years of wearing them eh?
This paper might be of interest for this topic.  I have provided this abstract for educational purposes.



Published by the University of Chicago Press

Title  Cerebellar Brain Abscess Associated with Tongue Piercing
Author(s)  Richard A. Martinello and Elizabeth L. Cooney
Identifiers  Clinical Infectious Diseases, volume 36 (2003), pages e32–e34
DOI: 10.1086/345755
PubMed ID: 12522766

Availability  This site:  PS  |  HTML  |  PDF (59.1k) 
Copyright  © 2003, the Infectious Diseases Society of America.
Abstract  We describe a previously healthy adult who had a solitary cerebellar brain abscess diagnosed. This infection occurred 4 weeks after the patient underwent a tongue piercing procedure that was complicated by an apparent local infection. The clinical history, abscess culture results, and lack of an alternative explanation suggest that infection of the tongue piercing site was the source of the cerebellar abscess.

Ummm...is the link supposed to be the email address?  ???
Sounds like an interesting paper!
ArmyVern said:

Glad my tongue's not pierced!!

My youngest son got his tongue pierced after he left home and it got infected and swoll up so he couldn't talk or hardly breath....he soon abandoned that as a bad idea...ah well another experiment on the road I guess.
Back to the summer of '95, I was supervising the English Table station on the Kingston confidence course when one of the Comm Reserve recruits (female) jumped up and tore out her belly button piercing.  She screamed in obvious discomfort.  Then had to find a female instructor to administer first aid.  Years later, she still has the scare.

just my 2 cents
I pulled my nipple ring out they day I left for basic, I have for years wanted to get it redone. heck if I have the cash I would do it tomorrow.

Guy on my Battle School pulled his out while pepper potting guess how happy he was  ;D