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BMQ weekend without kit


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I am starting my reserve BMQ on the 18th, the only problem is that I am not getting issued my kit until the 20th. Is this going to be a problem? I just got sworn in last saturday and phoned stored today and its the soonest they could get me in. Just hoping that it isn't going to set me back. And yes, I did search.
I was in a similar situation, but in my case, none of the people on my course had their kit. So on the second day (Saturday) we all hopped on a bus and went down to Denison to get all of our kit issued to us. It shouldn't be a problem for you, since it's not really your fault. Which unit are you in? Are you the only one without the kit or are there more people from your unit that haven't been issued their kit yet?
Im in the Calgary Highlanders. I talked to one person who was sworn in at the same time today and she said she was getting issued on Thursday. Can't quite make sense of it, she phoned two hours before I did. I'll talk to someone when I'm at the armouries tomorrow to see if theres anything I can do.
I finished my 3rd weekend of BMQ, and at least 3-4 people still don't have kit. Don't sweat it, if your instructors ask you why you don't have kit, just tell them you haven't been issued it yet, and tell them when it will be issued, and that'll be that. Just make sure you pay attention when they're telling you how to properly wear your uniform, tie up your boots, etc. Make sure to write all that down.
So I went this evening and my unit issued me a pair of coveralls and a tac vest.  They said not to worry, just pass. Are you just parading in civvys Conquistador?
No, fortunatley for me, I got my kit issue the Thursday after my full first weekend of training. I didn't get a tac-vest though.  >:(
Im all the ways out here in Nova Scotia and im doing BMQ, when we started out, there was around 6 or 7 people that didnt have anything but a Service Number to go by....dont worry, im sure that your instructors will just bitch about the poor abilities of the clothing storesmen.
