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BMQ September 2007 - ALL locations Thread

Yeah I guess that is true.

Right now I have 3 combination locks with 3 different combinations. I guess this will have to do me until an instructor hallers at me, if it happens.
formerarmybrat23 said:
i didn't see that either! i suppose anything forgotten can be picked up at the canex sure enough.

The more you can bring the better because that small CANEX gets pretty busy and stuff goes fast. You don't get much time for shopping on this course and believe me, any free time you get, you don't want to be shopping. Sleeping comes to mind... ;)
Agent Zero said:
Right now I have 3 combination locks with 3 different combinations. I guess this will have to do me until an instructor hallers at me, if it happens.

I can't speak from experience, but I would hate to find myself falling behind because I forgot or mixed up one of my three combonations. Like I say, I haven't gone to BMQ yet, so I'm out of my lane a bit here, but why make things harder. Not that remembering three different combo's is hard or anything, but under pressure and time, you might find yourself frustrated remembering which combo went with which lock.

Now excuse me, while I get back into my own lane.  ;D

Agent Zero said:
Yeah I guess that is true.

Right now I have 3 combination locks with 3 different combinations. I guess this will have to do me until an instructor hallers at me, if it happens.

hey im going to borden september 10th too and i did see the 3 locks on my list. does anyone know were you can get locks and you can change the combo so they all match... or buy locks in packs of 3 that have the same combo?

ive seen them in 2s but not 3s

Nfld Sapper said:
Any CANEX carries them too.

I was at the CANEX in Edmonton the other day, and all they had were 1 in each pack (no 3 to a pack). They all had different combinations.

In terms of the 3 different locks with different combinations, I think I am going to label each one (i.e.: #1, #2, #3, with the one I use the most as #1 , and #3 being the one I use the least). Just in case, I am going to write down the combinations to each one and put it in a safe place just incase I need it later on. If this dosen't work then I plan on getting the ones that all have the same combination to save time and trouble. We'll see what happens though.
Continuing on the topic of locks... are the combination locks to be the spin combos, or can they be the digit combination locks. The majority of the digit combination locks are resettable allowing the owner to pick the combo, which would make getting 3 with the same combo very easy.
Can they be red ?

or does it have to be blue ?

I realy like the ones with pictures on the front, they're so kool......

I bought three "Carabiner" Style Combination locks. They were only about $5.00 each and I was able to pick my own 3 digit combination.  They are small and yet secure. And all the same color. Canadian Tire was the place to go for me!


See everyone who is going to Borden for Sept 10th.

I have such horrible nerves. The closer it gets to leaving time the more sick I feel. I've also had to cold for the past week. I have everything sorted out. I'm just cleaning the house and going to be packing the night before. Anyone else freaked out? I know that people are going to write "calm down" etc, but I've got alot of anxiety about going. I've travelled and moved before but always with family, boyfriend, friends or child. This will be the first time that I have ever had to step out on my own.

I keep trying to relax but with my luck my anxiety will turn into a big pimple or something on my face lol.  I realize that it is just a matter of settling in and getting used to a new way of life, and that I will make friends and all that.  Enough rambling.....I was just wondering if anyone else was  having the same feelings. This thread has kind of died off....
You'll feel like that the first time you're shoved into an environment that's completely unfamiliar (including the people around you)

Just let it happen, and you'll adjust. You'll realize it ain't so bad.

You should have a lot more to worry about when you go through the Green Doors anyway, as far as I know.
Well I am off to Borden Ontario, in 5 hours I have to be up to leave my house by 5:30 in the morning, my plane leaves at 8 and I will be arriving in Borden at 12:30 in the afternoon. I have not felt much stress, or worry mainly just an overwhelming feeling, It's unreal, but I am sure when I step threw those doors things will feel real quickly lol.

Anyways, what I am trying to say is !! Thanks to everyone one last time, thanks for the help and advice I truly appriciate this forum it made my joining process much more easy! Good luck to everyone take care, and be carefull!

