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BMQ Reserves 2010 - 2017

Well, that stinks.

I didn't remember hearing a Pte Holland being called at any point, so that explains it.

Good luck anyway.
A couple guys from my unit are on that course, I'm presuming it's out of Fort York? If so what's the deal with you guys training on Tuesday night as well?
Yep, Fort York. We do indeed train on Tuesdays, mainly classroom and parade stuff I think.
Yeah, I was pretty disappointed... but I guess it gives me more time to prep.  Just please tell me no one has already dropped out or else I will be pissed.
Just got the email today that my BMQ starts on the 31st of this month. Anyone else starting on the same date?  :salute:
I was told that I will be put into my serial on Friday. What unit are you going into? I'm swearing into the Lorne Scots tomorrow.
I start at Fort York then I'm going to Moss Park Saturday. Any idea as to if we have to find our own way there Saturday morning or if transportation is provided? The e-mail isn't very clear
I believe they transport you from FYA to your location for the first day but after that it's your responsibility to get there for the other training weekends and nights.
I'm joining the Queens Own Rifles.  By the way Im probably going to be one of the many guys there with a car to drive to the respected armoury, so I don't think moving will be a problem
Unfortunately we have lost 8 or 9 people so far (both VRs and recourses). Some of them were due to scheduling problems.
I have started my first 3 weeks at the BMQ an is going horribly. I am always behind the group for everything. There's this one sergeant that scares the hell out of me and whenever he's near me, I get anxious. When we do drills with this person I get anxious. We did weapon drills yesterday and I just couldn't handle myself because he was there and made me nervous. The weekly report said that "the recruit seems to be stressed". I also got a warning because I didn't shave well.

I'm just scared of not passing the course, and if I don't pass the course my military career is over
Keep it simple.  Do what you're told when you're told how you're told. 

Unfuck your mind; the Sgt is just a Sgt and is there to do a job, which it to train you to the standard.  Not to stand over you at night with a bayonet waiting to...right?

Despite how 'behind' you feel, strive to improve on YOUR personal performance.  Do things that help you become faster; I don't know what they are, that's for you to figure out.

Don't blame poor weapon handling on anyone but yourself.  It's not the Sgt's fault 'you get anxious' is it?

Take some time and think; what is making you nervous, anxious.  Figure it out.  Then figure out what you can do to overcome it.

Most of my Basic 'went horribly' for me too, and the other 120 odd folks in my platoon, yet here I am 25 years later. 

Oh, if it helps you any...I was doing my job last week and was feeling anxious a few times, so feeling the anxiousness isn't a big deal.  What is important is that you can recognize what is causing it, and figure out how to get passed it.  Learning how you can help yourself perform in abnormal circumstances is part of the training goals.

Take some time, figure it out, and put the plan in place to get past those moments.  It could be something as simple as 'self talk' in the moments  "I've done this before.  I can do this now.  First I have to field strip the weapon...NO!  first I have to prove the weapon safe THEN field strip it.  Safety precautions first.  the goal is (1) safety (2) sequence and then (3) speed.".

An example.  Good luck and in no time you'll be past BMQ and on to the next phase.

PS - the 'self talk' stuff...do it in your head, not out loud.  It didn't work out so cool for Pte Joker when he talked to himself out loud... ;)

Thanks, but what happens if I fail my bmq? Am I kicked out of the army? I get anxious because I'm fucking up.
san012 said:
Thanks, but what happens if I fail my bmq? Am I kicked out of the army? I get anxious because I'm fucking up.


GO back and re-read my post.  Have you done any of what I suggested yet? 

No.  You jumped to the  :panic: stage about failing BMQ and are fucking yourself up again.

Go back.  Do what I said.  Write it out if you have to; figure out what is making you 'fuck it up', ask yourself if you are REALLY the only one fucking it up (I promise you that you aren't, I taught BMQ for years).  Find out what you are going to do to prevent yourself from UNNECESSARILY fucking things up and move forward.

If you focus on failing, you could lead yourself down that path.

Get a grip on your worry and your fear and don't let it determine your mindset.

Advice is free, you can take it or leave it but I've had this conversation with recruits before so...
Very early for me to start thinking of this. But is it possible to "opt" to do BMQ in the Summer full time, rather than on the weekends?  Or does it depend on the unit and course availability? I chatted with a former high school classmate, and he said he would have preferred doing his bmq in the summer as to get a more "thorough" experience.

Depending on how the co-op program at my university goes, I'm planning on applying before February.

Edit: grammar