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BMQ Regular Force 2005 - 2017 [Merged]

wangman said:
awesome! what trade?

Gonna be a MAT Tech when it's all over.
I'll also be enrolling in Toronto with you on the same day. Guess we'll see each other on the same flight haha.
VKCornes said:
I'm on AUGUST 17. When are you guys signing your contracts? You'll be my senior 😂

Swearing in on 5th of August. Pretty funny how we're just one week apart.
You're starting one week ahead of me but we're swearing in on the 30th of July. Oh well, I'll find you guys haha!
ATW91 said:
Hey there,

I also just got notified today that I will be starting BMQ on August 3rd. Counting the days until it begins already  :)

Your signature at the bottom says "New Westminster". Is that perhaps CFRC Pacific(Vancouver)? I'm trying to look for the vancouver people here. I just got called after Canada Day and I'm starting on the 17th of August.
wangman said:
I look forward to meeting you aiaiai :D

Hell yeah man! We're gonna be in this together (along with all the other people in our BMQ platoon of course).
I am from Edmonton so will be meeting you all in TO for the rest of the flight. I am 31.
I am also flying and when I know my travel arrangements I will let everyone know! Deskjockey43 I am glad you get to take the train, are you booking your ticket and getting reimbursed or are they booking it? If you book it via has sales on Tuesdays and you should try to book a business class ticket! Nice seats, lots of room, plus they feed you and give you drinks.
They are booking it.  Just like they book your flight.  I will be leaving on the Saturday and depending on the timing, will either see you all at the Montreal airport or at St. Jean.  Other than that we will get details on the travel arrangements at our swearing in.
Hey there,

Yes indeed from Vancouver. I will by flying out on the first of August (not certain on the exact details yet, but I am sure the recruiting centre will update me soon). Just in the middle of making arrangements with the moving and storage company at the moment, and then the swearing in ceremony next week. Also, I am 24 years old for those interested,
