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BMQ Regular Force 2005 - 2017 [Merged]

Awesome! Happy to see some more headed out for this date! What recruiting centres are you both out of? I am out of Barrie.
Yes I will be sent to Borden it's only a conservative 7 hr drive so it should be no problem.  Hope you hear soon as you can see it took almost a year for my processing and I really had to stay on top of the recruiting centre to make sure I was getting the proper info.
Infantryman, swear in on the 21st. Not 100% sure if i'll be there yet, might decline the offer to hold out for combat eng.
Scrap422 said:
Yes I will be sent to Borden it's only a conservative 7 hr drive so it should be no problem.  Hope you hear soon as you can see it took almost a year for my processing and I really had to stay on top of the recruiting centre to make sure I was getting the proper info.
Congrats! What trade where you offered?
AlphaBravo said:
I will be there, I fly out on the 24th!

Congratulations on your offer. I'm pleased to see your long wait has ended.

I'll be attending this BMQ as well. Good luck to everyone.
I've been told to take the bus on January 31, the next monday is January 2 so I guess we're on the same platoon.

I'm waiting for an email with all the files and the details somewhere this week..

Are you as hyped as I am? ;)
Anyone from Toronto headed to this BMQ?  Just got my call today.  Electronic-Optronic Technician (000327).
Anyone leaving from Abbotsford/Vancouver?

I leave from the Abbotsford airport at 6am, to Calgary, to Toronto, and then to Montreal.

I am very excited, I have only flown once so a little nervous. And I have no clue if the itinerary and invoice is what I print or not haha. I swear in next week. Very much so excited.
Just got that call today!
Got an offer, but I dont know what trade yet!

anyone else stat feb 15th?
The plane from TO to Montreal will be small just a heads up if you have any flying issues.

On another note does anyone know anything about the photo frame we have to buy are we supposed to bring a pic for it or is it for another purpose?
The photo frame is for a picture. Choose your picture wisely, since I've heard it could be a source of a lot of criticism during inspections.
Scrap422 said:
On another note does anyone know anything about the photo frame we have to buy are we supposed to bring a pic for it or is it for another purpose?

A good suggestion I read was to bring several pictures, possibly even one for each week - but don't sweat it.  Just nice to be able to have a bedside reminder of why you're there in the first place. 

Who's leaving from Toronto? Anyone?
Borisk what time will you be leaving from Toronto? Also would it be allowed to bring a photo of my family, and then also have a smaller picture in the same frame with my fiance in it?
Not sure when I leave Toronto as I'm still waiting to find out from my local CFRC.  I imagine they will have all that information for me when I come in like they asked to go over the paperwork and details of long term storage for my belongings and my lease cancelation.

As for photographs - I don't have many answers except :

-Don't worry about it too much
-What you have in mind (family + smaller fiancé picture) might fly and might not so to be safe bring both, or more even - gives you a chance to change it up.
-Many recruits don't even remember to bring one and end up with photos of other people's families in the frame, or dust bunnies...
-again most importantly... Don't worry too much about it : yes from what I've read / seen it is possible to get criticized on what ever is in (or isn't) in the frame, but I am imagining cleanliness and condition of your uniform, rack, items in your closet, other equipment, and most important your attitude are a touch higher on the radar of staff. 

I've heard they don't issue a sense of humour, you have to bring that from home (edited to include that isn't a call to be a smart*** just saying I'm sure like most endeavours in life a good attitude makes everything more enjoyable)  :)

A little over 45 days till BMQ... This is going to be a Christmas season to remember ;)

Happy holidays to all