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BMQ Regular Force 2005 - 2017 [Merged]

Brasidas said:
I remember a reserve BMQ course where the recruits were gathered into a gym with all of their kit, and each item would be called and demonstrated for them to lay out. One kid stood out in particular, frantically tossing his kit about for a number of items - going from one bag to another and back. After holding up the course a few times, a MCpl asked the recruit why he was having such a hard time finding pieces of his kit.
"...I mean, you packed your kit, right?"

"....no, MCpl."

"Who packed your kit, then?"

"...uh ...ummm ...my mom, MCpl."

The kid pretty much stayed mortified the rest of the course.

That is fuckin gold!!
I completed my basic in the blue sector, and in short: Yes, it's true it's harder to get organized initially in the blue sector. Having a good CPC is critical,  and the section commanders have to collaborate closely to make sure everyone is up to standard. What we personally did is that we took the best Ocdt. in the platoon at a particular task and copied him, and we'd correct small differences as the inspections went along. Section leaders would also go around to make sure everyone was up to snuff.

In the beginning what helps is also to have assigned tasks within your pod, up until everyone has most of their kit completed. We mostly managed by having everyone do their own stuff, then ask for help on things they weren't so good at, that way everyone knew how to do everything. For example I was good with boots, so I would help people in my section with that, while someone else would help me with my ironing. It's like in the green sector, but on a smaller scale, requires more personal initiative.

If your son is in week 2, I wouldn't worry too much. The staff will scream at them either way.
Hi Chelomo :) thanks for your post, it was very informative and I completely think this (more private quarters) is definitely the reason for the difficulty in achieving uniformity and team work! Hopefully it'll come together sooner rather than later :) I'm hoping things are going well for him and I'll get to hear from him again before too long -- perhaps this weekend if he gets time. I'm probably worrying more than he is, lol. I appreciate you taking time to post this and share your experience. I'm sure things will all work out in the end and they'll all be better men and women for the experience !

Chelomo said:
I completed my basic in the blue sector, and in short: Yes, it's true it's harder to get organized initially in the blue sector. Having a good CPC is critical,  and the section commanders have to collaborate closely to make sure everyone is up to standard. What we personally did is that we took the best Ocdt. in the platoon at a particular task and copied him, and we'd correct small differences as the inspections went along. Section leaders would also go around to make sure everyone was up to snuff.

In the beginning what helps is also to have assigned tasks within your pod, up until everyone has most of their kit completed. We mostly managed by having everyone do their own stuff, then ask for help on things they weren't so good at, that way everyone knew how to do everything. For example I was good with boots, so I would help people in my section with that, while someone else would help me with my ironing. It's like in the green sector, but on a smaller scale, requires more personal initiative.

If your son is in week 2, I wouldn't worry too much. The staff will scream at them either way.
Just wondering if anyone on here is in that space of BMQ? I am a soon to be Combat Engineer, just wanted to see if anyone wanted to talk before we all head off to BMQ. Finally got my call today 29/10/2014, leave out of London on January 3rd.
Hey spenny, I as well have that bmq start date. I am going for crewman. I'm not sure if it's armoured soldier or not.
Leochevalier said:
Hey spenny, I as well have that bmq start date. I am going for crewman. I'm not sure if it's armoured soldier or not.

Crewman=Armoured Soldier. It says right on the recruiting website if you want Armoured Soldier, select crewman.

Not to be an ass but why would you accepted an offer if you're not even sure what job it is?
KerryBlue said:
Crewman=Armoured Soldier. It says right on the recruiting website if you want Armoured Soldier, select crewman.

Not to be an *** but why would you accepted an offer if you're not even sure what job it is?
Yeah I understand.  It's just a lot of multi-term usage. My first choice was armoured soldier. Then CE then MSEop. I just wanted to clarify and you have helped.
KerryBlue said:
Crewman=Armoured Soldier. It says right on the recruiting website if you want Armoured Soldier, select crewman.

Not to be an *** but why would you accepted an offer if you're not even sure what job it is?

And then there are people like us still waiting for offers for positions we know.  :facepalm:
I, just like many, many others hope to be heading off to BMQ for Jan 5th.
AlphaBravo said:
I, just like many, many others hope to be heading off to BMQ for Jan 5th.

Jan 5th would be a dream come true. My fingers will be crossed between now and the start of next week when they begin the next round of selections.
AlphaBravo said:
I, just like many, many others hope to be heading off to BMQ for Jan 5th.

November selections are for BMQ's starting in February.
Moore said:
And then there are people like us still waiting for offers for positions we know.  :facepalm:

Yep, such is life  :crybaby:
When I was in basic earlier this year, we weren't "taught" how to iron or fold exactly. We had to figure out certain tricks and be uniform. That's the key. Everyone's ruck in the same place, everything from where your shaving cream and hygiene products and iron to the ruck sack. Once everyone is uniform the stress will die down. Everything is shown on a poster in the elevator room. For folding I found a 12" by 12" tile on the floor and used that for my guide. 7 by 7 shirts are given a paper template to use as a guide.

It comes in time but the key is be uniform on everything and everything that doesn't have a home or is not shown in the poster.
KerryBlue said:
November selections are for BMQ's starting in February.

Not what I heard from my CFRC and such. But you may be right. Never mind he's correct.
Jan 05 would be most excellent. Still waiting for a final medical decision from the RMO. It's been a month and a half so far, waiting waiting waiting, and I'm about to miss the next selection for my trade.

How much time in limbo can there be?

Just want to get it on, get it over with, and do my part.

I got my medical and interview and was pushed through no issues on April 22, I got an offer on the 29th Oct
The day has finally arrive, after a longgggg wait see you guys at the mega
Currently doing my basic now and I am in the green sector. Week 10 starting tomorrow. we were not shown how to fold anything at all, but yes, there is a poster by the door to the elevator room as previously stated. The tiles on the floor are perfect templates, however, you must ensure that everybody is folding the items the same way. For example, the rain jacket.. yes, you can get it down to 12x12, but you have to make sure everyone is folding it the same way to get it 12x12. We were only briefly shown how to iron our shirts, and how to polish our boots, how to make the bed.. but as far as locker layout goes, we were not shown anything. They continuously push everyone to work together to make sure you do it the same way. The first 4 weeks, you will more than likely be told you are worthless and everything in your room is garbage.
"Is that lint on your beret!?!?!  Do you know what happens when you get lint on your beret!?!? PEOPLE DIE!! THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS" 
and other crazy phrases like that.. don't stress out about it. It's going to happen even if your room is perfect lol.. and the harder it is for them to find something wrong, the madder they will get and could very well just start throwing shirts and stuff around as they "search for faults". lol.. just have fun with it. It's a game that requires a lot of patience and mental toughness. :-)
I got the offer in October for Infantry. I'm mad excited; just gonna be spending the next couple of months getting into better shape and get my BMI to a more acceptable range (currently at 26.5  :-\). Can't wait to see everybody there.

OP is also named Spencer, so if you meet another Spencer there it might be me. ;D
Spenny312 said:
Just wondering if anyone on here is in that space of BMQ? I am a soon to be Combat Engineer, just wanted to see if anyone wanted to talk before we all head off to BMQ. Finally got my call today 29/10/2014, leave out of London on January 3rd.

Hey Spenny,
My BMQ starts January 5th too, soon to be Combat Engineer as well!
Me too. Same as Mr. Kilo.  I'm also going to be a combat engineer and I believe that I'm also starting January 5.  Spenny, did you say you're from London?  I'm from Windsor.