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BMQ Regular Force 2005 - 2017 [Merged]

Hey Fred and carcosa, what are you guys going for?
Also there in the 19th.  Leaving from Halifax, you guys?
I'm from Saint-eustache, on the north shore of Montreal. I  chose artillery soldier,  is everyone doing the bmq in French?
I'll be arriving on the 19th for the BMQ on Monday 21st.
Infantry soldier.

I thought they held separate bmqs for english and french. Maybe two are starting around the same time?
Hey guys got the call today for sept 21st BMQ too. Army Communications and informations systems specialist. Can not wait to meet everyone.

I just got the call today, I was offered an infantry position. BMQ on the 21st for me :)
Valhrafn, there are different platoons starting at the same time some will be french some English, was told they didn't interact much but as still sister platoons and will graduate together and compete against each other.  Stuff like that.
Looks like 2 English and 1 french platoons this time.
Want to be there with you! Anyone know if there are any more spots for RMS clerks in this fiscal year?
Marchog said:
I'm not qualified to answer that question. That said...brace yourself for Base Boredom, and the nearby town of Anguish. Where dreams go to die.  8)

Man, I've heard this applied to pretty much any postings in the CAF. Honestly Borden is not that bad, at least its not Shilo. Toronto is but a short drive away if your interested in city life.
BinRat55 said:
You know what I always did... and still do during intense circumstances? I say to myself "Supper is only a few hours away. It WILL be here no matter what."

See, I like food.  ;D

This is great advice, I always focused on the next meal and before I knew it would be the end of the day. Food is a great motivator  ;D
I am also starting on the 21st. I officially start on the 19Th. I am joining as an ACISS.  :)    I'm going to be in one of the English platoons. BMQ wont be to far from my house lol. I'm from St-jean.  Can't wait to meet all of you.

So I recently started BMQ and this is what I wanna do with my life, except I have a small problem. I have a mortgage that is getting out of hand and I am considering consumer proposition or bankruptcy. Does it mean I will be fired from the CF? 
Mr.Sister said:

So I recently started BMQ and this is what I wanna do with my life, except I have a small problem. I have a mortgage that is getting out of hand and I am considering consumer proposition or bankruptcy. Does it mean I will be fired from the CF? 

Are you Regular or Reserve?

If Reg Force, how did this information not get processed at the Recruiting Centre before enrollment? Your finances are part of your background check.

However, to answer your question, if you become an administrative burden to the CAF (taking time off to attend bankruptcy hearings, garnishment of wages, creditor calls to your unit, etc) you can be released. The chances of that rise with the less training you have. Getting rid of you at the beginning will save the CAF money, training and administrative time. Best go talk to your CoC, before things get too out of hand.
Good day. So I'm off to basic tomorrow afternoon. Just a question out of curiosity regarding pay. I understand my take home pay and whatnot at basic, just wondering what the pay is right after, like during PAT or my occupational training. Thanks a lot, I'm super stoked to begin the new chapter of my life ( going for traffic tech )
Excited for you Newportarmy.
Two more weeks!  I'm swearing in on Tuesday in Halifax. Slowly starting to get my stuff all together.
nice there will be one other RMS clerk! I'm flying out of Victoria *I'm guessing since I live on Vancouver Island.