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BMQ Regular Force 2005 - 2017 [Merged]

Did you get to keep the fancy folder your certificate came in?

Congrats HL....can't wait to see the pics!
We are in!!! 11 days left till we met and become a family... See you soon!  :cdn:
My cfrc didn't give us a nice little certificate holder... We just got the certificate. I am jelous of all those who got one.  ??? I thought the cf try to make us all the same; march the same, clean the same, think the same... Well how about they treat us the same and give everyone a nice little holder...  ::)
And one more thing...

When we have to do thousands of :pushup: don't give up.... You might fell like you are :brickwall: .... but it is all worth it in the end because of two things.
Number 1 - We can wear this  :cdn: on our arm and be proud to serve our country!
Number 2 - We can do this  :cheers: with all our new friends and family to celebrate our achievement!

Don't give up, push all the way... Give 110%!!!
Edit : This was suppose to be in Aug 21st , but works here too

Okay , to start..

Sgt. Warawa :

Thank you for the advice it will be taken into some very serious consideration by all of us who are leaving for BMQ rather soon. Im sure we  all appreciate the time you have taken to let us know about these things. It helps , and it also scares us , lol.

About the Beep Test :

Guys , don't get to TOO freaked out about it where you can't stop thinking about it every day until you leave. If you are running ( practise sprinting and breathing techniques as well ) you should do JUST FINE on the beep test. I mean come on , we are the first to do this test and we wont be the last. And if you can't pass a Beep Test.. well , WHAT ARE YAH DOIN' IN THE MILITARY ANYWAYS!! Dont you KNOW theres running? Ha ha. Just CHILL.. RUN... and be HAPPY and EXCITED that you have been chosen for the military in the first place and be confident in everything you do. It's only... what? 10-20 minutex , this Beep Test? Thats only 20 minutes of your life you have to freakin push like theres no tomorrow and ' git er done ' ( I read that off of a truck and thought , wow , thats super inspirational Ha ha! )

As for Techie , running alone is definetley not the same as running with a supportive platoon. You will have Mcpl's up your arse screaming at you , most people tend to NOT STOP!  ;D Just think of it as a big Rottie about to bite your behind! If you are TRYING and out there running , you should have no problems. They arent there to purposley fail you!

Kudos on everyones Swearing In and hopefully I see most of you at the Bistro within our time there.

G'luck ,


Great photo HL.  You'll knock them dead in St Jean.  I'll bring some of the lads down from Ottawa for a drink!
Thanks BBJ...I'll be ready for a beverage after weeks in basic...I'm sure  :blotto:

Somehow, my entrance wasn't so glamourous....
I swear in on Tues, 23rd in Charlottetown..yeah...I have read a lot of the posts and I am so happy that this sounds like an amazing platoon.  Jesso you are a real morale booster....awesome.  I can hardly wait to meet all of you
Lol , if you'd like you can add me to Msn.


Can't wait to meet you and everyone else! Our platoon is going to rock!!!  ;D

Also guys... 7 DAYS AND A WAKE UP!!!!! For me atleast , Im countin' the day that I leave my house and I am on the go to St Jean Quebec!
We just have to watch each others back...we'll make it!!! I am nervous, scared, excited, and counting the days....hope these butterflies chilling out in the pit of my stomach leave soon.

I read another post that there is "NO I " in team...so true.  we are all equal going in..some better than others.

:cheers: to my new family. I am both honored and proud to be able to serve my country. Can hardly wait to meet you all.
Hey Jesso,

You made the paper way out here in Hali... I did a double take this morning  :o
Congrats again and all the best to you and your serving family.