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BMQ Readiness


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I was just wondering if anyone could answer a couple questions about the BMQ.  I had Pneumonia last year and have been trying my damndest to get my lungs back the soccer playing lungs they once were.  I'll be starting to meet with my unit and into "Depot"?  I guess...
Anyways, it won't be until January that I start BMQ and I have myself pretty worked up that I my cardio might not hack it.  Can anyone tell what to expect as far as running, and cardio workouts during my BMQ training?  Also, if anyone can suggest a good routine that will kick the crap out of my cardio, let me know.  Right now I run about a 1 km a day but I know I am able to run more than that.  (At least last year)lol.

Hey there,

    I know you're going to hear this,  from others,  but there are lots of great threads/postings on this topic already.  There is a search feature on this site that has directed me to some cool answers.

Now with that said,  I assume you've spoken with your Dr and you're good to train?  If not then do that first.

Now you know on BMQ you're going to do running right?  Well, you know the best exercise to train for running? Yup,  it is running. It is shocking how many people who can go on that elliptical thing for an hour hard suck wind after 10 minutes of running.  There is no substitution for running.  I recommend going to a "The running room" and looking for a running class.  It is a simple sport but one that has many many many injuries to people who don't know what they are doing.

Now,  start at where you're comfortable and then build slowly.  If you increase your speed/distance to much you will injure yourself. I know you're eager,  but if you go to hard to soon, you will do way more harm than good.


Now get a good pair of shoes, stretch and then run.  (And stretch afterwards)  Most people will tell you run 3 times a week,  no more.  Most people have the advice of "don't increase your time more than 30% PER week".  So if you run for only 15 minutes (which is the upper limit of where beginners should be) three times week one then next week you can run for 19-20 minutes week two.

There are at least 6 weeks before you're heading off to BMQ.  If you can run for 30 minutes at a "faster than unreasonably slow" speed. You'll be fine.

I can't emphasise how much it would suck to get injured prior to BMQ,  so don't.  Stretch lots,  listen to your body, take a class if you can,  running clubs are full of people who love to help and of course consult your Dr. (And I'm not just saying that to cover my butt,  really make sure you're good to go)

:warstory: And oh yea,  eat lots.  Stay off of the soup diet ;-)  I'm not a salesman,  but the book I LOVE (and give as Christmas gifts- because people ask me) is http://www.eatingforlife.com book  (I'm sure your library has a copy.)
The Running Room is a great store for purchasing your shoes. They will find a pair best-suited to support your ankle and feet. When I went in they had me run up and down the store in a few different pairs of shoes until my left ankle didn't roll so much (as it does, from an injury long, long ago). Expect to pay upwards of $100-160. I paid about $125 for mine but they were on sale from $169.99. Worth every penny.

Cheers and good luck.
Zell_Dietrich said:
I can't emphasise how much it would suck to get injured prior to BMQ,  so don't.  Stretch lots,  listen to your body, take a class if you can,  running clubs are full of people who love to help and of course consult your Dr. (And I'm not just saying that to cover my butt,  really make sure you're good to go)

Oh yes, I had a serious muscle strain in my lower leg about 6 weeks ago. I'm just getting back to light running now. What was it from?... It could have been a number of things such as the previous ankle roll injury I had or the fact I was pushing too many kms too quickly but most likely it was from a lack of stretching. I'm just lucky IAP is still almost 2 months away. :)

So yeah, stretch lots! Getting recoursed would most likely suck. (a lot)
I went to the running room here in Ottawa, I didn't find them that helpful, but it all depends on who is helping you. I bought my shoes at Sports 4. I don't know if its a chain of stores or not but they helped me a lot. Do not go to a store like sports check that's just going to try and sell you any old shoe. You want someone who knows the mechanics of the foot and will be able to hook you up with the best pair possible.
It isn't just stretching.  It is also form and not putting on to many Ks on to soon.  Beginning runners always always always make the mistake of increasing their distance to much and running to fast.

You want to improve your cardio,  I'm telling you here and now that unless you're missing half of your lung your "breath" will improve faster than your legs can keep up.

The Iliotibial Band is usually the first to get injured. http://www.time-to-run.com/injuries/thebig5/itb.htm

Now,  this may sound silly but I respect your decision to join.  I respect that you are smart enough to know to plan ahead and train in advance. Now please believe me when I say you'll be prepaid if you start now (now-ish),  start slowly and build slowly.  

I said this before,  I know people who can do the elliptical/bike/rollerblade hard for an hour and a bit but literally are sucking wind after 10-20 minutes of running. Running is the best for you,  it is also the hardest on your body.  So be smart (like you are being) and go get someone you know who runs to show you or take a class. Go to "the running room" and I know they will have resources there for you.  (I hate to pitch commercial places, but I do believe they are the best) Remember,  listen to your body.  If you train to hard you will injure yourself and you'll be far worse off than if you just sat on the sofa watching the weather channel.  (Me definition of hell)

Oh yea,  as a side note.  You'll likely be given your boots before you go to boot camp.  I'd recommend breaking them in while you can ... but do not run in them ;) There are allot of threads on what you'll need for your boots (insoles) but I will tell you right now,  get things called boot bands.  (little stretchy things that you can fold your pants under) It will save you more hassles and stress than any physical training you'll do. Also, if you're like me and you got tonnes and tonnes of used kit,  wash everything - even if it looks clean. Grab a sharpie and label EVERYTHING you were given.  Yes that includes your underwear.  Your unit will show you how (usually Lastname and last three digits of your number)

If you've got a good unit, which if memory serves I think you do, you should be able to have the Cpl who is in charge of looking after the recruits show you how to dress properly. (and BTW you'll not get the beret right, just don't take the lining out until you're done BIQ) And oh yea, before I forget don't stress to much.  From my experience the BMQ course is 70% mental exercise.  The CF wants you to succeed,  the instructors are there to bring you up to the level where you can pass.  (only if they believe you'll never meet that level will they punt you out)

once again,  many many many tips here on bmq.  Search function is awesome. But the biggest one I can give is "Listen to what your instructors say".  Honestly,  90% of everthing they care about they will give you lots of heads up on. (closely followed by never lie, mark all of your kit, always look busy, if you're given a 5 minute break take it, enjoy it but be done in 3) Oh yea,  address people by their rank.  Don't call NCMs/NCOs Sir,  you get two freebies then you're getting strips torn off of you. ;)
Krieger, the runs are not that bad. They start at about 3km and move upto 6km. Run a few times a week for practice but don't overdue it; any injury before bmq is not a pretty thing.

Thanks for your comments guys.  All kind of eases my mind.  Dietcrich is right, I don't think anyone should want to just get by in any stage of training.  I will have more peace of mind knowing that there is no reason for failure, because before I started I exceeded the minimum requirements for BMQ.  Thanks for the prep ideas guys and thanks again.
B coy eh! Way to go they are a good bunch of guys I hear. I'm just waiting on the call. Maybe we'll be on the same BMQ/SQ? I hear the loop around Aldergrove is about 5km? Get ready to run wooohoooo!
Ya I can't wait for the call either.  I've been talking to a guy named Cpl. Smith at the Westies recruiting office and he said that the BMQ for Jan. is filling quick and the deadline is coming up soon.  Hopefully Ottawa lights a fire under themselves and gets both of us set up so we can join the BMQ an SQ coming up soon.

What Unit are you joining up with Samsquanch?
I've been running the 2.4 every two/three days I've got my time to 10 mins. At the beginning I was sucking wind and getting high 12's. I think I'm going to shoot for a little more distance now I can giv'er for all six laps. My running shoes really helped cros trainers not as good. I'm going for B coy as well nice and close to home. Good to see someone close to my age starting at the beginning. Look forward to seeing you there, good luck on a early BMQ/SQ date. When did your file get sent to Ottawa? Mine was sent yesterday I was told to wait about a month for results (things slow down around Christmas). Can't wait for the first jacking at BMQ and some snappy one liners. ;D
I had my interview and physical a month ago and the capt. that interviewed me said the file would go out immediately.  Hope that was the case. :)  Anyways, I hear B coy is a really good unit as well.  If you're going into that unit, chances are if I don't get into the next BMQ, we'll be in depot together.  My name's Daniel, probably cya around there.

Good luck.
I am about a week away from graduation right now in Borden and we have been doing 20 minutes a day of straight running about 5 km a day, not too bad but you might want to add a little bit to that 1k.
Sprints are a good way to gain overall speed. Jog half lap sprint half lap then go back to a good jog again.....I bet you'll notice a difference next time you run after doing this giv'er for 6 laps at least doing that. Uphill running is really good too to get some more power in your stride. Well see you around Daniel my name is Kris. Hope to see you in BMQ 
Sprints are a good way to gain overall speed. Jog half lap sprint half lap then go back to a good jog again.....I bet you'll notice a difference next time you run after doing this giv'er for 6 laps at least doing that. Uphill running is really good too to get some more power in your stride. Well see you around Daniel my name is Kris. Hope to see you in BMQ

They will have you doing that in BMQ as well.
I wish all the recruits the very best on their BMQ. It is a great course and given that you have paid enough attention to read this forum
you are head an shoulders above most new pers. My own experience has been as follows. I arrive for a course concerned, nervous but  by the time you are completed you ask yourself what was I worried about. Keep your head in the game and shut up and learn.  :cdn:

A wise Master Jack once told me that although no one seems anxious to say it
Training can be an Enjoyable experience.
When I get there I plan to shut up and listen as much as possible....Besides doing that, what are some things that result in getting jacked. I'm sure most will get jacked no matter what they do. lol... Basically I'm looking for things not to do before I get some knowledge under my belt. Will they let you know right away who is a sir who to salute so on.....  :salute:
You can start with...forgetting the words...

"uh huh"  "ya"  "yup" and all that stuff.

When I went thru Bacic, we called the instructors "Staff" until we received the CF Rank Structure lesson.

My advice?

Do WHAT you are told...when you are told...how you are told.  Never be last.  Never ask "why?" when given a order or direction.

The rest will fall into place.

What you are told.  When you are told.  How you are told.

Good luck!