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BMQ on Aug. 7 in St. Jean?

Please post useless nonsense. So I have to wade through 56 days of the civillian street till I experience the good life of voluntarily signing up to be yelled at and critiqued daily, my God it is going to be awsome.
Don't worry folks....he's already on the radar.    ::)

sorry  for  the  language  but i went  and corrected my language  error some  else fix my post  tx    was good  repair  did not mean to offend anyone

il refrain from using  foul language

Good to hear you're all working out hard. I've been running about 5km every 3-4 days, and biking on the other days. I do some chinups on the monkey bars along the way. I do a few sets of 25 pushups everyday. I do situps every second night. I used to go to the gym to lift, but I've slowed down with that.

The early risings seem to be a problem for me. I set my alarm to wake up early and it always turns into a battle with the snooze button...:p

Good luck with your PT and keep getting pumped up for August.
Jhonnyp19 said:
Well, only like one and half months left!!! ;D

What have you guys been doin training wise??  I have been jogging alot and doin some push-ups / sit-ups in the mornings.

I not to worried about the physical side of things, its more the getting up at 5am that will be tough for the first few days!!!

I've been doing continuous sets of pushups, situps, and bicep curls with no rest periods (from a navy seals training guide) every second day.  I'm also running anywhere from 5-8km about 3 times a week (whenever my shins will allow it).  Aside from that, I'm a mountain biker. :)

For some reason my pushups wont improve and I don't have the slightest clue why.  I've tried regular sets, sets to full exhaustion, triangle/diamond pushups, placing my feet on a chair, etc.  Nothing will get me past the 20-23 barrier. :(

I can't wait to start BMQ, it's going to be a long 2 months.
ArmyDave, go to the gymand  hammer out with some close grip bench press/ skull crushers/ etc.
ArmyDave said:
For some reason my pushups wont improve and I don't have the slightest clue why.  I've tried regular sets, sets to full exhaustion, triangle/diamond pushups, placing my feet on a chair, etc.  Nothing will get me past the 20-23 barrier.
add weight. Work the lower body harder. And start doing chin-ups/pull-ups.
Well I am glad to see that everyone is at least preapring a little for the course!!

Personally I run back from work (about 5K) 3-4 times per week. And I do some push-ups/sit-ups in the mornings!!

I've been running/walking 8 or 9 km every couple of days, situps and pushups every day.

And I get lucky, because I have to be up every work day at 4:30, the 5 am wakeup calls are going to be a-ok!  =)
Just to let you all in on a bit of info....

My Sqn's weekly run (we do PT everyday as a troop, no days off) usually goes for around 11 - 15kms at a good pace (1hr 20 mins avg)

Along with the running we do about 40 pushups and the same for crunches for a WARM UP.

During the run we stop every few km and do about the same amount of each again and again.

Now for troop PT, it's a bit of running (approx 8km), ruck marches, and a mix of sports or unarmed combat.

Point is....get used to it. It never stops.....especially in the combat arms trades.

You are only starting.....and must continue to better yourself each day.

My $0,02 worth

I've been doing the usual running. 3-6k 5 times a week. Pushups/situps/pullups. Also working a lot with a kettlebell. Anyone who is seriously into strength training should look into kettlebells.
My workout yesterday:

3 sets of pullups (6-8 reps).
3 sets of lat pulldowns (10-12 reps).
3 sets of seated rows (10-12 reps).
3 sets of deadlift (6-8 reps).
4 sets of bicep curls (10-12 reps).

Then running for 30 minutes at the end. Today I'll rest!
Misfit - Combat Engineer

Sparkplugs - Aviation Systems Tech

Jhonnyp19 - Infantry

Joe Simpson - Infantry

Cody (CanadianGrunt) - Infantry

SigOpDraco - Signal Operator

cccccaatt  - Infantry

Did I miss anyone?  Let me know.  I'm so excited.... 80 hours of work left!
OK good. This thread can return to normal without his crazy posts.

As for that list...I'm looking to Sparkplugs to give us an update!
misfit said:
OK good. This thread can return to normal without his crazy posts.

As for that list...I'm looking to Sparkplugs to give us an update!

Done, aaand done.  =)

Getting excited yet?
OK good. This thread can return to normal without his crazy posts.
normal? NORMAL? You do realize that you're about to embark on what may the most momentous event of your life, right? And that you're volunteering to do some truly insane stuff? And that you will spend the next 3 years on a roller-coaster of intense boredom and even more intense action?

Ain't nuthin' gonna be "normal" again.


Kiddin'. I kid because I love.
paracowboy said:
normal? NORMAL? You do realize that you're about to embark on what may the most momentous event of your life, right? And that you're volunteering to do some truly insane stuff? And that you will spend the next 3 years on a roller-coaster of intense boredom and even more intense action?

Ain't nuthin' gonna be "normal" again.


Kiddin'. I kid because I love.

It will likely become more normal than the life I lead right now, hehe.

I can't wait to embark on the craziness.