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BMQ October 28th


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Heading to St-Jean on October 26th from St. Johns! Just wondering who will be there?
Hey all, sworn in on 24th Barrie ON. Fly out of Toronto on the 26th. Combat Engineer.
Just got the call today, don't have the sate I am leaving yet. But will see yeas all there! (EO Tech )
Today was my last day at my job, so I guess that means I can't chicken out now LOL Anyone else unemployed til Basic yet?
mapleleafs said:
Heading to St-Jean on October 26th from St. Johns! Just wondering who will be there?
I'm also from St. Johns and will be leaving on the 25th
Has anyone got sworn in yet? I wont be getting any information until two days before my flight..I wouldnt mind having a list of things I will need for basic.. anyone with any other information than http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/13460/post-59845.html#msg59845 this thread? Thanks for any other help in advance.
You should've gotten a copy of the CFLRS info booklet when you accepted your offer, but if not, email your file manager/recruiter and ask for a copy. It has the packing list, plus the info about the shuttle and general rules and regs and such. I don't swear in til the day before, which is stressful with so much travel involved (I'[m flying from Edmonton!)
TinaK said:
You should've gotten a copy of the CFLRS info booklet when you accepted your offer, but if not, email your file manager/recruiter and ask for a copy. It has the packing list, plus the info about the shuttle and general rules and regs and such. I don't swear in til the day before, which is stressful with so much travel involved (I'[m flying from Edmonton!)

Thank you for the information Tina I was told by my recruiter that I had to wait until the 24th which then I only have 1 full day of getting everything together.. not the greatest thing lol. I re-emailed him and asked for this info booklet.
I'll be there as well, I'm flying in on Oct 26 from Halifax, and Armoured.

* edited my travel date
Add me to the list, Infantry for me. Heading out the 26th. Swearing in this Friday.
ZVH said:
Add me to the list, Infantry for me. Heading out the 26th. Swearing in this Friday.

Congrats, my swearing in is Thursday in Halifax.
AforReg said:
:cdn: See ya'll There! Swearing in on the 23rd in Cowtown, Flying out the 26th! :cdn:

Swear in on the 23rd? there leaving it to the very end lol. Im leaving from Charlottetown on the 26thas well, although my swear in is this Friday 18th. See you on the Plane!
You think the 23rd is bad, mine is on the 25th LOL

So What platoon are you guys all on? There are apparently three English ones all starting the same day (and no French ones, interestingly), so we could be spread all across them.
Hey, I get sworn on the 22ND and leave on the 26Th. From what my papers say I'll be in the 0009 platoon.
My swearing in is tomorrow morning, and I'm going to be 0009e platoon.