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BMQ October 2007 - ALL locations

dam, should have finished my enlistment in halifax good luck to all of you hope to see you there if not ill be arrive few weeks later  :salute:
Rockstar said:
There are 90 of us getting sworn in at Windsor Park on the 29th sept just before we get on the bus for Halifax airport.  Every one of us from NS.

I'm also dealing with CFRC Halifax... last I heard(few weeks ago) my med file was being reviewed by the RMO, after it clears I should be merit listed... I'd love to get a Oct BMQ date.. I reapplied back in Feb... what else do you know about the swearing in? has everyone already been contacted? I still haven't receieved a job offer, would be cool if I left Oct 1.. I'm calling the RC soon for an update.
I called my CFRC today for an update... was told that I should be getting my call sometime this week... so I might be on a Oct BMQ date afterall, we'll see.
Got my call this morning, I start BMQ in St. Jean October 8 (leaving from halifax on 7th) course # 0090... the wait has been long (7 months) but glad to finally have a job offer.
My medical file is being reviewed for approval. since tuesday it should go smoothly. they told me it took 5 days. now is it 5 business days lol...and how long after ur medical did u get the call? im hoping to leave on the october bmq! and also, what is the pay when on bmq...do u get a salary?
Congrats everybody!  I'm gonna keep an eye out for y'all

marie1987 said:
My medical file is being reviewed for approval. since tuesday it should go smoothly. they told me it took 5 days. now is it 5 business days lol...and how long after ur medical did u get the call? im hoping to leave on the october bmq! and also, what is the pay when on bmq...do u get a salary?

Did they do your security check yet?  Mine took a while.  I did my medical back in May, but I was chalked full of little issues between the security check and the medical. 
Apperently I have a heart murmur I never knew about until the PA checked me out.  There is no way to know how long.  Every individual recruiting process is unique.  Honestly the best thing you can do to get that kind of info is call them and ask.

Now to answer your questions.  Yes it is buisiness days and yup we start off with out salary, ~30k/year  :D
Hey all,
I am swearing in on Sept 19th  :cdn:. I be heading off anywhere between 27th-29th will find out official date when I am sworn in.
My course ID #0089 in St.Jean and I will be going in as an LCIS TECH. I will be sworn in @ CFRC Toronto and be Flying from Pearson Intl. Looking forward to seeing you all. Best wishes and best of luck with your Careers in the CF :salute: :cdn:.

Swearing in on the 19th of September and will be leaving on October 6th for my course 0090 that starts on the 8th.
I swear in on the 25th in Ottawa, and start in st jean on the 8th of october. be seeing some of you folks there.
for those that are on facebook there's a new group for us recruits starting bmq in october.. it's simply BMQ October 2007.. it'd be a good way to know some people before ya go.
Does anyone know if they will be holding another BMQ in CFB Borden?? alot of our guys from ontario and west would colst less to ship to borden then to St-Jean... I live in Borden now and I would be free to move to the barracks, makes sense? and my MOC training is in Borden, it would be more efficient to be in borden for the 14 week BMQ and stay for the 54 week MOC wouldn't it?? and my baby girl is scheduled to be born in February, and I really don't wanna miss it... oh BTW I'm going AVN Tech... Peace!
swofford said:
Does anyone know if they will be holding another BMQ in CFB Borden?? alot of our guys from ontario and west would colst less to ship to borden then to St-Jean... I live in Borden now and I would be free to move to the barracks, makes sense? and my MOC training is in Borden, it would be more efficient to be in borden for the 14 week BMQ and stay for the 54 week MOC wouldn't it?? and my baby girl is scheduled to be born in February, and I really don't wanna miss it... oh BTW I'm going AVN Tech... Peace!

You will go where there is room for you when its time for BMQ, plain and simple.
in response to the last post, when are you leaving for BMQ in the end of october, do you know the exact date? I would like to know if there are any courses after the 16th?
marie1987 said:
in response to the last post, when are you leaving for BMQ in the end of october, do you know the exact date? I would like to know if there are any courses after the 16th?

i should have the exact date in afew days. My recruiter told me " expect to go at the end of october "
Ok so there was no exact confirmation right? It was kind of a maybe? Because last week i called the recruiting center and they told me i should be getting the call this week, and when i did my medical and interview they told me to expect leaving in the end of october. I got the call today but i couldnt answer so I'm pretty sure it was the offer, I have to call tomorrow to talk to them, i don't know if they will tell me the date I'm leaving..
Yeah I'm just waiting for them to call me, i'm kinda chomping at the bit here, itching to get my date and get sworn in.

I'm wondering if the courses are divided by languages. Like french and english are in different groups?