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BMQ OCT3rd to DEC16th <-----Who's Attending?

hey free,
I just thought of something, even though we're not doing Basic in the same place, we'll likely end up doing MOC in Kingston at the same time.

Any other Sig Ops out there going to basic on Oct 3?
P-Free said:
Also, anyone with MSN add me ; p-unit@hotmail.com

Let's chat and sip tea before we get there.

I would love to chat and sip tea before getting to BMQ but I cannot chat as my only computer access is at work. However, if those who are going to Borden Oct. 3 would like to drop me a line, that would be great!  :)
Congratulations everyone and good luck at bmq.

I got asked yesterday at my unit if I wanted to attend a bmq at the end of this month. Maybe it's the same one as yours? I can't get the time off my civvie job until January though, and I want more time in my unit to prepare. I've been training much harder and I just want my old bones to be ready this time. I don't plan on doing bmq again!

My unit's got some range training coming up. Also, there are about 8 recruits who won't even be going to bmq until next April, so unlike when I was sent (2 days after being sworn in with no time in unit) I think they are at an advantage and I'd like to take that time to get ready too.

Fry to answer your question, yes Borden is a Naval Reserve Training Division, but when I was there we had reg force airforce folks in our platoon and there was lots of army training going on too. My instructors were one from each element (navy, air and army).

I didn't spend any time to speak of in Borden, but did make it to Barrie and to Wasaga beach.

Anyway, congratulations again to all of you.
I'm confused....you are RES? And going on BMQ with REG force peeps? I thought training was totally seperate, DIFFERENT....

Yes we will have NAVY and AF on our course, all elements in the same course, on the same platoon  ...


Yeah, I didn't know that Res and reg force trained together at bmq, since res bmq is a hell of a lot shorter than reg force bmq.
Army is the only element that has a special BMQ for reserves. The other reserve elements have reg force BMQ.
Troops to all those going to Borden to do BMQ, I can help answer a few questions....
1. current course is in a transition phase from 11 to 13 weeks long.
2.Reg force and reserves are trained there, reservists primarily in the summer with some reg dispersed between.
3. At any given time there will be up to 5 courses in house starting in sept

If you need any more info ask me, I will answer it if I can, or if I think you need to know
One question has been plagueing me, the CF will fly me from Ontario to St Jean to start,  will they fly me home for christmas and then to my next location??
After your successfully pass your BMQ the army will foot the bill to fly you to wherever your next course is running, and as for flying you home at christmas, if you are single the army usually pays for the majority if not all your ticket price.
Dont panic the army should foot the bill because you are on course, make sure you address this day one of the course and your staff should be able to sort you out. As you will learn on your BMQ and through future traing etc. Single pers and married pers are entitled to different things. For example single pers get most if not all there ticket paid for once a year, married guys like us get hosed, if in doubt ask your corse staff like I stated
I am headed out to Borden for the Oct 3- Dec 16 BMQ,  I am in training cousre 0253.  I can't wait to get there,  send me a PM and we can talk on MSN. I get sworn in next friday here in Ottawa,  hope to see some of you there!  Man these 21 days arent going fast enough.
0253 eh? I'm on 0252. Probably see ya there..

Looks like they are running more than one course, if you don't have your course number by now you should get it at your swearing in or at least ask for it there...

P-Free said:
0253 eh? I'm on 0252. Probably see ya there..

Looks like they are running more than one course, if you don't have your course number by now you should get it at your swearing in or at least ask for it there...


UGH, they are infact running more than one course at that date... I wish I could get my course number.
Fry said:
UGH, they are infact running more than one course at that date... I wish I could get my course number.
Try calling your CFRC, or ask at your swearing in ceramony.
0252 Baby! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, See ya there Freeman!
So anyoneknow if the differnet course number, 0252 and 0253, we all seem to be in, is a reffernce to our training platoons? or maybe even sections?  Cause that's something I 'd like to know.

and its only 17 daysnow...  man I can't wait