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BMQ for reservists, is 13 weeks an option?

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Despite your future intentions, you are currently being recruited for the Reserves.  Now please return to the start of this thread and read through it again to reassess the applicability of responses posted to date.

Alright, I have already but I still am clueless.  I'm sorry but I didn't really get an answer from your post. :/  I would think this would be a need for the army instead of a need for me. 
It's not really an Army need though. If you're going to join the reserves, they'll train you as far as you need to be trained for that job. No point going further.
To add.
Went out with a few friends tonight,they also told me we now have direct entry Sgt's as well.No qualifications on any other vehicle than G-wagon.They took their reserve ARCC,and 6A on a g-wagon and are now patrol commanders in a regular force unit.

Anyone considering a career in ARMD should maybe take a look at the reserve force first.Start there,get your qualifications quicker/promotions quicker then CT.I know in reserve ARMd a guy who has time to do the courses and joins at 16 can be a sgt by 24-25.Well worth the effort,as you then have 25 years to get promoted a mere 3 ranks in the NCM trade.

That's my suggestion to anyone considering a career as a crewman.

Long gone are the days of a reserve SSM or WO getting busted down to Cpl.
brendanthompson said:
Would they take me if I offered to be trained for free for the extra like 5 or so weeks?

Absolutely!  They would be more than happy to accommodate you.  (That's what you want to hear; right?)

Now!  GIVE IT A REST!  It isn't going to happen.  Stop making an ass of yourself.  NO means NO!
metilhed said:
Hi, the title says it all.

Im wondering if, as someone in the reserves,  i even have an option of the 13 week course instead of the 6 week one, and all those weekends.

I just finished a contract with a job and have nothing going on and if i could do 13 i would really like to.

any insight?

I'm in a similar position applying for the Reserve force.  My recruiter instructed me that I had the option of taking summer training (five weeks or w/e it is) OR ten straight weekends.  It's not thirteen. 
It may be different for other Reserve units, but in Lethbridge at the 18th regiment, this is the case. 

I'm going to guess that your reason for joining the Reserves is due to either not being able to commit fully to the Army yet OR you essentially have a career/life outside the CF that you would like to keep going. 
I'd suggest taking in the advantages of the ten straight weekends (you still get paid if that's a concern) and enjoying your civilian life during the week.  If you have nothing else going on, why not as someone else said, join the Regular force. 

I want the Reserve option myself because I have a Journalism career that will begin after graduating from College in April, but I may in the future switch to Reg. Force. 

Honestly sounds like you really want to go to BMQ.  My advice is, if that's what your heart wants, join the Reg. F and make sure you can do that!  By the sounds of it Reg. F gets in before Reserves and that makes sense, they're willing to commit fully. 

Good luck!

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