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BMQ for July 2011

Hi SdtGrondin,

I'm from Montreal and my primary tongue is French but I've been on a 6 months contract at the Eastern Ontario Health Unit within communications so I got time to take my English higher back there and made many friends that only speaks English. So I decided to make the course all in English because I will need to work in both languages anyways, I'm on that new trade called "Land communication specialist" there were only 10 positions Canada-wide... Since communications school is based in Kingston (Ontario), that will end up being a wise decision from mine to get better at communicating in English with my platoon-mates anyways, hope you do great and have a good time in St-Jean!

Cheers  :camo:
i'll leave Sherbrooke at 9-10 o`clock and i'll be at St-Jean for noon  ;D

Im not taking the bus/train but we'll probably see each other directly there

BTW my Real name is Maxime Grondin (In case we see each other)  :P
Stacked said:
It's starting to get closer ladies and gents.  Does anyone else have their travel times yet?  I'm leaving Kingston at 9:21am, and I will arrive in Quebec just before noon. NavyHopeful and I are going to meet at the station there and then take the shuttle together to the Airport.  If anybody else is going to be at the bus/train station at those times, let us know and we can all grab the shuttle together.

And don't forget to complete your security clearances and have your autobiography done!

About the security clearance, I'm not sure what needs to be done. Is there a form that we need to fill???

Thanx for advice!
Don't get too stressed about the security form...your clearance can take years to complete. Just make sure that you have all of the information with you when you go to BMQ. You will be turning it into the staff there. And be prepared for some VERY hot weather if it is anything like last year. I did my BMQ in July, and it was like an oven when i got off the plane. I guess it depends on where you are coming from.  :cdn:
Stacked said:
Mine came in my joining instructions package.

They will also give you the forms at BMQ. If anyone would like a copy of the forms, send me a message and I will e-mail them to you.  :cdn:
Well, there you go then. I just happened to have a copy stored on my hard drive. Good luck to all of you, and whatever you do, do not submit a VR. You WILL regret it!  :cdn:
oh that form, mine has been filled and sent to my CFRC a while ago, thanx for the info though!
I will be at the JULY 11th course. Leaving JULY 9th from KINGSTON, ON - COMMUNICATOR RESEARCH
I think the reality of the situation is starting to set in for me as I sit here with two weeks left till BMQ.

I'm more excited for BMQ then I ever was for Christmas as a kid. That can't be healthy, right? lol
I know what you mean...  It's the mixture of excitement, fear, anxiety, awe, and everything else.  At least it is for me.  I've been more physically active in the last two to six months than I ever had been since college (2003).  It's definetly showing too, as I have lost about 27 to 30 pounds since January, and I'm looking to lose a bunch more once I get to CFLRS.

Doing my part to meet thew requirements, and be a functioning member of my platoon.  Look forward to meeting everyone on R0406E on July 9th!

Good luck to the rest!

NavyHopeful said:
I know what you mean...  It's the mixture of excitement, fear, anxiety, awe, and everything else.  At least it is for me.  I've been more physically active in the last two to six months than I ever had been since college (2003).  It's definetly showing too, as I have lost about 27 to 30 pounds since January, and I'm looking to lose a bunch more once I get to CFLRS.

When I did my medical last July they were a bit concerned that I was 278. Mind you I am also 6'4 and it was the off season from hockey so I wasn't my best shape. I re-did my medical the day I swore in this July and was down to 240. The medic asked me what my secret was :P.
Um... nervous???

:nod: :nod:

Definitely...  that's why I've been hitting the gym every day and  :pushup: and  :PT: until I look like this:  :stars:

Sorry about the overload of emoticons, but I just had to add the PT and Pushup guys...  they are so inspirational...

Stacked said:
Enjoy this weekend ladies and gents..  For those of you starting July 4th, this is your last one. 
So who's nervous?  ;D

I am enjoying my last weekend, but my liver isn't lol.

I have some slight nerves, but the excitement is over taking it. We'll see how that feels when we meet as a platoon with the staff and things begin to roll.
Im excited, not really nervous, just want to make sure I don't forget anything.  :P I was more nervous for the swearing in ceremony, wanted to make sure I was dressed nice ;D
My Swearing ceremony is in 6 days, anything i should know?... my recrutment center didnt inform me about it, they said be there at 8AM.
Am i okay if im dress with my ''everyday'' cloths or...?
I'm a bit nervous about it...  ;D
But You Know, It's more excitement and stuff than stress and fear.
i can't wait to be a real soldier  :salute:
This summer will be awesome!
For my part ''The Summer Of My Life''
Good Luck Guys!  :cdn:
SdtGrondin said:
my recrutment center didnt inform me about it,

Sure they did. They informed you of the date, time and place of the ceremony.