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BMQ for July 2011

R29 said:
Hi everyone, happy to say that I will be joining you for the July 4th BMQ.


Hopefully I'll be joining you. What trade did you pick?
WSON: I had applied as a Signal Operator but was told that will be switching to ACISS.

STACKED: I guess the only thing to do is wait and find out! Chances are we will run into one another at some point.
Yea same thing ACISS too, Will be interesting to see how it works, and all the diffrent paths all of us ACISS guys will be taking.
I'm in for the July 11th as a Land Communications and Information Systems Technician!

Cant wait to see you there guys :)
Stacked said:
Congratulations NikiVL, will be seeing you at the mega I am sure!

So I finally threw up a Facebook group..  search "Basic Military Qualification - St.Jean, July 2011." 

Feel free to join. It'll be cool to get to know some of you guys before we leave.

I can't find your group, could you please post the link?
wson said:
Yea same thing ACISS too, Will be interesting to see how it works, and all the diffrent paths all of us ACISS guys will be taking.

Awesome! good to hear there is another ACISS on the course. It will be pretty interesting, especially since this is the first year they are combining the three trades.
I've been training for a little while now. I do my workouts every other day for now, going to switch to every day workouts about a month before. Currently I use one day out of the hundred pushups book to start my workout, gives me 100 pushups nice and quick, then do core strength for about 20 minutes, then 3 sets of pullups (as many as I can each set), then go for a run, I've slowly built up to 5km so far.  Throughout the day I try and do a max rep set of pushups every hour if I have time (I just started doing this so I tend to forget! It's been more like every 2 hours).

That's what I've been doing to get ready, just have to make sure you stay ontop of it and don't get lazy, that's the hardest part!!!

Keep at it and enjoy the burn!

Good day,

I was notified by my CFRC today that I will be attending the July 4th 2011 BMQ!!!!

Sleath said:
Good day,

I was notified by my CFRC today that I will be attending the July 4th 2011 BMQ!!!!


Congrats, Sleath!

I think i have an offer pending an updated medical for the July 11th BMQ.
Im going in for AC-OP (airforce) , flying out of toronto july 2nd.
ayo23 said:
I think i have an offer pending an updated medical for the July 11th BMQ.

Good day,

Awesome news, hopefully you get the call after your medical update, see you all there!

Well guys, I guess you can add one more to the July 11th BMQ...

I called my recruiter today for an update and he told me that my offer and BMQ dates are set in the computer system, but it's not "official" until they call me either this week or next week.  He didn't seem to think it'd take to long because it's already in the system, though.

Just waiting for the "technicality" phone call, and I'll be joining you guys at St. Jean!!!

Now to double my workouts...  Going to have to switch from P90X classic to P90X Doubles...  BRING IT ON!!!


They've told me I got my primary request... Weapons Engineering Technician.  Was supposed to be NE Tech(S), butthey amalgamated all of the NE Tech trades with the NW Tech... so I'll take it anyways.  It's pretty much what I wanted.

Now I figure I have 2 months to lose about 25-40 lbs.  I'm gonna have guys and gals 10 years younger than me, and I don't want to be the slow one that holds the platoon back...

Bring the rain!!!

Not exactly sure just yet...

I might drive myself out (I live just outside of Ottawa) or I may await my orders at the Swearing in Ceremony.  I may opt in for the flight out on the Friday night/Saturday morning in order to catch the shuttle bus to the Mega...

Guess we'll see when the time comes.

I'll keep posted once I receive my "formal" offer, but for now, I'm psyched and training my fat little butt off!!!  I gotta keep up to you youngin's!!!


TheUnitedEmpire said:
@ r29, wson and Gid86....

Starting BMQ July 4th, ACISS.  See you there, we can suffer together.

NICE. See you there homie.
Good point, Stacked, but my wife is expecting our first son on July 14th, so I think I'm going to leave her the car.  She doesn't have her licence, but anyone driving her to doctor's appointments and stuff can use my car.  I'll probably just take the train or the bus.

Hell, I might just take two weeks before BMQ starts and run there...  At least I'd be in good shape for all the PT we're gonna do!!! (just kidding, of course... that would be stupid and insane)

As long AS I get there, I don't care HOW I get there...

Just can't wait!!!
